Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 24 - Pt 2

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A small breeze blew gently, causing what little clouds there were to slowly drift across the wide sky. A lone bird floated in the same sky, using the thermal air currents to keep it in the air. It soon found itself circling again around a large village below; its hundredth time since its arrival to the area. The large bird gave a powerful ‘kaa’ as it flapped its black wings and slowly glided downwards to the village. It’s dark brown eyes looked down over the area as if searching for something…or someone.

In the eyes of any person below, it might seem that this bird was simply scavenging for food, but to anyone who actually knew this bird - which was very, very few - they could clearly see that he was on a mission. What that mission was exactly, only one person knew, and that person…was Akio.

 Karasu had been summoned several says before and given his orders by Akio. In the event of an emergency, he was to go straight to the Hokage and no one else, not even to Hisayo. His reasoning had only been that she shouldn’t be put in any danger. He felt a heavy responsibility to keep her safe from their own clan.

 As a summon, it was his duty to do his master’s bidding and follow his every command, but he felt that it was in the better interest for Hisayo to hear the news and act accordingly rather than leaving it to the Hokage to take action. She was the one more directly involved than anyone else in this village they had taken residence in. She had the right to know.  And so, for the first time in his history of being Akio’s summon, he deviated from his orders.

He descended lower and lower until he was level in the air with the tallest buildings of the village. He landed heavily on one of the high rooftops and looked around in every direction, each time adjusting his eyes to check short and long distances. Each time he would give a few loud ‘kaas’ before moving on to a different area to repeat the actions.


“Looks like the gates are coming into view.” Kakashi stated in a lazy voice.

He glanced over from his book to see Hisayo looking straight ahead without any kind of response to his words. To him it seemed as though she could really care less, but upon further inspection, he could make out the tiniest of curve on her lips. He gave a light smile upon seeing it and returned his attention back to his book.

She could see him glancing at her from the corner of her eye. She found it a bit uncomfortable, but didn’t let it bother her as she continued to think of her wolves, the results of their small intervention, and what they thought of her. But all of that was what just a cover for what she had been trying to get her mind off of.

“Are you really my friend?” She mumbled mostly to herself after a short moment, causing Kakashi to lift his head from his book in slight confusion.

“What was that?” Kakashi questioned.

Hisayo paused in her steps. She hadn‘t really meant to voice her thoughts out loud. After regaining her pace, she decided to respond. “I was just wondering about something.”

“And what‘s that?”


“Are you scared when it comes to friends?”



Hisayo paused for a moment to figure out how to word her response without giving herself away. “Have you ever…been hated before just because you are who you are and nothing more?”

Kakashi thought back to his past and of his Uchiha friend, Obito. “Yes, I have.” He also thought back to the way he had thought of him and treated him before they became friends. “And I regretfully have, in a sense, hated someone before, just because.”

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