Part 118- On the Fly

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They move into London the city bombed out buildings collapsed bodies in the streets fires burning all around. They move quickly up one street in a diamond formation Doug in the center. He can see a few buildings bombed out with a structure in the back yard heading in and snooping around. In the wreckage is a picture of a young woman and a British soldier both probably dead now. He sets the picture down and they continue their search for a hide out. They come across a few clothing stores with their windows bombed out and go inside grabbing civilian clothes. Its becomes later afternoon the men having avoided patrols and armored columns finally finding a second world war bomb shelter hidden in the brush of a park. They get inside and the Ghosts clean it out getting set up using the old food storage racks for weapons and ammunition hiding their uniforms and changing into civilian clothes. He tells Doug what to do and he follows orders changing into civilian clothes. The men gather together and he looks them over "Alright next we have to blend into the civilian population and find a base of operations." Jack looks at him "Ill take Mike and check the lower district" he nods "Ill take Doug and James and hit the downtown" the men split into teams and the Ghosts all put their hands in breaking Doug watching. They head out into the city getting to the downtown area finding a group of civilians blending in with them Doug watching and following. He looks at the now Soldier "Doug you follow me do what I do watch what i do and learn" Doug nods "Alright" they get to a coffee shop the owner trying to run his business even in the wreckage a few people stopping in. He walks in with Doug the two men getting black coffee and sitting outside James getting to a rooftop across the street and watching them keeping an eye out. He sits back and relaxes Doug sitting rigid "Relax act natural half of being under cover is just looking like your supposed to be there" Doug relaxes a bit and he sips his coffee "Very good now look around you but dont turn your head use your peripherals and your surroundings and tell me what you see" Doug looks around an he can see hes rigid not moving his head "Relax use your eyes you cant look like your straining not to move" Doug starts moving his eyes "Now focus see what most people would miss the brick missing from the corner of the building behind me the car with the keys still in it the things most people have to look for" Doug keeps looking "Damnit Im not seeing anything" he chuckles and sips his coffee "Patience this doesnt happen overnight brother" Doug grunts "Its frustrating" he sips his coffee setting it down "Act natural there are two undercover Nachjäger behind you" Doug goes to look back and taps his cup on the table "Dont look damnit or theyll make us" Doug sips his coffee and he watched the two men who walk by their table looking them over. He tips his cap and in a british accent smiles "Afternoon" the men just keep walking he waits a minute and motions Doug up. They start tailing the men keeping their distance he touches his earpiece "James give us rooftop overwatch" he hears it crackle "You got it" he pulls his hood up and lowers his head Doug following in suit they follow the men through a few allys and down a street to the outskirts of the city the men slipping into a building. He radios James "Get eyes on that building I want to know what it is whose there and why their there" the SEAL replies "Yes Gunny" and moves into position. He look at Doug "Im taking you back to the hide this is a little beyond your training" Doug sighs "I can help" he looks at him "Bud do you want to be the one telling Sasha something happened" Dougs silent "Didnt think so" he walks Doug back to the shelter and grabs two duffels full of gear heading out again leaving Doug to wait. He gets back to James and the two go into the building suiting up Mike and Jack showing up already in their gear. The men spread out and watch the building from different angles. He lays prone hidden under some tin roofing and bricks looking like a pile of rubble watching through the scope of the Mosin the canvas hanging from it breaking up its outline. He watches the men inside seeing weapons ammo and uniforms the men all looking at maps and plans. He radios in "Move up were taking this place Mike Jack go rear James well go front." he hears three clicks acknowledging the order. He moves down putting his Mosin on his back and pulling his SCAR out moving quickly up to the door. They stack up and James opens it while he goes in clearing the room Jack and Mike coming in from the rear the four starting up the stairs. He motions to a door on the right Jack opens it and he rushes in seeing the Germans yelling "On the ground now" in German one going for a pistol he drops him with two to the chest and a single shot to the head. He drops another going for a rifle the remaining four putting their hands up. He motions for Mike to tie them up Jack watching the door while he and James look through the plans and maps gathering them up. He looks at a German who makes a face "The Reaper will have your head Darkhorse" he kneels down looking in the mans eyes staring through him "He can try your country sent its best and like pawns they fell" he motions to Mike who executes the prisoners the Ghosts having nowhere to keep them and setting them free not an option. They exfiltrate and head back to the bunker he sees a man on the rooftops along the way catching a glimpse of The Reaper the sniper unknowing of the Darkhorse the hunt just beginning.

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