Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 18

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Flashes of white raced through the forest. As it began reaching its destination, strong winds were felt, causing several of the smaller trees to sway back and forth. The larger ones began also swaying roughly the further into the forest the figure moved. Branches splintered and shot off in all sorts of directions. The wind began to cut at the fabric and skin of the blur of white, but that didn’t stop it from continuing forward. A clearing came into view revealing a tall cyclone. Distorted voices were laughing and a figure in the center of the tempest was held in the air, unable to move.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, it looked like the owners of the distorted voices were getting ready to make their kill. Two short blades slide out of their sheaths and lightning surrounded the blades. The lightning would just get cancelled by the wind, but at least it would make for a good distraction and keep the enemy’s prey alive. The blades both struck at the cyclone and the lightning was shot off in different directions before disappearing with a loud cracking sound.

“Who dares interfere?!” the kunai that were being aimed at the masked ninja were shot out from the cyclone and aimed for the person responsible for the attack instead. The figure quickly dodged and blocked with the blades before disappearing.

“Taizo get rid of our intruder.” A single and much smaller cyclone split from the main towering one, causing it to shrink a third in size.

It shot of in the direction of where the figure disappeared to, taking out many boulders and uprooting many trees in its path. It was following the obvious chakra signature of the intruder when several large explosions erupted from underneath the twister. The rogue ninja shot out of its now dissipating twister with a painful cry before crashing into the ground.

“Taizo!” the two remaining shinobi turned their attention to their fallen comrade.

A kunai with an explosion tag was thrown at the moment their attention was taken away from their masked captive. It hit the base of the cyclone. The small explosion only split the cyclone in two and their victim landed back down to earth in a crouched position.

The twisters came to a stop and the two stood back to back, kunais at the ready. A flash of white growled as it slashed at the shinobi with the headband over his mouth. His cry was muffled by his headband, causing the other to turn to attack, but the attacker was gone, his comrade knelt to the ground with a hand over a bleeding shoulder.

Kakashi looked on with his onyx eye being the only one still open. He had been unable to tell what was going on. He had a hunch of who it was that was helping him, but wasn’t familiar with the change in chakra he felt. He scanned the area and thought he caught site of something, but it darted off before he could make it out for sure.

The same flashes of white appeared again this time attacking the main rogue shinobi. Kakashi opened his sharingan to try to make out what exactly was happening. Teeth, claws, and fur seemed to attack at the enemy in slow motion to Kakashi now. The enemy was slashed across the back, just down the middle of his spinal cord. He screamed out in pain and frustration before beginning to use his kekkei genkai again, not caring if his comrade was in his way. His unlucky comrade was thrown off to the side crashing into a tree and falling to the ground in an unconscious heap. The stealthy attacker came back for another attack and seemed to shift into Hisayo. Kakashi shook his head a bit in confusion. He could have sworn that just now what was attacking the enemy…

The cyclone shot out at Hisayo too fast for her to dodge. She held up her blades and took the impact, sliding several yards back as she tried blocking. Movement from the first enemy Hisayo had taken down caught Kakashi’s attention. He ran at Hisayo, putting chakra in his steps to go faster and widened his sharingan to take in the full movements of the other enemy’s surprise attack on Hisayo while her back was turned. Kakashi tackled Hisayo to the ground out of the small cyclone’s path and away from the many shuriken and kunai thrown in her direction.

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