Part 89- Suicide Mission

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They get back to the apartment Doug and Sasha on the couch Sasha passed out "How did you get in?" Doug asks and he smiles "You really want to ask a Marine that" Ana holds up a key "You can thank Sasha" he smiles and messes with the sword "Got this back in fighting shape" Doug looks it over "Hell of a weapon" he nods and Ana heads toward the kitchen Sasha waking up "Im sorry I wont be much help tonight" Ana smiles "Thats okay" she looks at him "Mind helping me Gunny?" he smiles "Aye Aye Captain" he gets up starting to cut the meat for the steak mashed potatoes and spinach. He puts the potatoes on to boil whistling a knock sounding on the door Ana going to get it. She comes back in a minute her father standing with her a grave look on his face "Dad why are you here is everything okay?" he smiles "Its fine sweetie Im here to talk to Gunny" the General motions to the hallway and he sets the knife down walking out the door with him. He closes the door "Is everything alright sir?" the General drops his head a bit "Son get your gear we have a situation that requires your fine touch" he looks at the General "Sir what is going on?" the General looks at him "Son a forward hospital is cut off behind enemy lines we cant get any forces to them command has ordered sixty of our best tier one operators to insert and defend the hospital till the 2/5 can break through to the hospital alot of men are trapped with no way to be moved and these forces will brutalize them to send a message its the 1st Nachtjäger and the 4th Spetzgruppe" he nods "Sir this sounds like suicide" the General nods "It most likely is but we have to try" he nods "I never said I wasnt in anything for the wounded" the General looks at him "Your a good man Davila" he opens the door and Ana is standing right there a shocked look on her face "Your sending him to his death?" her father drops his head "Ana no but this is a very risky mission" she looks at him "And you volunteered?" he hugs her "Sweetheart Ill be fine i always am" she looks at him "You better I love you" he kisses her and heads in grabbing his gear. He looks at them all "Its been a pleasure guys ill miss you all Doug take care and Sasha stay out of trouble" he smiles and they nod Ana walking over handing him the sword "Dont forget this" he smiles and cups her cheek "I carry it for you darling" she smiles bittersweetly and he hugs her "Ill be okay dearest" she kisses him "I know now go your men need you" he kisses her hand and brushes her hair from her eyes "I love you" she smiles a bit "I love you too" he turns and puts his rifle on his back sheathing the sword on his belt cocking the 1911 and sliding it into its holster "Lets do this" is all he says putting his cap on his uniform sleeves rolled up a stoic expression on his face. He walks out with the General hearing Sasha and Doug comforting Ana the shut of the door behind him the last thing he hears knowing his break is over and that the war may be over for Doug but not for him. They get to the roof a helicopter waiting for them. He sits on the side looking out over the city dusk falling the men arriving at Whitman transferring to Quantico and finally to the USS Ronald Reagan in the north atlantic. He catches some sleep on the flight out waking up as they land walking with the General to the briefing room inside are Marines SEALs Pararescue men Rangers and Green Berets. He sits down amongst them hearing a few chairs behind him "Look at jarhead with the sword" he stands up and looks at the Ranger "Must be your first mission" the Ranger chews his gum a big smile on his face his buddys grinning "Hey I was top of my class in Ranger school fuck you jarhead" he smiles "Oh I wish I could be that naive again" he sits down the Ranger jumping up "The fuck you say" he doesnt even turn "Sit down junior the briefings starting" he sees a Ranger sit next to him and the Ranger smiles "You know how to handle'em Gunny" he smiles "Havent made it this far without running across a few kids with moto boners" the Sergeant smiles "Names Chambers 75th Rangers" he shakes his hand "Davila 1st Marine Raiders" they quiet up the General standing up at the board. He looks at the men a map of Egypt coming up "Yesterday the US Armys big red one was beaten back leaving this hospital open to enemy attack the 1st Nachtjäger and the 4th Spetzgruppe are moving in to take this hospital they will kill these wounded men mercilessly to break the moral of our fighting units. You will not let this happen" the General points to a point on the map near the hospital "Your teams will insert here and move to the hospital. You will dig in and defend this hospital at all costs men you will have no air support no ground support and no naval support this operation is on the backs of you men and I have faith youll make it until the 2nd Battalion 5th Marines can break through" the General looks over them "God speed I leave you men to Lieutenants Welder and Hastings" the Lieutenants looks at them Hastings yelling "On deck boys were moving in five" he grabs his gear and heads topside looking at the moon reflecting off the ocean looking at the picture of Ana and saying a small prayer kissing the picture and strapping in headed back to hell.

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