Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 20

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

We arrive at Duke’s house and I notice that there’s nobody at his house so I panic telling Duke that I want to go home and Duke says, “The only thing will be doing is watching movies.” So I calm down and think that’s all were going to be doing so we go inside his house and then I discover something that I wish I had told Duke to take me back home. What I had discovered was beer bottles all over the place and then when I try to escape out the front door, Duke blocks the door keeping me inside and I say, “Your drunk.” Duke nods his head and says, “So? Nobody was going to drink any of it.” I shake my head and I say, “Where is your dad?” Duke grabs me, pulls me with him into his bedroom and he shoves me onto his bed.

 Sex scene: skip if you don’t want to read.

Duke stands in front of the door and then he looks at me and says, “I want to have sex with you.” I shook my head and I say, “My father wants me to graduate from college first.” Duke angry when he realizes that I rejected him and that pisses him off so he pushes down on me and before I can get up, I’m forced back onto the bed. Then Duke gets on top of me, locking my arms above my head and then he starts kissing me, making me really uncomfortable and to top it all off I myself feel drunk because him kissing me is like I’m getting high. Duke finally pulls his hands free from my hands but instead of pushing him off I wrap my arms around him catching Duke off guard. Then Duke relaxes understanding what I’m doing and then he deepens the kiss letting me know that he is very happy with what I did. Duke starts taking off my clothes and then his own and it starts to become something that I wished that I told him to stop.

End of sex scene.

The next day… Duke wakes up to find me naked underneath him and Duke is horrified by what he sees which is me beaten and bruised and then he starts shaking me trying to get me up but I don’t awaken so he panics but realizes that he has to take me to the hospital. Duke gets his clothes on from yesterday and then he puts my clothes on, he carries me to his car bridal style and then he puts me in the passenger side then he gets in at his side and we drive off heading towards the hospital. When we got to the hospital Duke gets me out and we head inside where a doctor comes over and he starts asking questions but Duke yells out, “Can’t you see that my girlfriend needs urgent help?” The doctor tells Duke to follow him and they find out that I had sexual intercourse with someone so they quickly call my family and tell them the situation and that they need to come a.s.a.p. My family arrives not even three minutes after the doctor had called them. The doctor leads my family to where I’m at and they see that Duke is with me. My dad says to Duke, “If I find out that you had something to do with this, there will be hell to pay.”

Duke swallows really loud and then he says, “Yes sir, I understand.” My brothers glare at him as their walking towards me and my dad takes my hand and he squeezes it saying to me, “Astrid, if you can hear me we are hear with you.” Even though I was in a coma, I could hear my dad talking to me and I really wanted to answer him but I couldn’t. My dad sat down in a chair next to me and he was holding my hand squeezing it as if I would suddenly wake up. Duke sat in a seat across from my dad and they both held my hands. The doctor then decided to pop by and he says to my dad, “Sir, your daughter was raped and beaten up, do you have any idea who would do this?” My dad shook his head no but glared at Duke as if saying, “It better not be you that did it.” Duke had a guilty look in his eyes but as soon as he shook his head no, it went away.

My dad was curious about it but decided to ignore it and then he turned his attention back to me. Duke watches Chad as he speaks softly to me as if I could hear what he is saying. Duke stands up and he walks out the door saying that he needs to stretch but my dad doesn’t care, the only thing that he cares about right now is me. My brothers then moved closer and Matt sits in the seat that Duke was in. Duke never came back into my room but my family was glad he was out. A knock on the door scares the shit out of my family and then my dad says, “You can come in.” The door opens and it’s Raven and she says, “Hello Chad, is it okay if I’m here?” My dad nods his head and he says, “Of course Raven, Matt give Raven your seat.” Matt nods his head, gives up his seat and then Raven says, “Do you know who did it?” My dad shakes his head and says, “No, but I think I have an idea on who it might be.” Raven gasps and says, “Who?” My dad waits for Raven to cool off a bit cause she’s steaming and then he says, “My guess is its Duke.”

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