Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 17

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“Just great.” Hisayo spoke under her breath.

He was the one the Hokage said that she knew? She didn’t know him at all apart from agreeing to start up a friendship with him just yesterday, which she was already wary of.

“Well what do you know, Kakashi is here on our team.” Akio closed his eyes and smiled.

“And I have a feeling you’re part of the reason why sensei.” Hisayo shot a glance to Akio who just gave a nervous chuckle while scratching the back of his head.

“I might have been, yes.”

“So you three already know each other then? That’s great! Saves us a lot of introduction time, so let’s get down to business.” Takeshi gave a grin and Kouzetsu barked in compliance.

“I guess it can’t be helped now. As I said before Kakashi don’t expect the same treatment.” Hisayo reminded the masked man and walked passed him towards Takeshi and her companion.

“And as I said before, I wasn’t going to, but let’s at least be nice okay, Hisayo?” Kakashi said lazily as he put his hands in his pockets and followed.

“It’s Hisayo-san to you until otherwise noted.” Hisayo turned her head and corrected.

She would agree to their friendship yes, and she would also stand by her words from before, but that didn’t mean that she was going to change or open up so quickly. If she was going to be friendly with him like he wanted, then he would have to prove himself and make her lose the wariness she felt around him.

“Alright fine, but you don’t have to be formal with me, okay?” Kakashi continued to follow behind.


Akio just watched with amusement. Yup, this definitely was a good idea, especially when he now knew of Hisayo’s intention to keep the bonds she made. Her demeanor could you use a bit of improvement on the matter though he thought with a small sigh.

“Sensei, you’re going to get left behind.” Hisayo called from across the field that she and the others had started making their way across.

Akio mentally shook himself from his thoughts and caught up with a light smile playing on his face.


“So you’re on a new team now? What kind of team? Is it a team for super secret missions? Come on tell me Hisayo-san!” Naruto excitedly questioned as he walked down the road with his white haired friend.

Hisayo had agreed to taking him out to eat ramen and meet his main teacher from the academy, Iruka. He had asked her about what she was doing now that she was cleared from the hospital and when she told him, the result was an explosion of questions.

“Calm down Naruto. Yes I’m on a new team and I don’t know what we will be doing. I suppose just normal missions for the time being.” Hisayo replied with a light inward chuckle. Sometimes the boy was just so hyperactive.

The subject now started to jump around in her mind. Akio was also on the team, so what was she going to do about Naruto now?  She could ask Akio to keep his summon, Karasu, around the boy, but then Naruto would be left completely alone should Akio need to summon him to the field. Perhaps she should just have one of her own summons keep an eye on him from a distance and help him if needed. She had plenty of others she could gain assistance from during a mission, so there wouldn’t be any problem. That did seem like the best option at the moment.

“Here it is Hisayo-san. Ichiraku Ramen! Best ramen in Konoha!” Naruto proudly introduced, pulling Hisayo away from her thoughts.

She looked at it and nodded before entering while pushing back the curtain. The strong smell of ramen did seem appetizing to her and she was hungry, so a bowl would suit her just fine. It was about time she gave cooking a break at home, and Akio would probably like the break too. He did say he was going to go out tonight as well. It seemed he had made friends with a couple of instructors from the academy and they had invited him out for a friendly drink. The outing was something they both needed, especially after how stressful things had been up until today.

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