Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 24 - Pt 1

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Several pairs of eyes continued to keep watch as the ceremony began. Several monks lined the pathway to the large statue on either side with bowed heads and the Grand Master slowly made his way forward with the scrolls in a very formal manner. Chanting could be heard as Hisayo, her wolves, and Kakashi continued to watch over the grounds.

A pair of gold eyes couldn’t help but glance over to where a certain masked shinobi was stationed. He stood on a branch under the shade of a tree on the opposite side of the temple walls from where she was stationed at. She continued to growl at herself for allowing him to get away with using her name in such an informal fashion yesterday. She had been too caught up in his words and her off-feelings that she hadn’t caught the slip until it was too late to go back and correct it. He might try to get away with it again, she continued to tell herself, and she’d be sure to definitely correct it the next time. She wouldn’t let such strange emotions get in the way again.

The small snapping of a twig brought her out of her thoughts and she quickly turned her head to see the familiar grey coat of one of her summons, Ichiro. His crystal blue eyes looked past her at the object that had captured her attention, Kakashi. He then gave a small wolfish grin before making his way to Hisayo’s side.

“Have something…” Ichiro looked between Hisayo and Kakashi, “…or should I say, someone on your mind?”

“Don’t you have rounds to make? Go bother one of your brothers or sisters.” Hisayo spoke in an unconcerned voice while making sure to keep her eyes on the ceremony taking place.

“Aw, you’re no fun.” Ichiro growled in a disappointed manner as he turned his scarred cheek away from Hisayo.

Hisayo was about to respond when light rustling sounded from her and Ichiro’s left. Myukyu popped out from the brush, causing Hisayo and Ichiro to let out their held breathes.

“Myukyu, what is it?”

The small brown wolf sat and panted for a moment before speaking. “A message from Kakashi.”

Hisayo gave a light sigh. “What does he want?”

It had been this way in the past twenty-four hours. Hisayo would send Myukyu to deliver her messages to Kakashi and Kakashi would then do the same. Poor Myukyu, he had been going almost non-stop the whole time. But she had been too afraid to speak face to face with the masked man. Not after their conversation yesterday.

“He wants to discuss a last minute strategy, but wishes to speak with you face to face. He says it‘s very important and your cooperation in the matter is needed.”

“Tell him not happening.”

Myukyu groaned in frustration. “Please? I’m kinda tired of being in the middle here.”

“I’m not leaving this post.” Hisayo continued to fight against the request.

“Not a problem Hisayo. I’ll remain here until you return.” Ichiro casually told her.

Hisayo simply growled under her breath. “Fine, but I won’t be long, so don’t get comfortable.”

The irritated kunoichi stood from her seat and disappeared in the brush. Ichiro and Myukyu then looked at each other with mischievous grins.

“Think it will work?”

Ichiro gave a deep laugh. “It will. The rest of the pack has agreed to help in the matter, so it will.”

“I just hope she doesn’t get angry at us for it.”


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