Part 164- Coming Around

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He comes to looking at the sky feeling himself being hoisted upsitting up quickly looking around realizing the boat is being lifted up to the carrier deck. He looks at his stomach and chedt his wounds bandaged with blood stained gauze. The SEALs around him tipping their helmets "Your one ballsy son of a bitch Gunny" he smirks and holds his side Lisa sitting quietly the men getting off. He stands up holding his side and the men all around stop and stare one starting to clap others slowly joining in the Navy crew applauding when he passes. He drops his head limping to the medical bay Lisa following him her arm in a cast a few stitches in her cheek and leg. He waits for the doctor and she sits across from him "You saved my life again" he chuckles and winces "I did my job I wasnt letting you die again" she looks him over "Your still as stubborn as ever" he smiles a bit "Just ask my wife" she smiles bittersweetly "You know I didn't do what I did without regret" he looks at her going serious "You have no idea how what you did affected me" she frowns "I know" she says her voice trailing off "I blamed myself I knew that shot was for me and you took it and I believed you died. I hated myself and pushed Sasha away luckily she met the man shes now married too and has a child with" Lisa smiles a bit "Sasha is a mother?" he nods "Shes married to my best friend whose another of my Ghosts" the doctor steps in and looks at them both "You two look like hell" he chuckles a bit "Doc you have no idea the day Ive had" the doctor smiles "Gunny after the day youve had I dont envy you" the doctor walks over and examines his wounds starting to stitich him up pulling the bandages off revealing deep gashes and slices splits and cuts across his chest and sides Lisa looking at them criss crossing his existing scars "My god" is all she says standing up and looking the scars over "You had none of these in Cherbourg" the doctor chuckles "Gunny here has a medical record from hell. Hes never sick but by god is he always shot up" he chuckles "Thanks doc" the doctor looks him over "Gunny I dont know how your standing still and how you got up all those times these wounds would have killed any other man" he smirks "Doc Im not any other man Im a Recon Marine" Lisa stands up and shakes her head "You used to be simple just bayonet wounds and knife wounds" he shrugs "That was before I became one of the most deadly men in the service" the doctor leaves and he gets up pulling his shirt back on with his blouse and cap "So how did you and your wife meet" he chuckles "Your going to laugh" she smiles a bit "That bad?" he nods "Shes General Garrisons daughter" Lisa shakes her head "Your sleeping with your bosses daughter" he goes serious "I love her Id go to the gates of hell and back for her" a sudden voice behind them cuts him off "Dont let him fool you he has been to the devil's own throne room and back for her" he turns to see the General walking up "She was captured and taken prisoner for four months and Gunny here didnt even think he just went and he hunted her down finally. He was willing to face treason desertion and espionage charges all with a death penalty just to bring her home" he gulps and Lisa looks at him "Wow" is all she says somewhat astonished "You did all that for her?" he nods "Shes my wife I love her and its my job to protect her" Lisa smiles bittersweetly "Shes lucky" he chuckles "Trust me Im the lucky one" the General steps aside hearing yelling "Alexander! You get your ass over here!" he smiles "Thatd be my wife" he turns around "Yes Ma'am" she hugs him as tight at she can "Oh cut the shit your my husband" he kisses her head and she leans against him closing her eyes "You scared me half to death I was afraid you wouldnt get up" he kisses her head "How could I not knowing Im coming home to you" she looks at Lisa "And who is this?" he looks at Lisa "She's a friend" Ana looks her over "Whats your name" Lisa smiles a bit "Im Lisa Pearson" Ana looks her over "Alex is this who I think it is" he nods gravely "Yes it is" Ana looks at her "Youve been alive this whole time while my husband was blaming himself for your death. Do you have any idea how many times hes shot awake at night sweating and wild eyed because he's back in Cherbourg and he has watched you die again?" he puts his hand over Anas "Baby please" she frowns and looks at him hugging him Lisa looking at her "I never meant any harm by it. I believed he was better off and I believe I was right" Ana looks up at him and hes smiles at her "Why dont we get home" Ana nods "Yes please" he walks below deck grabbing his gear Ana following Lisa coming along the three boarding a plane bound for the mainland sitting in silence Ana sitting next to him holding his side feeling the bandages below his uniform while he sleeps smiling a bit knowing hes home safe atleast for now.

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