Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 22

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Chad’s P.O.V.

*Five months later*

I was sleeping on the chair in the hospital when I felt somebody shaking me awake. I awoke fairly quickly cause I thought it was Astrid trying to wake me up but when I opened my eyes it was Matt who woke me up. After Matt went to the other side of the room, I took my chance to look at Astrid and I saw that she wasn’t up yet. Matt sat down in a chair and he noticed that I was looking at Astrid so he says, “Yeah, I wish Astrid was awake too.” The doctor came in and took Astrid’s chart and said, “Still no signs of waking up?” I shook my head and the doctor walks out with the chart in hand. I shook my head again and then I say to Matt, “What was that about?” Matt shrugs his shoulders and says, “I have no idea dad.” We sat in silence for a bit not understanding why the doctor left in such a hurry. We decided to drop the subject but we continued to stare at the door until Matt stood up and walked outside. I was alone in the room with Astrid waiting for Matt to return. Five minutes passed and he didn’t return so I got up and went out the door.

Astrid’s P.O.V.

I saw a white light and I tried to get away from it cause I didn’t know what it was but I was forced to go in it and when I went through I realized I was in the hospital. I looked around and I didn’t see anybody in the room. Three minutes later I heard a door open and close and I opened my eyes to see my dad and Matt sit down. I suppose they didn’t know I was awake yet and then dad grabbed my hand and he squeezed it so I decided to squeeze it back. I heard dad make a surprised yell and I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Matt gasped and he says, “Oh your awake at last!” I smiled at Matt and I say to him with tears in my eyes, “Can I have a hug?” Matt nods his head and we hug for four minutes and then I hug my dad.

I looked around and then I say, “Where’s Jared and Mike?” Dad sighs and says, “Those two wanted to stay home.” I shake my head and then Matt says, “Who hurt you, Astrid?” I start to remember what happened and then I say, “Duke.” Matt shakes his head and says, “I want to kick his ass now.” I shake my head and say, “No, don’t.” Matt puts his hand on my forehead and says, “Are you okay?” I nod my head and I say, “Can we go home now?” Dad shakes his head and says, “When the doctor says we can.”

Matt gets up, walks out the door and comes back with a doctor who says I’m good to go, after giving me a check- up. We get in the car and Matt hands me my phone and says, “Call Raven and tell her your leaving the hospital.” I nod my head, take my phone and then when Raven answers I say, “It’s me, I’m out of the hospital now.” I hear Raven squeal and say, “Can you come and pick me up?” I tell her to hang on and then I say to dad, “Can we go pick up Raven?” Dad nods his head and we stop at Raven’s house and then dad honks his horn. In two minutes Raven comes out and when she comes in, she gives me a bear hug that squeezed me really tight. Matt tells Raven that she’s squeezing me too tight and so she lets go and we arrive at home where Mike and Jared come out of nowhere and they hug me.

I hug them both and then I see a familiar animal running up to me so I get on my knees and I hold her. After two minutes I stand up and Raven and I go upstairs into my room. I lay on my bed with Bella and then Raven sits on the chair. Raven and I were silent for a while and then she says, “I heard what happened to you and I’m sorry.” I nod my head and I say with tears in my eyes, “What’s done is in the past.” Raven nods her head and says, “I’m sorry, I won’t bring it up again.” Bella licks my tears that are coming down my face. I hug her and then Matt comes in and he hands me my phone and says to Raven, “My father says its time for you to leave.”

Raven gets up to leave but then when she gets to my door she turns around and says, “I’m going to come over tomorrow.” I nod my head and then she leaves, Matt comes over and sits on my bed and starts showing me the text messages between him and Duke. I laugh a bit and then I lay on Matt’s shoulder for a while and then I woke up in my bed. I looked around and Bella was at the foot of my bed. I move around for a better position and then just when I was about to close my eyes, my phone started vibrating indicating that I have just received a message but I decided to look at it tomorrow. Then I moved around one more time before sleep took over me.

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