Terribly Unfortunate Chapter 23

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Astrid’s P.O.V.

I woke up early because I heard my phone vibrate again so I sat up, grabbed my phone and saw that I had four messages. Two of them from Duke and another two from some unknown number. I opened up the first message and it read, ‘When you get this message can you please call me?’ The second one read, ‘Astrid please, I need you to call me.’ The third message was from an unknown number and it read, ‘This is Scott, Duke’s father, I am hoping you could call me so we can talk about what happened.’ Then the last one read, ‘If you don’t call us there will be some consequences towards your actions.” I decided to delete the messages for one reason and that is because I thought that they wouldn’t do anything to me.

After I deleted the four messages, I took a shower, got dressed and went downstairs. I decided to eat toast since nobody was up yet and then I ran upstairs, grabbed my wallet and keys. After I got my stuff I grabbed dad’s keys to his car, I left the house. I went to the mall to buy some new clothes and two pairs of shoes and then after I paid for them, I felt like I was being watched so then I turned around but nobody was following me. So I turned back around and Dukes’ friends were there so I stopped before I bumped into them. They smiled at me and Cody says, “Please follow us, Astrid.” I started to shake my head but Quinn says, “We don’t want to hurt you but we will if you don’t come willingly, we will hurt you.”

I nod my head and I say, “Fine, I’ll come quietly only on one condition.” Cody grabbed my arm and he says, “What condition?” I got Cody to let go of my arm since he was squeezing the crap of it and I say, “Take my dad’s car back to my house.” Cody nods his head and says, “You don’t try and escape and you got a deal.” I follow Cody and Quinn to their car and then I hand the key to Quinn and point to where my dad’s car is. I got in Cody’s car and Quinn followed, driving my dad’s car and I lead them to where I live at.

After Quinn parked the car, he got inside Cody’s car and then Cody drove off. I then took the opportunity to get some answers so I say to Cody, “How is Duke?” Cody glares at me and says, “He is miserable because of you.” I slap him across the face not even caring if he was driving or not and then I say, “Well did you know he raped me?!” Cody hits the brakes and says, “Are you fucking serious?!” I nod my head slowly feeling tears coming out of my eyes and Cody says, “He failed to mention that detail.” I nod my head and say, “Sounds like him.”

Cody turns to Quinn and says, “Do you still think we should take Astrid?” Quinn sighs and says, “We have to remember, Duke’s dad is holding Chika until we come back with Astrid.” I gasp and then I say to Anthony, “Is this true?” Anthony nods his head and I say, “Do you know if she’s alright?” Anthony nods his head again and says, “I get to see her whenever I want to but when we bring you to Duke, I will get Chika back.” A tear comes out of my eye and then we stop at Duke’s house. I get out and I see a familiar face and it is Chika with Duke. Anthony runs to her and he pulls Chika into a tight hug.

Duke comes over to me and when he tries to hug me, I dodge him, not wanting to have him near me. Chika runs over to me and she hugs me tight saying, “I am so happy to see you.” I hug her back and say, “Me too.” Then when Chika and I let go of each other, Duke says, “Anthony take Chika and leave.” I began panicking, hoping that I wouldn’t be alone with Duke and then he says, “Relax Astrid, my dad is here.” I slap Duke across the face and say, “How the fuck am I supposed to relax when I’m near somebody who raped me?!” Chika walks over to Duke and slaps him across the face too and he doesn’t do anything back at her. Anthony grabs Chika and puts her in the car and then he says to Duke, “I don’t feel comfortable leaving Astrid alone with you and your dad.” Duke shakes his head and says, “Well, what the hell are you going to do about it?” Anthony grabs Duke’s shirt and says, “I am getting tired of being somebody who you can just push around!” Duke puts his hands up in surrender and says, “I’m sorry Anthony, I don’t mean to push you around.”

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