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"Seeing Zoe in the hall had brought back lots of memories. A big of regret was starting to grow on me." 


   "Louise!" I smirked as I covered her eyes.

 "Let me guess Alfred?" she giggled.

"You always win at these games!" I whined. "How are you doing mom to be?" I asked as I turned to see her now large baby bump.
 "Just a little tired, but I guess that comes with the baby, huh?"
"I say so" I laughed, "how are the things with your channel? I've been meaning to come up and see you guys!"
"I am sure your coming to the baby shower in early February right? We can make plenty of cross overs then. All of my fan girlies love our videos" she smiled.

"I will be there" I sighed as I looked around the room.

 "How are things with you, since...well..."

"Since Zoe and I broke up?" I grinned, "they are okay, I mean shes up at Uni and I am back home so its not like we're always running into each other."

 "True, but it has to be hard"

"I mean, its no picnic, but I'm okay."

Hearing my phone go off I noticed a new trend on Twitter along with some mentions about me, scrolling through it I could feel my heart really start to break.
 "Zalfie no more?" Louise scoffed.

 "Yeah, now its Jack+Zoe" I groaned.

 "Oh, Alfie" Louise sighed.

 "Excuse me" I smiled at Louise as I busted through the hall's doors and back onto the lift. 



   "And then the chick was butt naked and hiding in my bathroom" laughed Finn.
 "Oh my gosh!" I giggled, "seems like Bristol is a prep school compared to yours!"
 "I'm sure some wild things happen up in the big school" reassured Finn as he downed half of his beer.

"Well, not really" yawned Jack.
 "Most of the kids are assholes" I smirked.

"Oh do tell" smirked Finn.

Hearing a fast knock echo through the room my eyes went to Jack who shot up to answer it.

"Whats up..."
 "So you two are an item?" screamed Alfie as he pushed through into the room.

 "I don't think that's any of your business!" I screamed back,"you broke up with me!"

"After you cheated on me, with him!" he yelped as he rested his hands on his hips.

 "And your point is...?" laughed Jack as he stood next to the open door.

 "The fact is, he doesn't love you Zoe! He told me at Louise's wedding that you looked like a good hook up. Hes using you!"

 "What in the hell are you talking about?" I yelped as I bounced from the bed, "your just jealous, Alfie!"

"Ask anyone, Jack was all into getting into your pants at the wedding until I told him we were going together. He stole you from me, just to have a sex partner!" 

Scanning Alfie's face I could tell that he wasn't lying and that he wasn't drunk. Feeling tears come to my eyes I couldn't even look to Jack as I sprinted out of the room.
 "Why did you do that?" yelled Jack, "that was then, I've grown up!"
"Don't lie Jack, we all know how big of a ladies man you are, I don't want to see Zoe get hurt."
"Newsflash Alfie you've already hurt her enough!" growled Jack as he slammed the door behind him as he ran to find me.



   Waking up the next day I could feel my head pounding, after making myself look like an ass in front of Zoe I came back to the room and drank myself into oblivion as Elle passed out next to me.
"Man, get up we have to be downstairs and ready for the meet and greet in a half hour!" yelled Marcus as he slipped his shirt on.
"Just five more minutes!" I groaned as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Alfie! Get up!" yelled Marcus as he tossed my clothes for the event on my legs, "if your not down there, then your not getting paid."
"I know, I know." I sighed as I tossed the cover over on Elle.
"Did something happen last night that you want to talk about?"he questioned, "something about Zoe, perhaps?"
 "NO!" I yelped as I threw my legs over onto the short grey carpet, "I just want to get this day over and sleep about six more days."

 "That can be arranged" Marcus smirked.

     With just minutes to spare I quickly ran off the lift and ran into the hall as I found my seat between Maz and Marcus. I could feel the glares coming from Jack and Finn as I passed by them. I wasn't ready to hear anything else that Jack wanted to say, yet I knew for a fact that he couldn't call me a liar. Hearing some soft lift music fill the hall I was taken back as a long line of fan girls started to make their way around the room.

"Hi!" smiled a short dark haired girl.

 "Hello love" I smirked as I sighed her YouTube shirt she had bought from the booth that was set up just outside of the hall.

 After nearly an hour of meeting half of the crowd that was lined up we finally were granted a break. Sitting back I let out a long yawn as I watched Jack rush outside of the hall and to the main door. Following him with my eyes I was surprised to see Zoe dressed in her sweats with her hair up along with all of her bags in hand. As I continued to watch them it seemed like they were arguing as he soon leaned down for a kiss and a quick hug from her as she disappeared out the door. Adverting my eyes I quickly turned to Maz as he talked to another Youtuber about some of his new video ideas.

"She said she had to go" Jack sighed as he talked to Finn, "something about needing to get back to the college. That she had had enough excitement for one weekend."

Feeling an ache in my stomach I knew that Zoe had left because of me, and my big mouth.



   Tossing my bags back onto my bed I could feel a headache starting at the back of my head. After crying nearly all night Jack had assured me that he wanted me for me and nothing else. I had finally calmed down enough to sleep for a matter of hours until I nearly had a panic attack in the room as Jack and Finn were down doing their meet and greet. I had to leave and not see Alfie, I had to come back to college and get something's finished.

 Pulling out my laptop I quickly made an apology video for everyone that had went to see me at the meeting. I felt bad but promised to do a make up one soon and without anyone else. Soon after editing it I posted it without problems and then flipped to the schools website. School had become the least important thing on my list. I had signed onto many different projects that were bringing in more money then what most people my age were making. On the long train ride from London I finally decided to withdraw from school and leave during Christmas break and get an apartment in London. It was a huge step that I was ready to make, yet the hard part was telling Jack, which was yet to come.

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