Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 9

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Akio opened the door to his and Hisayo’s apartment and took his sandals off. He then proceeded to enter the kitchen and open the fridge to figure out what he and Hisayo would eat for dinner. A few bell peppers, a crown of broccoli, some mushrooms, and some squash all caught his eyes. Steamed vegetables and rice sounded good to him for dinner. After gathering all that he would need, he put on a pot of tea and began washing and slicing the veggies.

The past week had been a bit difficult, but that was only because he had been learning what to do at the academy and certain students only made it harder to learn. He had managed to avoid all of Naruto’s pranks after his first encounter with the boy from the start of the week, but that only seemed to make Naruto that much more determined to catch his new assistant instructor in more pranks. Another week perhaps and things would start to get easier and the boy would calm down he hoped.

It was strange how he seemed the polar opposite of Hisayo in terms of personality and behavior despite being treated poorly by the villagers as Hisayo had described. Perhaps it was just his way of coping with it he thought. Just as Hisayo coped with her ill treatment by being quiet and distant around others.

The door opened and in stepped Hisayo. Speak of the devil, Akio thought with an inward smirk. He finished slicing everything up and began to steam it. Hisayo placed her two kodachi against the wall near the door and sat down at the table facing Akio’s back as he continued dinner.

“How was your day? Better than the last few days I hope.” Akio poured Hisayo a cup of tea and placed it in front of her before going back to steaming the food.

“The Hokage offered me a different position today.” Hisayo swirled her tea around and brought her lips to the cup’s edge.


“I decided to stay where I am now.”

“Really? I thought you said it was too awkward and difficult with the group you’re with.” Akio was slightly confused. He figured she would jump at the chance to work in a different area away from said group.

Hisayo took a small sip of her tea and turned her gaze to her sensei. “I’m giving it a second chance I guess you could say.”  Even if she gave no detail about her conversation between her and the Hokage, Akio would see beyond her words. And sure enough…

“Trying to involve yourself more are we? I’m proud of you Hisayo. You really are giving this entire situation effort. Perhaps your team will grow fond of you” Akio smiled warmly before taking a sip of his tea.

“Don’t read too deeply into it sensei. If I’m going to survive missions, then I’m going to have to work with my team better. It’s for my benefit only.” Hisayo covered up with a professional tone.

She really didn’t want Akio getting too into the idea of her trying to make a change. It was bad enough that he teased her of her attachment to Naruto. She didn’t need him making a big deal about anyone else that she was involving herself with.

“So are you going to be seeing the boy today? It’s getting closer to sundown and you don’t want to make him think you forgot about him do you?” Akio teased, changing the subject as he checked on the food. He knew she wouldn’t admit it, but he could tell that she began to grow fonder of the boy everyday. They shared a connection that was slowly making her more and more protective of him. It was good for her he felt.

Hisayo frowned. It was like he could read her mind she thought.

“You know, teasing doesn’t really suit you. One of these days, someone is going to take you very seriously and you will probably end up in a hospital. And when that happens, don‘t expect any sympathy from me.” Hisayo informed with a hint of playfulness in her voice and a near unnoticeable smirk.

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