Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 28

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The ground crunched under Kakashi’s feet as he walked through the woods in the dead of night. The only thing to give him light was the bright, full moon. It was a beautiful sight; he noted as he continued walking. He eventually stopped when the woods seemed to cut off and give way to a large clearing. It was at this moment when he could hear the same sad howls that he had heard so many times before. It sounded as if they were coming from the very clearing that he was heading towards. Slowly and quietly, he made his way to the edge of the clearing and stopped.

It was there, or rather, she was there. She was standing with her wolfish head looking up to the night sky, being bathed in the moonlight. A light breeze blew and her solid white fur rushed around in beautiful waves. Before he knew it, his feet where taking him to where she was in the center of the clearing. He stopped when the snow-white wolf turned her head in his direction; her gold eyes piercing his soul. He stared into them and slowly but surely, he began to see the reflections that he was so use to seeing, however, there was something different this time; the demon half seemed to move. Kakashi took a step closer to see better, but froze when the wolf flattened its ears and crouched down, baring its teeth with a deep threatening growl. Kakashi narrowed his eye in concern and confusion; this had never happened before. Usually she would just close her eyes and throw her head up to howl at the moon.

Before he could think deeply about the situation, the wolf morphed into the demon version of Hisayo. Her eyes began to glow a deep red before she let out a monstrous growl and leapt at him with her claws and fangs at the ready.

Kakashi sat up quickly from his bed, bringing his covers with him as he breathed in a few ragged breathes with several beads of sweat falling from his face, and soaking into his mask. After a few moments, he gave a deep sigh and looked over to his clock. It was just after two in the morning. As if it wasn’t bad enough that Hisayo was angry with him in the real world, but now she was attacking him in his dreams. His usual dreams of the white wolf had now turned into a nightmare.

Kakashi laid back down and closed his eyes, only to find that he couldn’t get back to sleep. Flashes of an enraged demon kept appearing before him every time he felt that he was comfortable enough to drift off. He sat back up with an irritated sigh, giving up on the idea of getting any more sleep for the night. Just as he was about to reach over and turn on his light so he could read, he thought he heard a familiar sound. He paused and strained his ears to hear. After a few moments of hearing nothing, he gave a light shake of his head; believing he was just imagining things, that is, until he heard it again. A long howl that seemed to be filled with sorrow and despair.

Kakashi groaned as he brought a hand up through his hair and got out of bed, quickly getting dressed, and disappearing out his door. He’d be damned if he continued to let this eat at him any further than it already had. He didn’t care what she would say or do. He had something to say to her and dammit, she was going to hear him out, whether she liked it or not.

As he followed the source of the howls, he noted an eerily bright full moon. He continued his trek over rooftops despite the similarity of it from his nightmare. He had his mind set and he wouldn’t back down, not when he was already so close to his destination. His journey ended on the flat rooftop of the Konoha Hospital and his eyes were on the back of a large white wolf that was Hisayo. She stood, looking up at the moon in the same manner as in his dreams. Kakashi gave a hard swallow. Okay, maybe this was turning out to be a bit too similar to his nightmare. He wondered now if what he was about to try to do was really such a good idea. As if to further play with his mind and torture him, a small breeze passed by, causing the wolf’s white fur to ruffle around.

“Wolves howl to the moon for a number of different reasons.” Hisayo’s voice calmly sounded in a matter-of-fact manner as she continued to look up at the beautiful moon, seemingly not bothered by his presence.

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