Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 21

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Hisayo woke when the sunlight hit her face. After a few minutes of routine stretching, she prepared for the day and exited her room, setting her kodachi on the couch before heading into the kitchen.

“Sensei, wake up. We’ve started off a bit late this morning.” Hisayo hollered as she rummaged through the fridge.

After discovering a lack of food in the fridge, Hisayo went up to Akio’s door to knock. “We need to get groceries, so wake up already sensei.”

 No answer.

Hisayo opened the door to find his room empty. “Oh, he already woke up.” she said to herself.

With a sigh, she closed his door and went back to the kitchen wondering what to do about the lack of food. Should she just pick at what was left? Or maybe she should just go out for groceries, that is assuming Akio wasn’t already at the store doing just that. Her thoughts on the matter were interrupted by a knock on the door. Again, she closed the door to the fridge and made her way to the door wondering who it could be. She and Akio never had anyone knock at their door before, even if it was for the purpose of requesting their presence in the Hokage’s office for a mission.

Upon opening the door, her head lightly dropped. “What are you doing here and more importantly…how do you know where I live?”

“Good morning to you too, Hisayo-san.” a masked face crinkled into a smile.

“Answer my question Kakashi.” there was a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“Akio-san told me and I thought I’d ask you to have breakfast with me.” Kakashi continued to smile.

“I think not.” Hisayo began to close the door, but Kakashi stopped it with his foot.

“Please? I insist and it will be my treat. You know as a friendly gesture. So what do you say?”

“The answer is still no.”

Kakashi gave a sigh, “My, what would Akio-san think or say once he finds you wouldn’t accept a friendly invitation somewhere?” a mischievous glint was held in his onyx eye and Hisayo could hear the fake innocence in his voice.

She gritted her teeth with an inward growl. She would rather deal with an exuberant Takeshi than with Akio’s nagging about her lack of friendliness towards others, especially if they were teammates.

She gave a light sigh in defeat. “Alright, but just this one time.”

Kakashi closed his eye as he smiled. He figured the best way to make her agree was if he mentioned Akio, and it looked like it did the trick, just like last time.

 “Thank you Hisayo-san.”

“Just don’t make this a habit in the future.” Hisayo shot back.


Hisayo turned away with a faint smile as she grabbed her two kodachi and strapped them on. Perhaps it wouldn’t be that bad she thought. At least it would solve the problem of finding breakfast.

“Let’s go.” Hisayo locked the door and headed to the stairs with Kakashi following behind.

Hisayo had silently led Kakashi to her place of choice. She figured that since he had invited her, or rather, threatened her with Akio, that she should at least get to chose where to eat. It wasn’t anything too expensive or fancy, just a small simple café around the corner from the apartment.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Hisayo asked as she closed her eyes to savor the miso soup she had ordered. He had ordered, but she had yet to see him touch his food.

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