Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 9

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

I opened up my door and I scared the shit out of my dad by saying to him, “Hi, dad, I’m back.” He waved and he said, “Hi, kiddo, looks like we have new neighbors.” I nodded my head and said, “I was just over there.” My dad glared at me and he said, “You don’t just walk over there without me or one of your brothers, understand?” I nodded my head and I bent down to Bella and I took her off her leash. I walked over to my dad and I said to him, “Can you take me shopping so that I may look for a dress?” My dad gave me a surprised look and he said, “With whom?” I sighed at my dad, sometimes I think he ain’t that smart and so I say to him, “With Duke, father.”

My dad smiled at me then and then he said, “That’s awesome, kiddo.” I nodded and then I said, “So when are we going?” My dad checked his watch and said, “I know your brothers’ will want to go to the mall so will be waiting for them to come home.” I pouted and my dad laughed at that and he said, “Let me call your brothers and I’ll see if they want to go, alright?” I nodded and then I smiled at my dad. Bella came over and she started pawing at my leg begging to be petted, so of course I obliged to her need and I sat down to begin petting her. Dad hung up his phone and said, “Your brothers’ said to just go without them.” I gasped at that cause usually they’d be saying to wait for them. My dad smiled at my reaction and he said, “Let’s go and pick out your dress.”

I took Bella upstairs to my room and into her cage which she hates big time. When I got to my door she started whining but I couldn’t do anything cause I haven’t properly trained her yet and I didn’t want to leave her outside. I shut my door and then I went downstairs to meet my father. We got outside, I walked over to my dad’s black truck and my dad locked the front door up. Then dad unlocked the truck and we both got in driving away. I turned the radio on to thunder 103.1 and they were playing ‘Porn star dancing’ by My darkest days. My dad glared at me, he hates this song cause he says it’s inappropriate. By the time we got to the mall they were done playing the song. We got out of the truck, went into the mall towards the dress store and I went into a deep search trying to find the right one for me.

Just when I was on the third rack, I bumped into Chika and she started laughing and then she said, “Ain’t this funny how we end up bumping into each other?” I nodded and my dad walked over possibly to listen into our conversation when Chika said, “Hi, Chad, how are you doing?” My dad nodded and said, “Been doing good, are you staying out of trouble?” Chika nodded very slowly like she was afraid my dad might explode on her if she didn’t nod her head. My dad left saying he was going to get a fountain drink from the pretzel place and Chika said to me, “Is your dad giving you a spending limit?” I shook my head and Chika said, “You’re lucky you have an awesome dad.” I nodded my head and I told Chika about my new neighbors and how I become friends with a girl that lives there. Chika shook her head and she said, “I can’t believe your making friends that way, don’t you remember how we become friends?” I nodded my head remembering that day.

Chika had done bad things back then before her and I got paired up for a science project back in our seventh year and I changed her. After Chika’s parents were killed she smoked a lot, got in trouble with the law, and also hanging out with the wrong people who killed others. Chika almost killed somebody and that was right after we met but my father ended up being there to stop her and he brought Chika home. I was able to talk Chika into being friends with me and we’ve been friends ever since. I felt somebody shaking me and I came back seeing Chika with a concerned look in her eyes and then she said, “Damn girl don’t scare the crap out of me again, do you understand?” I nodded my head and said, “Sorry about that, I was just thinking about how we met.” Chika smiled at me and then my dad came over and then he handed Chika a pop. I already knew that my dad and I would be sharing a pop and then after that I thought that dad handed me the shared pop so that I could have a drink.

Chika and I started to look for our dresses. Chika found hers first, it’s a blue dress. Then not even a few minutes later, I found mine, it’s a black spaghetti dress, I showed it to my dad and he said, “You better try it on to make sure it fits good.” I pulled Chika with me to the dressing rooms where we tried them on. Chika and I stepped out of the rooms at the same time and my dad smiled at the both of us and said, “Wow, you both look beautiful.” We got back into the rooms, changed, and paid for them and then we said goodbyes to each other before we left.

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