Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 4

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It had been about three days since their arrival into the village when the Hokage sent word the previous evening via a pigeon on their living room window. Hisayo and Akio stood in the middle of a clearing in the training ground they were told to meet at. By this time they had learned the lay of the village and surroundings, so they easily found the meeting spot. The Hokage soon appeared, along with two others.

One was a man wearing his village leaf forehead protector like a bandana. He carried a sword on his back and he seemed to have dark circles under his eyes as though he didn’t get enough sleep. The second was a woman with her hair tied up in a spiky ponytail. She wore her head band across her forehead and a pendant around her neck. She wore an orange skirt and a fishnet top with a tanned overcoat.

“Hisayo, Akio, the two jonin standing before you are Hayate and Anko. They will be your opponents today. I want you all to start off with taijutsu and then I will let you know when to start using ninjutsu. You are not to land lethal blows. Is that understood?” all four nodded in understandment.

“Good, now begin!” the Hokage jumped back and positioned himself a safe distance away so he could look on without having to dodge any debris that might go flying from the battle. 

It wasn’t long before heavy smoke spread into the surrounding area of  the training grounds after several explosions. Several trees had been uprooted and many craters of varying sizes filled the ground. The four stood in the smoke that slowly began to dissipate. A breeze moved across the field further aiding the clearing of the it. Hisayo and Akio stood facing their opponents given to them by the Hokage.

“You two are good.” the one called Hayate said in between coughs. He held his sword up ready to engage the two again.

“Or maybe you’re just loosing your touch Hayate.” Anko’s voice spoke in a jokingly manner as she twirled a few kunai between her fingers.

“I wouldn’t be talking if I were you. You’re not exactly having an easy time either Anko.” Hayate said to the woman before beginning to cough again.

“If you don’t pay attention…” a voice calmly spoke from between the two ninja.

Hayate and Anko both turned, eyes wide in surprise. She had just been in front of them a good twenty feet away, mere seconds ago. Yet despite the distance and their keen senses, they had completely failed to pick up on her movements. There was Hisayo with her two kodachi unsheathed and by her sides.

“…then you might get hurt.” Hisayo then twisted around with her short swords held facing out. Hayate and Anko both narrowly dodged the swift attack and slid across the ground away from each other and Hisayo.

As soon as Hayate came to a stop, he quickly turned to his left to block the sword brought down upon him by Akio.

“Don’t forget about me now.” Akio warned. He bore his weight down and forced the coughing man to jump away from him.

Hisayo focused her attacks on Anko while her sensei had the other busy. All Anko could do at the moment was dodge the continuously moving kodachi blades. She quickly brought up her two kunai to block the oncoming attack when she found herself backed up against a tree with no time to dodge.  Sparks flew as each weapon made contact and both opponents were at a gritting standstill, each trying to overpower the other.

Akio and Hayate were in the same position as the others. Akio eventually shifted his weight and brought a foot up to kick the jonin in the side of the head. Hayate ducked to a kneeling position, dodging the kick, and held his sword up to block Akio from above. He then pushed up with all his might to force Akio’s sword back up and away. In the same moment, Hayate kicked Akio’s feet out from under him. Akio easily recovered, turning his fall into a small back hand spring and landing back on his feet. Both opponents were slightly panting and now eyed each other, looking for an opening.

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