Part 65- A Score to Settle

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He looks at Ana and then at his stuff sighing and closing his eyes his head hung low. He feels a hand on his arm and sees Ana smiling a bit as she hugs his side and leans against him. She says nothing just standing with him the two staring out the window. He takes a deep breath "In a week I'll be back on the front so far from you" she turns to him "Im never far" she places her finger over his heart "Im always right here" he smiles a bit "Hey thats my line" she pecks him on the cheek and he cups her face with his hand "I love you sweetheart" she smiles sweetly "I love you too" he lets her go "Im gonna go for a run" she nods "Dont be long babe dinner is soon" he nods and heads out to the barracks getting his full combat load drawing his rifle and heading to the course stretching and starting to run his mind going to his training the skills hes learned and the trials hes survived the graduation for Marine Raider a two and a half mile run through tear gas with no mask while carrying a full combat load and an extra 180 pound dummy to simulate casualties. He remembers the burn and the stinging the pain and the coughing and in the back of his mind a voice screaming "Keep fighting!" he keeps running starting to sweat feeling his body pushing loving the feeling. He runs till the sun sets coming home in the dark  finding them all at the table waiting. He quickly sits down and they say grace and begin eating the pot roast and buttered noodles tasting great. He eats quickly starting on his fourth bowl before everyone has finished their second Garrison laughing his wife and Ana staring at him "Easy son you aint in the barracks you can slow down" he wipes his mouth "My bad force of habit" Ana giggles "I hope you eat my cooking like that" he just smiles still having withheld his ability to cook. He finishes and Garrison looks at him "Well son Tomorrow night theyve arranged a British American cage fight and I volunteered you" he looks at Garrison "Your one of the best in the Corps and your SAS friends will be competing" he tenses and cracks his knuckles "My pleasure" Ana looks at him "SAS friends?" he looks at her "The brits who left me for dead" he gets up excusing himself some memories flooding back needing a moment to clear his head. He sits outside staring at the stars waiting for this moment since he woke up in Cherbourg. He focuses remembering what his sensei said gathering his inner calm quenching his anger. He feels a hand in his back and turns seeing Ana who leans against him. He puts his arm around her and holds her close kissing her head "Im going to the gym sweetheart" she smiles and nods "Okay dont be long" he nods and heads out to the gym working out his music playing as he steeles himself boxing the punching bag sweat pouring down his face he feels someone behind him and turns seeing the General standing there "Whats up sir?" the General taps his watch "Its 1am kid" he looks at the time and scratches his head "Ana sent me to get you" he chuckles "I love that girl" the General smiles "Sir theres something Ive been meaning to ask you" the General nods "Whats up?" he clears his throat "Id like your permission to ask your daughter to marry me when I return from my tour" the General looks at him "As long as she wants you I couldnt ask for a better choice" he shakes the Generals hand and the General smiles "You two are good for eachother" he nods "Thank you sir" he goes serious "But until tomorrow night I have to focus on this match" the General laughs "Well come on home for now Rocky" he nods and heads back walking in Ana tapping her foot "Was he at the gym?" her father laughs "Yes Ana relax your taking a page from your mothers book" she looks at him and blushes "What do you mean?" her father smiles "Ana hes not cheating never will dont worry like your mom" he looks at her "Ana me cheating really?" she blushes "Alright its dumb but you need to come  home earlier" he kisses her head "Sweetheart Im a big boy I can handle being out late but next time Ill text you to let you know everything is okay" she nods and hugs him leaning against him. He walks upstairs with her and holds her close going and changing laying down with her. He stares at her and she stares back smiling slightly "I wish I could know what you really are" he just stares "Darling you dont want to know because if you did youd never see me the same" she looks at him "Is it that bad?" he shakes his head "Ive never done anything bad but I've changed the world in quite a few ways" she smiles playfully "So Im dating a super hero" he chuckles "No sweetheart I'm better than that I'm a Marine" she giggles and lays her head against his chest "I hate that you have to go" he sighs "Darling I have a choice go to war and protect you and everyone I love or remain here with you and god forbid something happens and I didnt stop it" she nods "I know my father says the same thing its funny how similar you two are" he just smiles "Marines are often alike" she smiles and curls up letting herself drift off to sleep and he drifts off not long after.

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