Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 20

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Lightning and the sounds of chirping filled the area of a training ground in Konoha. Beads of sweat rolled down Kakashi’s forehead as the lightning and chirping died down. He gave a slightly tired sigh as he stood up and gathered himself up again for another go. It had been a couple of days since his discharge from the hospital and he had been using that time to get back into shape with things. He had been training since late morning, only taking a small break to eat a small lunch, and continued into the afternoon. During all of his training, his mind was on the subject of a certain white haired kunoichi and her sensei.

He had continuously searched his mind for any possible answers to his many questions. He even went as far as asking the Hokage for permission to search through any files on clans and villages that might fit the description of those two and their ability. His search was in vain though.

Why was that he had wondered. Was is because where they were originally from no longer existed? Or perhaps where ever they were from was isolated and unknown to others? Then there was the thought of Hisayo and what she was. It was true, that she was like Naruto, but there was a wide gap between chakra beasts and demons.

He remembered long ago, back when he was in the academy, that he had read a book on demons, but most of that was just suppose to be nothing more than just stories parents used to make their children behave…right? Hisayo though, was perhaps the only exception to those stories, or maybe not. Maybe she wasn’t the only one. Maybe where she came from there were more. If there were, would they also be like her? Withdrawn and hesitant to make contact with others?

He was getting frustrated by the many questions he had since he first saw Hisayo for what she truly was. His frustration over the situation continued to build and after the mission over a week ago, he felt that he would explode.

That was another reason for him being at the training grounds. It wasn’t just about getting back into shape anymore, it was about channeling his frustration at inanimate objects rather than accidentally snapping at Hisayo or Akio for answers. No, if he was going to try to get answers out of them, then he would do it in his normally calm and laid back attitude. He would calm himself down and then find Akio. He would be the better choice to ask for answers. If he tried asking Hisayo, then he feared that she might get upset like she had done with Akio when he had ordered they use their ability. It seemed that either the topic of her origins was a sensitive subject, or that it was classified information that neither were suppose to share.

Kakashi took a few deep breaths before crouching over a bit and holding his right wrist with his left hand as he began channeling his chakra to his right hand to form the Chidori. Just as the sounds of chirping began, he stopped, letting the chakra fade from his hand. He then straightened back up and turned around to face the person he had sensed just then.

“I’m not interrupting anything am I?”

“No, not really.” Kakashi replied. “I was just thinking about taking a small break.”

Kakashi walked over to his visitor and took a seat on a boulder nearest to him. “Did you need something Akio-san.”

“Yes, I do. I was hoping for a favor.” The green eyed man gave a light smile as he took a seat on the vacant boulder next to Kakashi.

Kakashi turned his head to face Akio. “A favor?”

“Well, actually two if you don’t mind.”

“What do you need?”

“I need to leave for a little while and I was wondering if you could make sure Hisayo doesn’t find out until after I have left .” Akio smiled.

“Leaving? Why?” It wasn’t like Akio to just leave Hisayo. He always was near Hisayo and looked out for her even if she could do so on her own without help. So it was a bit of a surprise for Kakashi to hear Akio say that.

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