Coming Out

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"The first night of the YouTube meet up was sure to be eventful, full of surprises and random blonds."


   "Aren't you ready yet?" laughed Jack as he plopped down on my bed.

"Just gathering some essentials" I giggled as I zipped up my make up bag, "did you get the hotel room booked?"
"Yes, Zoe" Jack sighed, "I doubled checked the time of each event and made a list for you too."
"Thank you love" I smiled as I tossed my make up bag in my suit case.

 "Looks like I have everything now" I sighed as I shut the bathroom door behind me.

 "Are you sure?" smiled Jack as he laid on the tiny bed.
"The real question is are you ready Mr. Harries?"

"I was born ready" he laughed as he sat up, "I can't wait to finally get away from this university" he confessed.

"Me and you alone in a hotel room?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, "lets see how this goes."

 "Its going to be tons of fun" he laughed as he scooped up my bags, "I can bet on it."  

     Arriving to the posh London hotel I could feel my anxiety start to bubble, it would always make its self known if I was in an unknown place.

"It will be okay" Jack smiled as he wrapped his arm around the small of my back.

 It seemed like he always knew how to make me calm down when I could feel things start to spiral out of control. Making our way into the large meeting hall I looked around for familiar faces as Jack went off to talk to the head coordinator about the events of the weekend. Spotting Jim Chapman and his girlfriend Tanya made my heart race a bit. I loved watching both of their channels, especially Tanya. I was expecting to run into Alfie which I hadn't really thought how I would handle it yet it would have to be professional. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I  quickly spun around to notice Finn grinning from ear to ear.
"FINN!" I squealed as I threw my arms around his neck.

 "How are you Zoe?" he laughed as he gave me a tight squeeze.

 "I am good, a little out of it, but fine" I laughed, "how was the ride for you?"
 "A little boring but fun, I am finally glad to really meet you."
 "Me too" I grinned.
Finn and I hadn't actually had a proper meeting  in person, yet he was the first to know about Jack and I over a Skype session we all three shared.

"Oi! You hitting on my girl?" barked Jack as he landed a kiss on my cheek.
"Just looking!" smiled Finn as he and Jack did their twin handshake, "so hows everything looking for the weekend?" Finn questioned as his glance ran around the room.
 "Well, it looks like you and I are on tomorrow morning, while all the beauty gurus and what not tomorrow night."

"Nuts" I groaned, "I wanted to be with you!"

"You can" Jack laughed as he pulled me into his embrace, "tonight" he whispered.
"Shut up!" I laughed as I pushed him off.

Pulling out of his embrace my eyes instantly connected with a dark haired boy that had just pushed through the door along with a blond girl.
"Shit" I sighed under my breath.



  Pushing through the doors to the large meeting hall I was taken back as I looked around to everyone. "Isn't this nice?" giggled the tall slender blond I had brought with me. Her name was Elle and she had just turned eighteen. We had been hooking up for nearly two weeks and out of all the randoms I had had since Zoe, she felt the best.
"Perfect" I smirked as I gave her hand a quick squeeze.

Looking around I instantly noticed Maz, a well known Youtuber and friend of mine, sitting at a nearby table surrounded by a group of girls, "HEY!" I laughed as I broke through the crowd.

 "Oi Alfie!" Maz laughed as he stood to greet me.

 "What is happenin' Maz?"
"Just chillin' getting some know?"

"Yeah, yeah" I laughed as I looked over at Elle, "Maz this is Elle, my girlfriend."

 Seeing Maz's eyes widen I could tell he was surprised to see me with someone like Elle, "why hello" he smirked as he extended his hand for a shake.
"Nice to meet you" she giggled as she gave me a smirk.

 "How is everything with your channel man?" I asked as I extended my glance to the rest of the room.

"Pretty good, you know growing every day."
"That's what I'm talkin' about" I laughed as I felt my smile fade as I spotted Zoe hand and hand with Jack.

 "Lets go up to the room" whispered Elle as Maz greeted Marcus.

"Yeah lets go" I sighed as we both stormed out of the hall.



"CHUMMY!" Louise screeched as she busted through the hall doors with her now growing belly.

"Louise!" I giggled as we both ran into a hug, "how is the baby?"
 "Growing like something awful" she groaned, "three new stretch marks in just the last week. Awful."

"Have you found out what it is?" "Hopefully in the next two weeks" she grinned, "I am hoping for a girl, but Matt wants a boy."
 "Oh shucks" I laughed, "girls are so fun!"

"I know right?" she giggled. "So, what is this I hear about you and Alfie breaking up?"

"Oh, yeah.." I sighed, "it just didn't work out."
 "Are you both still friends?"
 "I...I don't think so" I sighed as he and the random blond exited the main doors behind Louise.
 "You will" she smiled, "Alfie can't stay mad at anyone for too long."
 "Yeah..." I sighed as Jack popped up next to me.
"Hello, Louise" Jack smirked.

"How are you?" she smiled.
"Um, Zoe the bell hop just called down and said our bags are up at the room."

"Oh, okay" I smiled as I seen Louise's face change to confusion. "Go on up and I will be right there" I smiled as Jack gave me a quick peck.

"Okay." he smiled as he gave Louise a nod.
"Jack?" Louise raised and eyebrow, "Zoe, I warned you about him.."

 "But hes cute?" I giggled, "plus we both go to Bristol Uni."
"Oh do tell" hummed Louise as she grabbed my hand, "just be careful."

     After nearly thirty minutes of explaining the last couple of months to Louise I finally found myself heading to mine and Jack's room. I couldn't help but think about Alfie and that blond. Of course she was nearly six inches taller than me and a blond, but other than that she had nothing on me. It was obvious Alfie was looking for someone to make me jealous with, which wasn't one bit.

 Seeing the lift's door spread open I couldn't believe who was standing there.

 "Alfie" I sighed as I quickly stepped off.

"Zoe" he groaned, "how is Jack?"

 "Good" I laughed as I continued to walk to the room, "and hows the random girl?"

"Elle is great" he screamed.
"Good to know!" I replied as I turned to watch him disappear into the lift. "Asshole" I sighed as I pushed open the door.

"Are you okay?" laughed Jack who laid on one bed with Finn on the other.

"Yeah just an asshole in the hall" I sighed as I plopped down beside him.
 "There are a couple of those out in the world" reassured Finn as he tossed a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
"Yeah..." I sighed as I pulled out my phone and pulled up my twitter mentions.
Reading through a couple I felt a laugh escape my lips, "whats so funny?" Jack smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and leaned over to see my phone.
"Every mention is about you and I" I laughed, "heres one about someone seeing us on the train together...and another saying that they ship us...lets take a picture and post it to instagram! It can be like us finally coming out, to everyone."

 "Okay" Jack smiled as I pulled up my camera.

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