Penny Bridge

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"The last day of Alfie's stay was suppose to me just the two of us, finding the love that I knew was there. Then he had to come in with his Penny Bridge and mess everything up. Or instead of messing it up, shone light onto something else.."


  "Good morning" I yawned as I opened my eyes.

 "How did you sleep?" I asked as my eyes looked over Alfie's smiling face.

 "The best nights rest since summer" he smirked as he pulled me close.
 "How about you?"

 "Perfect" I giggled as I outlined his cheeks in small wet kisses.
"Whats on the agenda for the day?" he laughed as he turned to face me.

"A little sight seeing, and picnic by the pond?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sounds perfect" he yawned as he gave me a small hug.

 "But first showers!" I giggled as I sat up.

"Together?" he smirked.

"Race you to the shower!" I laughed as I sprinted to the small bathroom naked.

 "Hey that's cheating!" yelped Alfie as he jumped from the bed behind me.

 Turning on the hot water I watched as steam filled the room as he shut the small door behind him.
 "So come here often?" he smirked as he leaned over on the sink.

"Once or twice" I giggled as I pulled the elastic from my hair, letting it hit the small of my back.

"Yourself?" I asked as I turned to face him.
Watching his eyes run over my small  body made my stomach ache.

 "Um..uh, just sometimes?" he laughed as he pulled me into his arms leaving small kisses over my neck.

     After nearly an hour of making love and showering I finally found myself wrapped in a light blue towel with my wet hair scattered on my bare shoulders pasting on my make up.

"You know you don't need that stuff" Alfie smiled as he wondered around my room in his boxers.

 "I know your just being nice" I smiled as I finished with my eyes.

 "Seriously Zoe, you don't need it. Your naturally beautiful."

"Do you tell that to all of the girls?" I asked as I looked at him through the mirror.

 "Just the ones that are named Zoe" he smiled.
"Nice to know!" I giggled as I started on my lips.

 Hearing a knock on the small door make a shiver run up my spin, "care to get it?" I asked.

 "Sure" he laughed as he popped up from the bed.

 Hearing the familiar voice made my stomach start to hurt, "Oi, Zoe don't you think you should put some clothes on?" laughed Jack as he made his way through the door.

"Good morning to you too" I hissed as I marched to the bathroom.

I couldn't believe Jack had the nerve to show up after our conversation last night. Didn't he know this was mine and Alfie's weekend? I didn't need him showing up and ruining the day.



"So I take it something other than cuddling was going on" laughed Jack as he slumped down on a chair.

 "Yeah, so" I smirked as I plopped down on Zoe's bed, "whats up with you?"

 "Just checking on my favorite love birds" Jack smirked, "plus I was bored with nothing to do."

"Where is that girl you have the hots for? You know the one you were talking about at diner?"

"Oh" Jack laughed, "shes busy washing her hair" he smirked, "no time for me."

"That's not good" I laughed as I rummaged through my over night bag for a pair of jeans and shirt.

"What are the two of you up to today?" Jack asked as he fumbled around with Zoe's camera. "Just some sight seeing and maybe lunch...I've got to catch the 8:30 train tonight."
 "Oh yeah!" smiled Jack, "the exciting life of Alfie the baker!"
 "Yeah, that life" I groaned as I pulled up a pair of jeans.
"I'm sure its not that bad, I mean you do have her."

 Chasing Jack's glance my eyes were instantly wowed as Zoe stepped from the bathroom.

 "That's the good part" I smiled as she flashed a shy smile.

"Ready to see some sights?" she giggled as she shut the door behind her.

"Just about" I smiled as I slipped on my shirt.

 "You clean up nice, Zoe!" commented Jack as he gave her a nod.

"Thanks Jack" she groaned as she pulled on her jacket.

"I guess I should be going and let you two love birds get going, make sure you take and show old Alfie the Penny Bridge, he might like it."
 "I...I will" Zoe coughed out as she watched Jack leave the room.
 "Penny Bridge?" I asked confused, "just a bridge on the south side of campus its suppose be like a 100 years old" she blurted out. 



   I couldn't believe that snake had brought up Penny Bridge in front of Alfie. Penny Bridge  in reality was key word that Jack made up when he wanted to kiss me, yet I would always push it off with replying Nickel dome that meant hell no. It was really dumb when thinking about it, yet in some ways it was how Jack and I had become best friends.

"Whats that big building?" asked Alfie as he pointed towards a brick building with white stone windows.

 "That's the old Library" I sighed, "there was a fire that killed over 10 people in the early 1900's. Hasn't been open since."
"Spooky!" laughed Alfie as he gripped my hand a little harder.

 "Very" I sighed.

"Are you feeling alright?" Alfie asked as we past the lunch hall and over to the pond.

"I'm just a little off" I confessed, "actually I'm feeling a little sick."

"Do you want to go ahead and eat?" he asked as he peered down to his watch, "its only two hours before I have to go to the train station."

"Okay, maybe that will make me better" I smiled as I looked down at the wooden picnic basket.

"I made some of your favorites!"
 "I can't wait" Alfie smiled as he left a wet kiss on my lips.
After nearly eating the whole basket of food Alfie and I laid under the now darken sky, "Zoe I've have one of the best weekends ever."

 "Really?" I giggled as I snuggled under his arm a little tighter.
 "For real" he laughed, "even though it was just a night and part of a day, I can seriously say I haven't smiled this much since summer. I love you Zoe."

Feeling my lungs become empty I could feel tears come to my eyes, "you love me?"

 "Yeah" Alfie smiled, "is it that hard to believe?"

"Oh, come here" I smiled as I pulled his lips onto mine. "I love you too, Jack!" I breathed between kisses.

 "JACK?" he yelped as he sat up with anger in his eyes.

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