Part 66- Paybacks a Bitch

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He gets up early and continues training practicing his art coming home for lunch eating with Ana and her mother and going getting his uniform on and waiting. He looks at them still eating "You guys coming tonight?" Ana smiles and nods "Of course" her mother smiles and nods "Yes well be keeping an eye on you" Ana smirks "Just remember its a fight to the knockout not to the death Chef" he chuckles "No promises" he hears the car roll up and kisses Ana goodbye "Good luck babe" he winks "My good luck charm is sitting right there" he points to her and she giggles her mother just smiling "Oh you two" he goes to the car getting in Garrison driving him to the recreation center. He goes inside looking at the roster 8 Americans and 8 brits two from each American branch and two from each brit branch including the royal Marines Commandos and SAS. He sees the names and immediatly picks out the SAS name Sergeant Conner. He preps himself the first match starting walking out the lights flashing the ring in sight a Royal Marine waiting for him yelling "Common Yank get your arse whoopin here" he climbs into the cage and cracks his neck. The ref has them touch knuckles and yells "Fight" the Brit starts swinging and he moves like liquid dodging finding an opening he makes one shot into the Brits nose stunning him the Brit standing straight up dizzy he makes a chopping hand and stabs the brit in the sternum collapsing his hand and letting his knuckles slam into his chest the Brit flying half way across the ring the audience is silent and then bursts out screaming cheers. He leaves the ring Garrison standing there smiling "Good fight kid" he smirks "I have my target" he passes Conner as he walks with Garrison the two making eye contact the world going silent Conner smirking as he enters the ring. He contains himself Garrison shaking him "Snap out of it focus kid your doing good so far" he nods remaining ice cold waiting the next round four American and four Brits two Marine including him a SEAL and a Ranger. The Ranger and the SEAL go both losing to their matches one a Commando the other SAS finally its his turn to take on a Commando he walks out to the ring his uniform on he looks at Garrison who nods. He slips into the ring and the ref starts the Brit lets loose a hail of punches and he dodges and blocks his mind calm as a morning lake. He lets the Brit keep going hearing the Brit soldiers cheering the man on. He smirks seeing his opening rolling under the Brits swing and behind him swiftly moving across the octagon "Comon kid that all you got" the Brit charges and yells out he sidesteps grabbing the Brit and using his momentum throwing him across the ring the Brit even angrier he charges lowering his head. He just sidesteps the Brit running into one of the cage poles knocking himself clean out. The ref comes over and declares the winner the Americans cheering. The announcer starting in "And the Winner is Staff Sergeant Alexander Davila Marine Scout Sniper and Raider" he jumps down Garrison laughing "I see what your doing" he just smirks "Your withholding your fighting style staying unpredictable" he nods "That fucker wont know what hit him I let that fight go on I want him to think Im struggling" he goes back to the lockers preparing himself wishing the other Marine luck he waits patiently focusing the other Marine winning and coming back he goes out for his next round coming into the ring with the Royal Marine. He takes a deep breath and heads in touching knuckles this Marine waits not lashing out. He realizes hes going to have to work a bit making fakes juking and dodging. The Royal Marine finally strikes and he finds his opening jabbing a kidney pressing a lung and finally uppercutting the knockout. He walks out the ref calling it sitting in the locker room staring at the wall thinking of Ana clearing his head his mind like a lake he knows not what happened to the other Marine just hearing the call for the next fight. He gets up walking with Garrison he gets in the ring and sees Conner who smirks. He takes off his uniform jacket his olive drab undershirt on tossing the jacket to Garrison. He walks slowly toward the center of the octagon remaining calm his anger welling but his training taking over. The ref has them touch knuckles and steps back the Brit whispering "Ready to lose in front of your girl you fucking yank just like Cherbourg" the ref yells "Fight" and the Brit starts punching he catches his fist crushing it the Brit yelling out he presses the points in his arm locking it his other fist coming out he grabs it and locks the other arm grabbing the Brit by the collar and throwing him into the cage sliding under a kick and locking his leg he grabs the Brits collar and starts whaling on his face throwing him again unlocking his limbs "Fight me!" the Brit jumps up and runs at him the two locked in combat he dodges and blocks making jabs slowly wearing the Brit down. He smirks seeing his opening jabbing in between his ribs and collapsing the Brits lung the man starting to choke. He stands up "What the hell did you do to me!" he presses again and reinflates the lung making a single roundhouse kick to the head the Brit dropping. He looks at the Brit feeling something running down his cheek realizing he had been cut seeing a knife in the Brits hand the punch dagger concealed in his jacket. He smirks "You cheated and still couldnt win" he looks at the crowd and the ref announces him the winner. He just looks at the Brit whose getting up "You underestimate the US Marines were the reason your asses lost the Revolution and the war of 1812" he smirks "Paybacks a Bitch Conner" he steps out of the ring putting his jacket back on Ana and her parents waiting there Garrison smirking "That was some impressive fighting Marine" Ana hugs him "Your Amazing!" he just chuckles walking with them the title meaning nothing revenge having been served.

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