Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 29

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

When Duke gets back from getting the two things we pig out on the pizza and watch, ‘The Shining.’ In the middle of the movie we finally finished the whole pizza and we began kissing afterwards. We decided to lay on the bed so we left the movie playing and we got on the bed. I thought that Duke was going to lay beside me but instead he lays on top of me and says, “Is this okay?” I nod my head and he kisses me gently on the lips and he says, “I love you Astrid.” I refused to say it back to him because it would only be words with no meaning to them and then Duke says, “Why won’t you say it back to me?” I told him the reason why I didn’t say it back and he looked hurt but he accepted it and says, “Well, hopefully I can get you to say it back to me.”

I kiss his lips and say, “I will say it back to you.” Duke smiles and then he kisses me back and I feel his tongue trying to enter my mouth but I refuse to let him in. He bites my lower lip and I open up my mouth and he slides his tongue in my mouth. I moan while he does that and then we had to stop because my phone started to go off. Duke groans and I pulled it out of my pocket and it’s my dad so I answer it and he says, “Come home now please.” I tell him that I’ll come home as soon as I can then I put the phone back in my pocket and Duke says, “Let me guess, your dad wants you to come home.” I nod my head slowly and he says, “Damn, just when things were getting good.” I giggle and Duke says, “God, you sound sexy when you do that.”

I kiss him on the lips and say, “Thanks, that means a lot coming from you.” Duke gets off of me and then he helps me off the bed and says, “Let’s get you home before your dad calls the police.” I nod my head, knowing my dad could do that because he has already done it before. We arrive at my house and there were cops everywhere and Duke says, “Oh shit.” I get out of the car quickly and say to Duke, “I’ll call you as soon as things die down.” After I hear his response, I run into the house and I see my dad crying. I run towards him and he pulls me into a tight hug.

I let my dad hold me tight and he says through his crying, “I thought something happened to you.” I tell dad that Duke was running late dropping me off. After dad was done crying, he told the officers that I arrived home safely.  I went into my room and called Duke. We had a two hour long conversation that ended with me saying, “See you tomorrow.” I get in my bed and I turned my radio on cause I wanted to see what was playing and it was, ‘Love is dead’, by Kopek. I started humming to the lyrics and then after the song was over, I waited for the next one but didn’t know what it was called.

I turned the radio off and layed down the pillow and pulled the blanket on top of me. It took me a while to fall asleep for some reason so I got up and went to my bathroom to get two Tylenol nighttime pills. I lay in my bed waiting for those pills to kick in and an hour later, I’m fast asleep. I wake up at six and I get ready for the day. After I put my clothes in the laundry basket I then head downstairs to get some breakfast. I made toast and went into the living room to watch television and eat my toast. I was the only one up for an hour until I heard somebody coming down the stairs.

I turned towards the stairs and I saw my dad and he says, “Wow, your up already, do you want any breakfast?” I show him my toast and say, “I would love to have some eggs.” My dad nods his head and he begins making the eggs for me. Two minutes later, dad walks into the living room holding a plate and he says, “Here you go, do you need more juice?” I take the plate and hand him a glass and say, “Thanks dad.” He comes back a minute later with my glass filled up with apple juice. I eat the eggs and drink the juice and then I take them to the sink and I was about to wash them but then dad says, “I’ll do that, go watch television.” I nod my head say my thanks and sit on the floor watching ‘Family Guy’, when all of my brothers come downstairs and Jared says to me, “Hey Astrid.” I reply it back to him and they head into the kitchen to get some breakfast as well.

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