Part 140- Courtmartial

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He watches as shes put on a gurney and taken away MPs walking over to him "Gunnery Sergeant Alexander W. Davila your being charged with treason desertion and espionage against the United States. How do you plead?" he looks at them "I went after my wife if thats worthy of those charges then I guess Im guilty" the officer takes him to a holding cell and cuts his hands free. He looks at the cell an open toilet and sink and a steel bed sitting there. He lays down staring at the ceiling wishing he was with her hating being away especially now. He traces the wall time passing hearing the electronic lock click and footsteps. He gets up going to the bars General Garrison standing there "She had some minor internal bleeding in her chest other than that its just minor cuts and bruises" he drops his head a bit "I could have prevented all of this" the General touches his shoulder "They may have taken her but son you couldnt have no one could have" he sighs "And now shes in the hospital for the thrashings they gave her that were meant for me" the General touches his shoulder "Alex you did more than any husband ever would have done you literally left everything you love to find her and tracked her across creation until you found her when quite literally the whole world was out to kill you you didnt fail you went far above and beyond" he looks at the General "She never should have been taken" he nods and sighs "Well get you out of here kid and youll see what I mean" he looks at the General "Id do it all again for her" the General smiles "I know you would " he pauses a moment "Your all shes asked about she even tried to get out of bed and come here" he smiles a bit "Shes tough" the General nods "So are you kid and I think we can beat these charges and get you back to her Ill arrange an attorney you just relax your home now and shes safe Doug has Ghosts posted with her and he himself is watching her room" he nods "I knew he would" the General smiles "Your boys are proud of you the whole damn military is you gave them alot of hope doing what you did and showing them that these men arent invincible. That we can beat them even if they fight dirty." hes silent a moment "How can they be proud of the monster I became" the General sighs "Son you did what needed to be done God will forgive you and your wife is beyond thankful" he smiles a bit "I love her and I would have moved heaven and earth if I had to" the General pulls out his phone and shows him their wedding photo "This is worth more than any rank and any flag" he nods and drops his head "No matter what happens it was worth it to see her safe" the General nods and the door unlocks a man in a Navy uniform walking "Hello Gunnery Sergeant Im Commander James Powell USN Im here to bring you to the questioning room." he sighs "You can say interrogation im a big boy I can handle it" the door unlocks and two Marines step in and he walks between the Marines not even cuffing him respecting his rank. He steps into the room a plain metal table and two metal chairs sitting in the one facing the glass. He clasps his hands on the table and waits sitting straight. The same Navy Commander walks in and sets his hat on the table and a file "Gunny your record is impressive multiple silver stars bronze stars and purple hearts enlisted at 17 left in Cherbourg returned with a new name then you lead the assault on the Moroccan beaches and your shinning moment in the desett leading the last thirteen men against insurmountable odds and coming out on top earning your Congressional Medal of Honor our nations highest award.and your only twenty two" hes silent "What does my record have to do with this" the Commander sits back "Your a warmonger hungry for medals and glory at the cost of others lives" he calmly looks in the Commanders eyes "Tell me sir have you ever seen combat" the Commander shifts uncomfortably "Well no" he smirks "Oh so youve never had to look in a dying mans eyes and lie that hes going to be okay?" he turns red "No I havent" he shakes his head "Never looked in a mans eyes as you had to end his life and then watch him slowly die? Your telling me youve never had to advance under gunfire against a fortified position outnumbered and outgunned?" the Commander shakes his head getting even redder" he leans back "Get out of my face you fucking Pog send in an interrogater with a spine" the Commander calmly puts his hat on and walks out leaving the file. He slams it shut and pushes it as far away as he can. He waits a few minutes and a Marine with a few medals walks in "Hello Gunny Im Captain Frank Boswell" he nods "Hello sir how can I help you?" the Captain looks at him "Gunny we need to know why you weny AWOL and why you went overseas" he looks at him "Sir they took my wife" he looks at the table "Any man I know would have done the same thing" the Captain nods "We need more proof though that you didn't collaborate with the Germans" he shakes his head "Every German I saw died" the Captain looks at him "So you were hunting them?" he shakes his head "I was hunting my wife and if thats wrong then I dont want to be right." the Marine nods and steps out. He sits quietly trapped in his own thoughts of Ana and the men he killed.

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