Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 19

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“Sensei you didn’t.” Hisayo paced the small living room of their apartment in irritation.

“Now Hisayo lets not be upset. It’s not bad that he knows. In fact its probably best I told him now rather than later, least we have another dilemma on our hands.”

“What I don’t understand is why you had to do that right in front of him. Why couldn’t you have changed in a secluded area like I did?” Hisayo took her hair out of its tie as she readied herself for bed.

“Well Takeshi kinda did blurt out who I was before I could go. One thing led to another.”

“That makes me feel a lot better knowing we have someone who can’t keep their mouth shut on the team. As if I didn’t already have a problem with a certain someone who can’t keep a low profile.” Hisayo darted her eyes over to her sensei.

“I don’t believe I know what you’re talking about.” Akio turned his head away, finding the arm of the couch to be very interesting.

“Let’s see if we can add more to the Hokage’s list of reasons we should be kicked out of this village shall we?” Hisayo made sure to be as sarcastic as she possibly could.

“Hisayo I think you’re worrying about this just a bit too much.” Akio chuckled as he rested his chin on his hand.


“What is it Hisayo?” Akio turned his gaze to a now serious Hisayo as she leaned against the wall nearest the front door.

“Why are we really here in Konoha? You never have taken the actions that you are taking now with other villages. Why the interest in this village?” the question had still been bothering her since Akio had ordered the two to reveal their ability.

Akio’s eyes narrowed slightly before standing up and going to his room. “Hisayo it’s late, why don’t we get some sleep.”

The door closed roughly and Hisayo moved to stand in the middle of the living room wondering why he had that kind of reaction to her questions. She had only ever seen him react like that twice now, and she still had no clue as to why.


Akio and Hisayo, who was now ten were walking down a less busy street. They were needing their weekly list of supplies, but decided to try the smaller stores this time around. Akio had told her that he just wanted a change in scenery and pace, but Hisayo was not believing it. She knew that the real reason had to be because of the small incident last week. One of the major shop owners had finally snapped and began ordering that she be thrown out and never allowed to set foot in his store again. He had said that he would no longer tolerate a beast in his establishment. It was bad for business he had said. Who would want to buy from a store that seemingly supported demons like her. Despite Akio’s attempts to calm the man, a few main branch clan members had to get involved. Of course they sided with the shop owner and gave Akio and especially her an unkind escort away from the premises. They ended up going home without their intended supplies, covered in food that had been thrown at them on their way out of the shop.

“Akio-sensei, why have you continued to be so kind to me? I know that you have told me countless times your dreams for the clan, but what started these dreams? What gave you the idea for such a thing?” Hisayo nearly bumped into her sensei’s legs from his sudden stop after her question.

She looked around his legs and up to his face. His eyes were narrowed and he seemed very deep in thought. A distant gleam was held in his eyes. She had never seen that kind of expression from him before. He was usually happy and smiling at her, or sometimes his expressions where simply calm and stoic. Rarely did he ever seem angered except in the matters dealing with the clan.

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