Part 105- Headed Out

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He gets up early and heads out to the weight set working out hard pushing himself Doug stepping out the two working out for a bit and heading inside. He goes and showers putting on civilian clothes the group heading to Arlington visiting the grave of JFK and heading to another. He steps forward with Sasha who sets a rose at the base of the headstone handing him one. He sets the rose down and looks at the grave where Lisa lies still forever. He hugs Sasha "Rest in peace my friend" he says in Russian and lets her go Sasha hugging Doug. He stands a moment longer Ana hugging him from the side while he contains himself knowing crying is weakness and he cannot be weak. They go to the tomb of the unknown soldier and watch the changing of the guard. They leave the cemetary and take Doug and Sasha to the airport Sasha and Ana hugging "Youll be there for the wedding right?" Ana nods "Wouldnt miss it for the world" Sasha smiles "Good because your my Maid of Honor" Doug shakes his hand "And your my best man as long as you can make it" he nods "Ill do my best I never know where Uncle Sams Misguided Children may have me going next" Doug nods "Well I hope you make it" he smiles "Ill do my best brother" Sasha and Doug head for their plane and he goes home with Ana. Her father comes and gets the car and he sits in the living room looking at the medal studying the gold and blue the white stars adorning it. He looks around at the house feeling weird being here in his own home. He looks at the walls and the furniture all around the entire atmosphere weird after living so long in a barracks and in a fox hole. She steps out of their room and sits next to him taking the medal "Its beautiful thats for sure" he nods "Yeah I guess" Ana looks at him and touches his cheek smiling "Your something else" he half smiles "Am I now?" she nods "Yes you are but your my something else" he kisses her and looks at the medal "They came in hordes scared kids most of them and we came and slaughtered them they were there to kill us so we killed them first after two nights we were at a quarter of our original numbers and we had all accepted that we would die and were taking them with us" she puts her finger on his lips "Youll be back soon enough for now lets enjoy this you and I in our home and my last night as a civilian" he nods and kisses her. She gets in his lap and hugs him tight wrapping her arms around him. He hugs her back and kisses her neck while she quietly hangs off of him. He gets up and she looks at him a moment and turns on the tv smiling a bit "Ill be right here" she says sweetly and he leans down and kisses her going to their room and grabbing his bag starting to pack it his weapons sitting in the corner. He grabs the Mosin and the sword looking at them his weapons of choice the Sniper and the Centurion one a long range reaper of death the other a man trained to fight face to face and here he is the perfect mix of Sniper and Centurion. He finishes packing the bag and walks out Ana having dozed off. He walks out and just keeps walking as the mid day sun starts to set leaving the base and heading into town to a jewelry store looking at the pendants and rings in the case waving the clerk off looking he comes across a small red sword pendant made of crimson gold. He immediately buys it and gets a chain for it proud of himself for his find. He goes back to the house grabbing Chinese on the way in Ana rousing as he walks in. She gets up and smells the food "Mmm im starving" he smiles a bit "Well good Im glad" he starts setting out the food and they eat quietly holding eachothers hands under the table. They head to bed and Ana falls right asleep while he lies awake wondering if hell make it back here wondering if what she said at the memorial was true. He finally drifts off to sleep dreaming of the desert of the men he killed there and of his sword dripping with their blood. He shoots awake at 3 A.M. slipping out of bed and getting dressed setting the pendant next to her with a letter "Dear Ana I wanted you to have this as a token of myself and to remind you that Im always with you. The sword is the representation of myself and the chain is you who anchors me and keeps me stable. As long as you wear this pendant and never take it off ill be coming home but should it break Ive passed in the line of duty so wear it always my love and I shall forever return yours truly. Sincerely yours Gunnery Sergeant Alexander Davila" he kisses her forehead and grabs his bags stepping out into the misty morning walking toward the airfield as so many before him headed back to the war away from the woman he loves and his friends back to the mud and the blood where he was born to be.

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