Part 13- Madame Roussos

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He gets up early in the morning Lisa sleeping he slips out into the city grabbing some coffee and a quick breakfast of an egg bagel. Then heads back to their hide slipping in finding her just waking up her hair a bit messy the two of them in dire need of a shower. He smiles at her and she looks at him with dread realizing what the smell is her bedroll having a blood stain. He bursts out laughing and she turns bright red rushing to clean herself and the bedroll up. She looks at him her eyes like dinner plates "We need an apartment" he chuckles and agrees still enjoying the morning antics. She gets dressed cleaning herself up in the restroom and comes out in a long skirt and a purple blouse looking at him and handing him some forged papers reading his new alias "Jacques Lemieux" he chuckles and she smiles "Your Jacques and Im Marie Roussos or rather to you Madame Roussos your my body guard former french foreign legion and Madame Roussos husband" he smirks "So i get to carry?" she nods and laughs "Typical Marine" he smirks and cocks the .45 "Its worked for over 200 years why fix it" she takes his arm and heads toward the door as she gives him puppy eyes and softly whispers in french "Serenade me dearest?" he smiles "Not even once" she smiles and they walk to the large high class apartment complex walking inside Lisa going to the counter "Hello miss" she says engaging the conversation speaking with the courtesy woman asking for a room raising hell when its not the highest class room possible. He watches the lobby a German soldier approaching her "Mmm perfect bottom you have Madame" she scoffs and turns away the soldier persistent "Oh please sweetie you need a real man a soldier to keep you safe and as it happens Im available" the soldier smirks and grabs her arm. He grabs the soldiers hand twisting it back till his thumb touches his wrist "I suggest you stay away from my wife" the soldier breaks free and runs off he nods to her and she continues to procure the room. They wait while the courtesy clerk talks to managers when the German and four other German soldiers come in walking up to him the one pointing "You dare defy me lets see how you fare when we have the numbers" He looks at them "I suggest we walk away before trouble starts" the soldiers laugh as he takes her going to walk away. He hears a pistol click and turns to see the German holding a P223 pointing it at him "Beg swine" he says smirking he lets her go walking up to the German his eyes cold and unafraid. The German looks at him shocked "Why are you not scared!" he grabs the pistol pressing the slide lock out the pistol falling to pieces in his hands. The others stand shocked one going to swing he grabs his fist and sidesteps the German punching another the others jump on him and he simple dodges grabbing ones hand and snapping it at the wrist anothers leg snapped the thirds fingers and shoulders dislocated a fourth falls with a broken sternum pressed into his lung and the fifth German the one who touched her just stares at him going to kick he grabs his leg and kicks him in the balls sending them smashing into his body. He stands among the ailing Germans an officer walking over and gasping yelling "Who did this!" he raises his hand much to Lisa's dislike and they get testimony letting them go realizing the soldiers started it. She then walks to the counter and the girl hands her a room key staring at him nodding her thanks. He smiles "Never forget the company Madame Roussos keeps" he whispers to the clerk and takes her arm walking to their room. She smiles over her shoulder at him "Your sexy when your mad" he smirks "Yeah best to stay on my good side though" he goes quiet "Although its dangerous to have our faces known" she sighs "Relax you look like a hero saving his adorable wife" he laughs "Im just curious which one of us is really the dangerous one" she smiles slightly and opens the 19th floor door falling on the bed looking up at him. He smiles at her and walks over to the window looking over the city seeing their warehouse wondering what his next shot will be. He walks out on the balcony sitting alone while she takes a shower thinking of home and wondering if she knows he's dead to the world. He wonders if she cried he wonders if shes alone now and what she did with the children. He thinks back to the men hes killed and prays god forgives him his mind travels to his purpose here as he plays with a toy soldier twisting it about between his fingers thinking of the boy and the woman. She comes out of the shower drying her hair the towel wrapped around her. She sees him on the balcony staring off into the distance his eyes glassed over and his face expressionless his mind locked on the past.

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