Surprise Number One

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"After spending the weekend with Louise filming videos together and really getting to know Marcus and Alfie I could really see all of our friendships start to become stronger. I was receiving texts from all three daily, making inside jokes, and plans to meet up in a month for Louise and her fiancé Matt's  rehearsal dinner and wedding that was set to take place in the middle of London. Little did I know it would be one of the defining moments in mine and Alfie's friendship."


 "So chummy, make sure to bring a white dress along with a red dress for the wedding."
"I know" I giggled as I placed both dresses into my large suitcase. 

Louise had set for all of the ladies to wear white to the rehearsal dinner and red to the wedding, while all the guys where to wear black. Making a thousand trips to my closet and back to my bed where my suitcase and phone sat, I could already feel the tiredness of this weekend start to set in and it was only Friday. 

"Oh, and don't forget..." she muttered.
"I got the blue barrettes that you like as well."I smiled.
"Good thing one of us has their heads on straight" she giggled nervously.
 "I've got you" I sighed as I laid back on my bed, "the train leaves around six so I should be up at the hotel around nine tonight."
"Rooms 3D" huffed Louise with a little hint of panic.
 "I got this L, just worry about the honeymoon" I giggled as I seen my screen light up with Alfie's name running across. "I will see you tonight?" I grinned as I quickly clicked off of Louise's  call and onto Alfie's, "helllloooooo" I snickered as I heard Alfie's laugh fill my phone.
"And how are you?" Alfie asked as I felt the butterflies start.
"Just a little frazzled, Louise has called me six different times since eight this morning."
 "Sounds like someone could use some good Nando's for dinner then."
"It could be an option" I smirked.
 "How about me and you, say around 10?" he asked.
 "Sounds good" I yawned.
 "Sounds like a plan" Alfie laughed as I heard Marcus's voice ruffle in the background, "until then" Alfie laughed as my screen turned black.
"Oh boyyyy" I screeched as grin along with red cheeks made their self known.



"So who are you chatting up now?' questioned Marcus as he collapsed onto his hotel bed.
 "Just a friend" I sighed as I tossed my phone on my bed.
 "A friend?" Marcus laughed as he gave my face a quick run over, "would just a friend make your face turn bright red, with a goofy smile on your face?"
 "Maybe" I replied as I started to look for an outfit for the dinner.
 "W..wwait" Marcus huffed, "you were talking to Zoe? Weren't you?"
"What if I was? I mean we are friends."
 "Your really into her aren't you?"
 "Nah, man we are just friends." I sighed as I pulled out a blue button down and jeans, "plus a girl like Zoe wouldn't be into me."
 "Sssssure" Marcus sighed as he pulled out his phone, "maybe I should send her a quick text and see what she thinks of you.."
 "DON"T!...I mean, you don't need to do that...I know she sees me as a friend, nothing more."
"Aren't we a little touchy?" Marcus laughed as he sat up.
"Man I just...don't want to mess this up. I mean we're at a good point, you know...?"

"Yeah, yeah" Marcus laughed, "but you better jump in the shower, she will be here in four hours!" "Shut up!" I laughed as I tossed a dirty shirt his way.



     Zipping onto the train to London I quickly found a window seat towards the back in which I tossed my suitcase into the seat next to me. Pulling out my phone and headphones I slowly slipped them in as I flipped my music onto shuffle as "Overjoyed" by Matchbox Twenty popped on. Letting my eyes slowly close I eventually lost myself in the slow song as pictures of what I thought this weekend would bring played in my mind. I was excited to see a good friend of mine finally marry the love of her life, yet I was even more excited to get the chance to spend time with everyone. Hearing the music die down a little, my eyes instantly opened as Alfie's name popped on my screen. I could feel my heart skip beats as I slowly answered his call. 

"Hello?" I answered.
 "Hey Zoe!" Alfie greeted in almost a whisper.
 "Where are you?" I asked noticing his voice.
 "Hows the ride?" he asked avoiding my question.
"Peaceful, I mean a little boring, but its manageable. Where are you Alfie?" I immediately responded.
"How about some company?" he blurted out.
"Alfred, what are you talking about?" I hissed as I felt the train come to its first of three stops before getting to London.
 "Look out the window!" he laughed as my eyes darted to the now almost empty platform.
"What in the worldddd.." I gasped as I spotted him near the end of the platform with a goofy smile painted on his face.
 "Well, come on you dork" he laughed as I slipped my phone in my pocket and grabbed my suitcase.
 "I knew the train ride would be a little boring, so I decided to surprise you with a ride to London." he explained as I stepped off the train.
 "Alfie, you didn't have to do this" I smiled, "I mean I ride that old crummy train all the time.
"Yeah, but how much more fun would it be to have a mini road trip?"
 "Well, now that you mention it" I giggled as he grabbed my bags.
 "Now how about some Nando's before our trip?"

Playfully pushing his arm, I couldn't help but feel my cheeks blush a bit. In all of my years dating, I had never been surprised like this. I mean its not like Alfie I were dating, but thoughts of it actually made me happy. Stopping in my tracks, I couldn't help but watch as his muscluar back poked through his shirt. Before that instance I had never noticed it but Alfie was a fit guy, kind of easy on the eyes.

"If you want back on the train..." he smiled as he turned to look at me.

"Did you say something about Nandos?" I laughed. 

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