Beauty is the Beast: Chapter 11

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Kakashi and the others listened intently. Kakashi was initially surprised to hear that Team Jiro, the team Hisayo was on, was the team involved.

 “Second, is that up until early this morning, things were going smoothly. Apparently they ran into an intense situation with…an unknown enemy.” Akio knew what enemy Hisayo and her team had encountered.

It was made clear in the message that one of her wolves had delivered to him that morning. As soon as he had read it, he began to fear the worse and had demanded of the Hokage to let him be put in a team to find and assist the group.

“Anything else?” Kurenai asked as they all jumped through the trees.

“Once we find Team Jiro and the caravan, we are to retreat back to our border immediately.” Akio informed.

“How do we find them?” Asuma looked over to Akio and waited for a reply.

“There were coordinates stated in the message. They’re only roughly given though. So I will look from the sky and scout ahead.” Akio bit his thumb and summoned a raven that flew at the pace of everyone else.

“How is that bird going to help? If it’s too far away, we won’t know where to go.” Kurenai doubted the effectiveness of the summoning.

“I wouldn’t doubt Karasu’s abilities if I were you.” Akio gave a small chuckle as the raven gave an angry ’kaa’ in Kurenai’s direction.

“So I’m hard to please.” Kurenai admitted with a shrug.

“How will the raven let us know what’s ahead?” Kakashi asked as he jumped from another branch.

“Karasu is able to lend me his sight while in the air scouting. In other words, I can see everything from a raven’s point of view.” Akio explained as they all continued their fast pace.

“Alright, then get to it and let’s find the caravan.” Asuma urged.

“Karasu, you know what to do.” the raven gave a loud ‘kaa’ in response and rose higher in the air until it was far above the tree line.

Akio formed a hand seal and his eyes slowly changed from green to the dark brown color of Karasu’s eyes. He held the seal as he continued to jump along side the other three.

“Well?” Kakashi asked after several moments of silence.

“It’s pretty far off in the distance, but there are definitely several clouds of smoke. I’m not exactly sure how far away. Fifteen…maybe twenty miles ahead.” Akio released his hand seal and his eyes returned back to their original color.

“Alright, let’s pick up the pace.” Kakashi pushed forward and increased his gait. Akio, Kurenai, and Asuma quickly did the same.


 A large pack of black wolves with dark green eyes continued to attack. It hadn’t been the caravan they were after. No. They ignored it and directed their assault on Hisayo. It had been several hours since the first wave of wolves.

After Jiro and the three genin’s initial shock, they had entered the fight and barely managed to help Hisayo drive them off. Hisayo knew they would be back with more added to their ranks, and she had hoped that she would be able to fend off her old clan until Akio could arrive.

Yes, the group that had attacked had been from the Ookami Clan. The very clan that she and Akio had left so many years ago. The clan that they had wished to one day return to and change for the better. The clan that she had always wished to accept her for what she was.

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