Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 10

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It didn’t take long for Team Jiro to be on their way to the village of Kita. Judging by the distance of the village from Konoha, it would take the whole day to reach if they kept a steady pace.

 It was the first time that Ken, Akira, and Suzume would be away from the village for more than a day. They were pumped with energy and ready for anything, at least that’s what they continued to tell themselves. They couldn’t help from being a little bit nervous, but with their sensei Jiro and Hisayo-san with them, they knew that nothing could go wrong.

The sun disappeared below the horizon and the sky was turning darker and darker as the red and orange shades of light faded. The village of Kita came into view once they made it over a few hills. By the looks of it, the village was about three or so miles from their position.

“Alright, let’s make camp here and meet with our client tomorrow early morning.” Jiro commanded as he took his pack off and took out his sleeping roll.

“But why can’t we just meet now?” Ken complained. He didn’t want to wait around if the client was right there waiting for them.

“Don’t be in such a hurry. We’ve been moving all day and need rest. We’re no good to the client if we’re exhausted.” Jiro explained.

“Sensei’s right Ken. I’m tired.” Suzume sat down on a protruding tree root and panted.

Akira nodded in agreement and sat down as well. He was too tired to argue and do anything else. Ken growled and sat down with his arms crossed. Hisayo leaned up against the nearest tree and kept her senses sharp.

“Hisayo-san we need to each keep watch tonight. Will you take first half or second?” Jiro looked over to his quiet teammate. She hadn’t spoken the entire time since they began their journey.

“I’ll watch first. You and the others sleep.” Hisayo jumped up into the tree she was leaning on and made herself comfortable on a branch just above the genin.

“Sure. Okay you three get to sleep. The night will go by faster than you think.” Jiro settled down in his sleeping roll and the genin followed suit.

Hisayo watched the group fall asleep. The only light available was in the form of the moon and stars. That was the only light she needed to see in the dark. Her gold eyes lightly gleamed in the darkness and her ears listened to the many sounds of night life. She was very familiar with what noises belonged in the forest. If anything foreign sounded, her ears would quickly pick it up. Her nose stayed sharp as well, taking in any strange scents that might be carried into the camp by the light breeze.

The sound of crickets filled the night air and continued throughout the night.


 The sun had yet to rise when Jiro ordered everyone to wake up. The group packed everything away and quickly made their way into the village.

“I’m starving! Lets get something to eat before we meet the client.” Ken spoke up.

“I thought you couldn’t wait to meet the client. Why the sudden change in attitude?” Akira teased.

“We can’t work on empty stomachs.” Ken reasoned with a grin.

Jiro sighed and entered a bakery. Hisayo and the others stood outside and waited. A few minutes later Jiro emerged with a sack filled with rolls and muffins. The group quickly ate and continued to the village square.

A slightly short elderly man looking to be around sixty slowly paced around the square. He wore close-toed shoes brown pants, a white long sleeved top and a brown vest over the top. He also wore a brown cap and a small pair of spectacles. His mustache and small beard were several different shades of grey and matched his slightly short hair.

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