Night Full of Firsts

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"The first night I had spent with Zoe at her college was a night full of firsts. It was the first time I had seen her cry, heard her talk about her parents, and most of all the first time we had went all the way."


 "So this is one of my favorite places to eat" smiled Jack as he pushed the door open to the small diner, "they have some of the best hamburgers, but the worst stay clear of those."

Sliding into the small booth my eyes went directly to Zoe who sat scanning the menu. For some reason it was like I was seeing her for the first time, the way that her hair sat on her shoulders and down her chest was like art work. She had spent just a few minutes on her make up yet it was like she was wearing none. The way her blue eyes would pierce into me was something that I couldn't stand. I had decided on the way down that tonight would be the night that we both have been waiting for.

"And what do you want Alfie?" asked Jack as I turned to see a slim woman in an apron and order book.
"I'll have a burger, chips, and a water" I sighed as I handed her the menu.
 "I'll have the same" Zoe smiled as she looked over at me.

 "So Alfie how is your channel doing?" questioned Jack.

"Pretty good. I've just ran out of ideas for videos, you know its hard having to come up with something new to talk about every week."

 "We I've seen Marcus's new mail video, maybe you should do something like that" suggested Zoe as she rested her head on her hand.

 "I've been debating on that" I laughed as I looked back to Jack, "how has your channel been doing?"

"Pretty good, the chicks eat up the idea of Finn being part of the channel" he laughed, "things are going well."

"Are you guys going to the next meet up at Liverpool in two weeks? I think Louise, Sam and Louis are setting it up."

"I was thinking about it" sighed Zoe, "it just really depends on school."

"I'm going" echoed Jack, "their really fun."

"I went to one with Marcus a few weeks back, it was pretty good." I nodded. 

     After waiting a half hour out food was finally out and piping hot. Digging in I watched as Zoe barely touched her plate, "are you okay?" I asked as her glance ran in with mine.

 "Just feeling a bit sick" she sighed as she tossed down a fry.

"Will you two excuse me?" she asked as she stormed into the bathroom.
"Whats up with her?" asked Jack as he swallowed down a bit of burger.

"I was going to ask you the same thing" I laughed, "how is she, I mean like with college and everything?" 
"She seems to be doing okay, shes mentioned something things about her parents, and her bouts of anxiety."
"But man, I think its just where everything is new, ya know?" Jack laughed as he pulled up his cell phone.
 "One of your college ladies?" I laughed as I sucked down some water.

"I guess you could say that" he sighed.



Storming into the bathroom I could feel my head start to spin, how could I sit and eat with my boyfriend and my fling. After breaking down completely in front of Alfie we hadn't had a decent conversation. Plopping down inside of a stall I quickly pulled out my cell phone as I pulled up Jack's number, "we can't do this..." I tapped out and hit send.

Resting my head in my hands I could feel everything start to slow down as I closed my eyes. Just thinking about Alfie and Jack being alone together made my anxiety even worse. Hearing the loud chime of my phone made my jump a little, "I agree, lets just pretend what happened today never happened. No need to get Alfie mad over two friends hooking up."

 "DEAL!" I quickly tapped out as I took some more time to myself before heading back out to the two of them.
"Are you okay?" asked Alfie as I finally made my appearance back at the table.

 "Yeah, just a little tired" I smiled as I looked down at my meal, "do you guys think I could take this back, I'm not really hungry."
 "Sure, I'll get ya a box" Alfie smiled as he slid out of the booth and over to the main counter.
"Zoe," Jack sighed.

 "It never happened!" I blurted out as I gave him a serious look.
 "Exactly" he smiled as he finished off the rest of his burger.

"Here ya go" Alfie smiled as he handed me the white styrofoam box.
"Thank you" I smiled back as I started to scoop cold chips. 

     Closing the door to my dorm I could feel sleep start to come over me as Alfie gave Jack a final good bye before coming in.
"Well don't you look cute" smiled Alfie as he shut the door behind him.

 "Thank you" I smiled back as I kicked off my black flats.
"So, what do we do now?"

 "Snuggle time!" I screeched as I flung open my arms.
"Of course" Alfie smiled as he kicked off his white converse and climbed into bed behind me.

"So what really has you in a funk?" he immediately asked as I laced my hands with his.

 "I am just so tired of being told what to do by my parents" I blurted out, "my dad wants me to be some big accountant business woman. While my mom is in the background telling me to do what I want just as long as it makes good money."

"Zoe.." he sighed as I felt a small kiss below my ear, "do what you want. Its your life, you're a legal adult, you don't live with them. Just follow your heart, and when you do everything else will fall into place."

"I promise you." he smiled as he pulled me around and planted his lips onto mine.



Taking her shirt I slowly unbuttoned it as her white lace bra peaked between the opened space. With every kiss I could myself want her a little more, slowly stripping off her shirt my eyes ran the length of her stomach up to her eyes, "do you want..."
"More than ever" she smiled as she started to pull at my belt along with small wet kisses on my collar bone. The next half hour became one that will forever be in my mind as the night that I knew I was in love with my best friend.

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