Chapter 40

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Leo's POV

Mikey ended up winning that pinball tournament we had the other day. Raph came in third, I came in second, and Mikey in first.

We found out that Raph has a date tomorrow with Hannah. That could be interesting.

Today we have another day of school, however it's almost done! I don't hate school, I kinda like it actually, but after a few months of it, it does get boring.

I was in English right now. I was finishing up a project. Before this, we just had gym. While I was working on my project I heard an announcement on the intercom.

"Karai to the office please, Karai to the office."

After gearing that announcement all I could think was what did she do this time.

Karai's POV

Today I got really board in social studies. I was not in the mood for listening to a teacher talk, so I kinda zoned out.

I guess my teacher realized I wasn't paying attention, so he said "Isn't that correct Karai?"

Here's the thing. I never liked this teacher, and he'd always do that to me. I was getting sick of it, so today I just ignored him.

"Karai," he said raising his voice.

At this point I was really annoyed with him, so I snapped at him. "What do you want?" I asked without thinking it through.

"What was that?" he asked as if he didn't hear me.

"He's annoying and can't hear," I mumbled to myself. Well apparently I didn't mumble it, because the next thing I knew I was sent to the office to talk to the principal.

*in the office with the principal*

"Would you like to explain why you are here?" Mr. J our principals asked.

"Because my teacher sent me here," I replied still not in the best mood.

He sighed. "And why were you sent here?"

"Because my teacher hates me," I explained. I know the teacher doesn't like me, but it's okay because I don't like him either.

"I'm sure that's not true, and what's the real reason?"

"Because I called him annoying and deaf," I admitted.

And why would you do that?" Mr. J asked unimpressed with me.

"Because it's true," I said.

"You shouldn't called people names, it's wrong." He started.

He gave me a long lecture of why not to call people names and stuff, but I only listened to half of it.

"Understand?" he asked.

"Understand." I confirmed.

"Now I don't want to see you here again, you may go back to class."

After that I was sent back to class. Did I want to go back? Of course not, but what choice did I have?

For the rest of the class I didn't pay attention. If he called on me, I was screwed, but I honestly didn't care. Twenty minutes after, the bell finally rang.

My next class was science. Once again, science is another class I hate. When we all were seated, the teacher called our name, then you had to go up to the teachers desk and hand in last nights homework.

There was only one problem about this, I didn't do it.

"Raphael," the teacher called. He went up to the front of the desk. Surprisingly he actually did the work.

"Karai," next he called.

"It's not done," I admitted.

"And why is that?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"Because I didn't do it," I answered.

He sighed and wrote something on his paper.

"Will it be done tomorrow?"

"Possibly," I answered truthfully. I didn't wanna promise anything and break it.

"What do you mean possibly?" he asked getting frustrated with me.

"I mean it depends if I feel like doing it or not."

After that he ended up giving me detention. He told me he wasn't in the mood to put up with moody teenagers. This is surprisingly the first time I'm getting detention. I can only imagine what Splinter will have to say about this.

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