Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 33

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

I was upset that Matt left and I was worried that he would keep doing that every time Duke came over. Dad walks over to me, pulls me into a hug and says, “He’ll come home soon, just watch.” I nod my head wanting to believe every word my dad says. After we got done eating Duke asks me to go outside for a bit so we do and he says, “I’m going to leave now.” I was about to say something and Duke says, “I’m not mad at you Astrid, it’s just I want to be gone before Matt gets back.” I sigh, I really didn’t want him to leave but Matt wasn’t going come home unless he’s gone and I say, “Promise me that you will call me though.” Duke nods his head and then he hugs me gently.

After we get done hugging, we both kiss each other and then we both say ‘I love you’ to each other. Duke turns around and begins walking towards his car and he gets in and drives off. I walked back inside the house and not even three minutes later, I heard a car pull up in the driveway. The car door slams and I hear somebody walk up the stairs. I get up, walked over to the door, opened it and there stands Matt. I glare at him and he says, “Astrid, please don’t start.” I point a finger in his face and say, “You better tell me tomorrow.”

Matt nods his head knowing that if he doesn’t answer my questions tomorrow, that I won’t talk to him until he does and I say, “Good.” I move out of the way and Matt comes inside and he shuts the door. I head upstairs into my room and I don’t even bother to change into my pajamas and I lay on my bed. I fell asleep without the blankets on me and I woke up very early the next day. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was and it says five thirty. I got up, got dressed for the day and then I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I cooked up two eggs and just when I was about to sit and eat them, my dad comes down the stairs. I smile at him and he says, “Your up mighty early.” I shrug my shoulders and he says, “Are you planning on going anywhere?” I nod my head and say, “With Duke.”

Matt’s P.O.V.

I came down the stairs wanting to get breakfast when I heard Astrid saying that she was planning on going somewhere with Duke. It pissed me off that Astrid would allow Duke to be near her and when I was in the kitchen it was silent; no conversation between Astrid and dad. When I sat down beside Astrid, she glared at me and dad finishes making his breakfast and says, “I’ll leave you two alone.” I lay my head on the table and say to Astrid, “I don’t want you to be near Duke today.” Astrid slams her fork hard on the table and says, “Why the fuck not?!” My eyes got large when I heard her cussing, she hardly ever cusses unless she’s angry and I say, “Astrid, I’m sorry alright? It’s just I hate Duke.” Astrid stands up, dumps the rest of her food into the trash and says, “Because of you, I no longer have an appetite.”

Just as Astrid was about to walk away from me, I grabbed her arm and I pulled her onto my lap and say, “I really am sorry.” Astrid sighs and she lays her head on my shoulder and I say, “Can you forgive me?” I was hoping Astrid would say that she would but if she didn’t, I would understand and then Astrid says, “I forgive you but you owe me.” I knew that was coming and I say, “I owe you one.” Astrid grins at me and says, “Anything?” I was going to regret saying yes but I didn’t want Astrid to be angry at me so I say, “Yes anything.” Astrid wraps her arms around my neck and she says, “Then I want you to be nice to Duke.”

I knew Astrid was going to say that and I did owe her so I say, “Fine, I’ll be nice to your Duke.” Astrid smiles really big and I say, “Calm down Astrid, it’s not that important.” Astrid thumps me on the forehead and says, “Be nice.” I laugh at that and say, “I know, I was just messing with you.” Astrid stands up and says, “Now you have to be nice to Duke.” I glare at her; she was acting like I had forgotten already and I say, “Astrid, I know alright? I don’t need you to keep telling me.”

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