Getting To Know You

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"When looking back at the first time when met, I know that I could have made a better impression. For one I was nearly drunk off of my rocker, thanks to Marcus throwing random shots my way, along with him being the cheeky fella he is while yelling and flirting with almost every girl that night. But for some reason as seen as I spotted Zoe, I instantly sobered up. From that moment I knew that I had to have her, or I hoped that I could. As days turned into weeks I watched as Louis and Zoe's friendship started to grow and develop as they texted almost everyday along with phone calls. Little did I know that exactly two months after meeting Zoe for the first month our paths would cross once again."


 "So, you are coming up for the weekend?" questioned Louise as she busted through the kitchen with her phone in one hand and mine and Marcus's treats in the other. "Of course you can stay with me, since Matt and I are planning the wedding hes been taking extra shifts at the school so he won't be home all weekend."
"Who is she talking to?" I asked Marcus as I grabbed one bowl of ice cream from her hovering hand.
"Her affair guy? You know the one all girls keep posted on the side?"
 "Yeah right!" I laughed as ice cream came barreling out of my mouth.
 "GROSSS!" Marcus yelped.
 "Keep it down boys!" Louise scalded as she looked at the both of us with a smile on her face.
 "Oi, sorry mom!" Marcus laughed as he smiled over at me.

      After another fifteen minutes of sitting and listening to Louise talking on the phone she finally slumped down on the long couch next to me.
"So who is your guest for the weekend?" I asked as I scooped up the rest of the now melted soupy ice cream and piled it into my mouth.
 "Zoe, you know the girl we met at the party. Shes coming up for the weekend, we're going to do a collab video."
 "Zoe?" Marcus asked, "the small tiny woodland creature girl? Alfie's girlfriend?"
"Shes not my girlfriend" I groaned, "I don't even know her last name or anything about her."
"Her name is Zoe Sugg" Louise smiled, "she has one younger brother, and has decided to turn her channel into a beauty and fashion channel. She actually has a blog that I am in love with!"
"Well, isn't this great?" Marcus smiled as he put on his girly voice, "now we can all sit up late and do each others nails, and make up!"
"Exactly!" smiled Louise as she smacked my leg.



   Pulling up to Louise's I could feel my stomach start to fumble around as I looked around at all of the large buildings that framed in the small brick road. I hadn't spent the weekend away from home in years, yet instead of being nervous, I was actually excited. Louise and I had become the best of friends since meeting at the YouTube party, plus I was secretly hoping to see Alfie and maybe get to know him a little bit better. 

Pulling the keys from the ignition, I lazily grabbed my small overnight bag as the front door of what I assumed to be Louise's place swing open.
 "ZOE!!" I heard a high pitch screech fill the air.
"Hello" I laughed as I popped from my car and over to the small sidewalk.
"Did you have any trouble finding the place?" Louise questioned as I made my way past her and into the entrance of her house.
 "Just a little" I laughed, "instead of taking a right back at the light I took a left and ended in a field of alpacas"I joked.
 "Oh don't worry, everyone does that" she laughed as I followed her upstairs and into her sitting room, "so this is where you will be staying, I know it isn't much Matt and I are saving for a bigger house."

 Busting though the wooden door way I was taken back as I spotted the two boys from the party sprawled out on the two couches, "and you remember Marcus and Alfie?" Louise smiled as they both responded with a smile.
"Of course" I smirked as I gave a small fearful wave, "hello boys!" "Helloooo" Marcus greeted as he gave Alfie a small push.
 "Hey Zoe" Alfie smirked as he sat up, "have a seat?" 

     After nearly three hours of talking and making fun of hour Marcus says hello, Louise had excused herself as she went to bed, followed by Marcus making a quick exit after receiving a text from his mom, leaving me and Alfie by ourselves.

 "I can't believe you like One Direction!" I laughed as I took a sip of wine, Marcus had stolen it from Louise's bar earlier in the night.
"Why? Are boys banned from liking other guys music?" laughed Alfie, "What Makes You Beautiful can relate to both boys and girls" he screeched.
"As if!" I laughed, "Harry Styles is not singing to you when he does his big solo!"
 "You don't know that!" Alfie laughed.
 "Here, lets take a picture" I smirked as I clicked on the instagram button on my phone. "I just tweeted that I was spending the evening with you, Louise and Marcus. All of my subs want proof" I laughed.
"Really?" he asked kind of confused.
 "When you run a beauty blog and channel, your life is like an open book." I whined, "make sure to smile" I added as he scooted next to me.
"Say Harry Styles loves Alfie" he laughed as I snapped the picture.
"He does not!" I giggled as I posted the picture. 

Taking in a deep smell of his cologne my nose instantly tickled as my eyes ran over his shirt and up to his perfectly chiseled jaw. I was instantly turned on as I felt his hands glide next to mine. 

"Is it me or is it getting hot in here?" I blurted out as I scooted to the end of the couch.
 "I think the wines getting to you Zoe" Alfie laughed as I heard his phone buzz.
 "Whose that your girlfriend?" I joked as I pushed a couple strands of hair from my face.
"More like my mom" he groaned as he tapped at his phone.
"Past curfew?" I smirked as he locked his phone and grinned at me.
 "Just a little" he winked, "this was really fun, you know hanging out."
 "It was" I smiled, "we should do it again."
 "Maybe" he laughed, "tell Louise I will see her soon?"
 "Okay" I smiled as I watched the room become almost empty. 

Feeling the butterflies start to swirl around I slowly laid down on the couch as I pulled up the picture we had just taken, it already had over a thousand likes and comments. "Are you two dating!??" I read the comment as my face turned bright red. "I wish" I whispered back as my eyes slowly closed.

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