First Meeting

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It was in the late dog days of summer 2010 when I got my first official letter from YouTube congratulating me on my acceptance into the YouTube partnership program. I was finally getting paid to do something that I have loved doing for nearly a year. However I wasn't sure what I would make out of my small channel, yet I knew that it would have to be something beauty related because that's what I absolutely lived for. Along with the acceptance letter came a gold lined invitation to some kind of party for YouTube partners in the middle of London, that Saturday night. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go, mainly because I had been having trouble with my anxiety that summer, it seemed like I was having a panic attack every time I turned around. After hours of staring at the invite I made my mind up to challenge everything and go for it. The worst that could happen was that the food could suck and I would be calling my mom crying as I got back on the train to home. Now that I look back at that day, I am glad that I decided to go.

     Stepping off of the train I immediately pulled up the directions to the party as I made my way down the crowded London streets. I had been to the large city plenty of times with my friends, parents, and even my younger brother Joe, however this was the first time I was traveling alone. I never did well in crowded areas, yet I was determined to fight my anxiety and live my life the way I wanted. Letting out a low sigh I continued to walk as I watched the small green dot move slowly on the digital map. With dusk now making itself present I could feel my face start to become flushed as my heart rate started to race, "just calm down Zoe" I whispered to myself as I peered up from my phone at all of the people buzzing by. Not noticing any familiar faces I quickly looked back down as a red dot was just in front of me, signaling I was almost there. Feeling my head start to spin, I quickly looked down at the map once more as I made a mad dash through the crowd. Finding the large building, I effortlessly dashed through the large glass doors and over to the lifts. I could feel the panic attack start to take over my body as I anxiously waited for the doors to open to the lift. Pushing past people as they flooded off the small room of the lift, I was relived as I was the only one left in it. Pressing my finger on the number four, I instantaneously put my head between my legs and started to count to ten trying to clam myself. 

Sensing the lift come to a stop, I stood in my tracks as the door came sweeping open. Feeling the anxiety start to wash away, I slowly got myself together with deep breathes and good thoughts. As I slowly stepped off, I quickly pulled my small compact out of my  bag to check my now sweat peppered foundation. Cleaning myself up, I let out a loud sigh  and closed the small compact as I noticed a large brown door with "YouTube Partners" above it on a white sign. Looking back at the lift I thought about leaving now and lying to everyone and saying that I went, yet again I was a crap liar and this was something that I didn't want my anxiety to get the best of. Looking back at the door I watched as two tall boys walked through the doors and into the dark room.

     As seconds past I eventually found myself passing through the large wooden door and into the dark room. It reminded me a lot of a night club with all of the flashing lights and loud music ironically it was crowded just like one too. Peering around the room my eyes slowly adjusted to the lights as I tried making out the refreshment table along with a sign in area. Pushing through a small crowd I quickly painted on a smile as I introduced myself to short ginger haired girl as she marked my Youtube name off of a list and handed me a name tag with Zoella (Zoe Sugg) written with a fancy ballpoint pen. After strategically placing the small white tag on the bottom hem of my dress I slowly made my way over to the drink table as my mouth had became as dry as a desert thanks to the near panic attack. Sipping on the clear soda my eyes quickly scanned the different crowds of people that scattered the large room. I really wanted to just jump in and say hello, but then again I didn't want to seem like fool and say the wrong thing. Continuing to look around my eyes went directly to a light skinned girl in almost the same dress as mine, expect hers was the black lace version while mine was a light champagne color. For some reason she must have seen me watching her as she turned and smiled at me with a little wave. Adverting eye contact I quickly looked down as I finished up my small cup of soda.

Turning to get a refill I felt a tap on my shoulder followed by a loud laugh, "looks like you have good fashion sense." 
"Th..Thanks" I smiled as I turned to notice the black dress.
 "I'm Louise" she grinned as she extended a hand.
 "I'm Zoe" I smirked as we shook hands.
"So are you new to the partnership?" she asked as I took a sip of my drink.
"Yes, I actually just got my letter two days ago. Are you new?"
"Yes, I actually got my letter two days ago, too. Seems like we are twins" she laughed.
"Seems so" I smirked.
"So, are you here with anyone?" she asked as she watched people pass by.
"Nope, I'm a single pringle" I giggled as I felt a bit embarrassed of my childish answer.
"Oh Zoe!" she laughed, "you're too funny! You know I am acutally here with two friends, they're new to the partnership too."

Watching her turn and wave at two random boys in a far away corner, I could feel my anxiety start to build again. Seeing the two boys turn to make their way over to us I could feel my stomach start to churn along with my heart start to beat faster. He stood around 6 foot with dark hair and doe eyes followed by with a crooked smile. I could feel a grin sweep across my face as he extended a hand.

 "I'm Alfie" he smiled.
 "I'm Zoe" I blurted out as I took his hand with both of my small mitts.
 "I'm Marcus" laughed the other tall boy. 

To be honest I  barely paid any attention to Marcus as my eyes stayed glued on Alfie. Something about the way he smiled with his eyes and lips made my stomach flip and heart flutter at the same time, yet they also calmed me down and my anxiety start to go away.

"Looks like we have ourselves our own YouTube Crew" joked Louise as she gave me a poke.
"Seems like it" added Marcus as he looked around the room bored.
"Well, that is if Zoe wants to be seen with us, yahoos" smirked Alfie as I felt his eyes run over my body. "I might make an exception" I giggled as I tried not to blush.



As the night went on the four of us, stood near the refreshment table and went over our channels and what kind of content that we wanted to put on them. I, however, couldn't keep my focus on anything that was being said as I stood watching Zoe.  She was so petite with a very womanly figure and unique sense about her. There seemed to be something special about her small frame, big blue eyes and full lips that made me want to go mad. As we all said goodbye I instantly regreted not getting her number or giving her mine, I really wanted to keep in touch with her and see how her channel would do.

 "Zoe was nice" I heard Louise echo as she brought me from my thoughts.
 "Zoe?" I smiled, "she was lovely."
 "She is just so tiny, kind of like a baby" Marcus added with a laugh.
"She did have some good make up on though, and that dress fit her perfectly, maybe we could start doing collab videos, and like share subs" yawn Louise.
 "That would be interesting" I smiled, "maybe you should call her up tomorrow."
"Maybe I will do that" Louise smiled, "at least one of us got her number." She winked as we got into the lift.


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