Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 22

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Hisayo could still sense a presence watching her. She had felt it the entire time while she was having lunch with Naruto and afterwards, after she had left the small boy at the academy entrance to finish his day. Whoever it was, they knew how to stay undetected from her. It was just her luck though, when a light breeze blew by her, giving her a good whiff of her stalker. 

Hisayo stopped walking. “Is there a reason why you insist on being around me today? I was tolerant of it before, but now I’m getting very annoyed.”

A figure jumped down from the building just behind her. “I was following you? You’re mistaken. I was just enjoying a nice stroll on the rooftops and reading my book.”

“I highly doubt that. Now, what do you want this time?”

The masked man sighed guiltily. “Alright, you got me. I was actually supposed to get you for a mission. The Hokage asked me to find you.”

“So then why is it that you only waited until now to tell me?”

“My apologies, but you wouldn’t believe the traffic on the rooftops. It took all of my effort just to keep up with you.” Hisayo turned to see Kakashi smiling at her while rubbing the back of his neck. She was not impressed with his excuse.

“So, should we be on our way?”


“Yes, well you see-”

“Save whatever excuse you have and let’s go.” Hisayo quickly interrupted. She had no desire to hear any more excuses from him.

It didn’t take long to get to the mansion since she was already so close to it after having left the academy. During the whole trek, she didn’t once look or speak to the masked man beside her. She feared that she would experience the same strange feelings from before. He didn’t seem to notice though as he continued to read his book.  Hisayo opened the door and entered the Hokage’s office.

“Good, I see you have finally arrived.” The Hokage spoke happily, though inside he gave a big stressed sigh at Kakashi’s constant tardiness. He had been waiting just over an hour now, but he had to admit that this time it had been in his favor.

“You wanted to see…us?” Hisayo chanced a glance at Kakashi, who had yet to put down his book. She gave an inward growl at how it seemed that he thought his book was more important to pay attention to rather than what the Hokage was going to say.

 “Yes, you two are to go to the Buddhist temple two days west of here and deliver these scrolls.”

“Why just the two of us? What about Akio, Takeshi and Kouzetsu?”

“He is already on his own mission with those two to deliver similar scrolls to a sister temple to the north.” Sarutobi smoothly explained.

“But Akio and I are much more proficient together. Why split us up?”

“It’s for that very reason I have decided to do so and Akio agrees with me. You need to learn to work with the same degree of proficiency with others as you do with him.”

“I would have rather worked with Takeshi and the dog.” Hisayo sighed. She would definitely have another word with her sensei, several in fact. She then gave an inward chuckle. It was just like him to do something like that, and it seemed that his plans of action always seemed to involve the man standing beside her.

“Alright, just give me the prayer scrolls and the one with the mission’s details.” Hisayo finally agreed as she crossed her arms.

“What are these scrolls for?” Kakashi lowered his reading material and looked at the three scrolls piled in front the Hokage.

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