Part 141- POTUS

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The lights suddenly go off and the building shakes and in a flash the door flies open two Sailors ziptying his hands and pulling him out another crash shaking the building Marines running down the hall ahead. They take him outside smoke trails filling the sky fires burning a crashed F35 right outside the building a secret service agent laying dead nearby gunfire sounding off. He hears a radio crackle "All forces to the hospital POTUS is under attack" the Sailors start moving him toward the hospital parchutes filling the sky machine guns rattling in the distance. They get him inside and his Ghosts are in the lobby creating firing positions the president and a bunch of agents come down the stairs one yelling "Marine one is down" he can see patients being brought down to the bottom floor Sasha walking down with one gurney he can only assume is Ana. He hates being out of the fight feeling helpless with his hands tied behind his back. He sits there watching as men are cut down looking at one Sailor "Get me out of these binds Im your best damn bet for surviving this" the Sailor looks at him "I cant were under orders" he growls "If you dont we all die!" the numbers in the room quickly start to decline the 75th Rangers sent to help dwindling in numbers till its barely a squad with his Ghosts. He looks at the Sailor "Either you untie me or we all die" the Sailor looks at him torn and he looks in his eyes "You know its true" Doug walks over "We need him" the Sailor shakes his head "Im under strict orders I cant" he looks at the Sailor "Let me go or Im busting these damn binds" the Sailor looks at him "You do that and we have to shoot" he hands him the zipties having slipped out "Then shoot me" walking over to Doug "Get my gear" he points to the south wall "Rangers reinforce that flank Ghosts cover the holes Ghost lead Ghost 5 and Ghost 6 on me were getting POTUS to the secondary extraction." he turns Doug tossing him his sword and his Mosin grabbing and M4 and an ammo belt off a dead Ranger. He walks over to Sasha seeing Ana taking her hand and kissing it pulling on his mask and glasses Ana smiling slightly mumbling "Kill them all" he draws his sword the red metal glimmering in the sunlight smirking and picking up the spent metal backing of a breaching charge holding it like a shield. He motions them out crouching behind the shield and advancing the bullets denting and ricocheting off of the one inch steel plate. He rushes forward bull rushing wading into their ranks and slashing with the sword smacking another with the shield engaging them drawing the heat off the Ghosts and Agents moving the president. He moves from group to group keeping them busy slaughtering them. They make it to the secondary extraction the chopper waiting. He runs to the chopper and the president looks at him "So the Darkhorse came to my rescue" he nods "Sir we defend our own" just then he hears a screech an RPG flying toward them. He jumps between the president and the missile raising the plate feeling a ripping in his upper left shoulder as hes thrown against the chopper feeling blood starting to soak the back of his uniform and the front. He turns to the president who looks at him "I owe you Gunny" he nods "Semper Fi sir now get outta here" he moves with the Ghosts back to the hospital. The men inside are barely holding when they return Jack hit in the shoulder and Mike with a graze to the thigh. He gets on the line firing into the oncoming hordes preparing his men. He moves over to Sasha "I need you to direct people up stairs to the roof" she gets up holding her bulging stomach "I know its alot but please" she nods and he motions Doug over "Help her we need these wounded up on the roof for extraction" he yells to Jarrod "Ghost 6 get on the horn get us evac choppers for these patients" he waits a moment "Evac choppers are en route ETA ten Mikes" he nods and looks at the remaining men "On my command we start a bounding retreat to the rooftops and then we hold till every last one of the wounded and dead are out of here" one Ranger looks at him "Why the dead? They dont need an evac" he looks at the Ranger "I will leave no man behind alive or dead the same would go for you Soldier now shut your trap and hold that line" Doug starts directing the walking wounded and the patients to the roof extraction choppers running like crazy. When the last of the non combatants has left the lobby there are less than fifteen men total another six Rangers having joined the fight as walking wounded. The men move to the rooftop choppers landing and taking off every few minutes the men finally loading up. The final chopper lands and its got wounded onboard not enough room for all of them. He looks at Doug "Im staying" he pushes Jarrod on "Your going" Doug pushes Travis on "And so are you" Travis and Jarrod look at them "What about you?" Jarrod asks and he raises his sword "Unlimited ammo well catch the next one" the chopper takes off and he looks at Doug "Been a while since we fought together" Doug nods "The squad hasnt been right without you" Doug pulls his bayonet out attaching it to the Mosin both waiting intently for the enemy troops listening and hearing a chopper. They turn around as a Hind crests the top of the building training its guns on them. He watches Doug throw his Mosin like a Javelin slamming one pilot clean through the nose as he throws his sword hitting the other square in the forehead the Hind lurching forward and slamming into the building. He throws Doug out of the way and jumps away the chopper crashing the blades sending concrete and shrapnel everywhere. He gets up and pulls his sword out tossing Doug his Mosin "Glorious Mosin Javelin" Doug kisses the rifle and a little bird gets to the top of the building "Heard you guys could use a lift" the Delta operator riding on the rail says and they jump on headed toward a newly established forward operating base. He touches his shoulder the wound bleeding through his uniform having cut clean through. They land and he steps off the JAG officer walking over and slapping cuffs on him another Sailor reading him his rights. He drops his head and sighs remembering hes a prisoner in his own home.

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