Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 6

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Hisayo entered the Hokage Mansion and made her way to the mission counter where she was to be put in an existing four man cell and given her first mission. She made no attempt to rush though. She wanted to keep her thoughts a little while longer. Her thoughts of that boy from earlier, Naruto Uzumaki.

She couldn’t understand the reasoning behind the villagers treatment of him. Was he really like her? Was he born with blood like hers? He didn’t seem to know, so he couldn’t tell her. The only one she could think of was the Hokage. He was the one who spoke of the boy, so maybe he would know. The door of the mission counter came into view a little too soon. She took a small breath and entered the large room, temporarily leaving her thoughts.

“Good morning Hisayo. Ready to start your first day?” The Hokage smiled from behind the counter. Three others stood behind the counter with him, handing out missions to others. Hisayo just nodded and stepped forward to receive orders.

“The team I’m assigning you today will be here momentarily. I know they will only be temporary, but please don’t let that stop you from getting to know them. A team must learn to work together after all.” Sarutobi cheerfully explained between puffs of smoke.

Hisayo again nodded and took a spot against a wall to wait. She wanted to question him about the boy, but decided against it. There were too many ears in the room and she preferred to keep what conversation she was going to have with the Hokage between the two of them only. There was that word again...conversation. It just didn’t come so easy to her. And if the group she was going to be with was a talkative bunch, then she would have a hard time. She just hoped that they were as quiet and reserved as she was.

“Hurry up we’re going to be late!” a male voice was heard from down the hall outside the door.

“It wasn’t my fault that Akira slept through his alarm!” A voice shouted.

“Hey stop poking me!” A third one hollered.

“Ken please stop poking Akira.” a very timid voice said. The voices moved closer.

“Make me Suzume!”

“Ouch! Ken!”

“Hey don’t be mean to Suzume!” the voice belonging to the one named Akira yelled.

“Sensei!” the timid voice sniffed.

“All of you stop! This isn’t the time for your antics. Get your acts together now!” The first voice from earlier ordered. All of the voices suddenly became quiet and the door opened.

In stepped four shinobi. By the looks of it they were genin and the other Hisayo couldn’t be sure. She knew that both chunin and jonin of the village wore green vests, so it was difficult for her to distinguish what rank the man with the genin was. They all walked up and stood before the Hokage, not noticing Hisayo as they passed.

“Right on time Jiro. I take it you’ve already had a busy morning?” The Hokage spoke in a teasing manner. He knew how much of a rowdy bunch his genin were.

“You could say that Lord Hokage. It has been most…upbeat.” Jiro didn’t want to say what he really wanted to. The fact was that ever since he received his group of genin nearly three weeks ago, his normally quiet and problem free life had turned into utter chaos with those three. As a first time jonin instructor, he was finding it hard to adjust. The constant bickering of the two boys and the timid girl who would cry if one of the two picked on her, kept him in a continuous see-saw motion.

“Well I have some good news for you Jiro. You will be getting some temporary help on your team. Team Jiro, I’d like you all to meet Hisayo Nakamura.” The Hokage motioned to where Hisayo had been standing quietly the whole time. The group followed the motioning hand and a saw a young woman with white hair and gold eyes wielding two swords behind her. So much for hoping for a quiet and reserved team, Hisayo thought with a slight drop of the head.

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