Pre-Wedding Rehearsal Dinner

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"The weekend of Louise and Matt's wedding will be one that will always be planted into my memory. Not only because one of my best friends was marrying her love, but the fact that mine and Alfie's relationship hit the boarder of just friends and actual crushes. That weekend will always be in my memory as the set of days that I admitted to myself that I, Zoella was in love with one of my best friends."


 "Rise and shine, chummy!" I heard Louise's high pitched giggle echo through my small hotel room, "time to get ready for tonight's rehearsal dinner!"
Letting out a loud yawn I slowly rolled over to watch as Louise ruffled around in her bag, "and its only six hours away" I giggled.
 "What can I say? I am supper excited?" she smirked as she pulled out a black romper, "Matt's going to be wearing all white tonight, something cheeky for the guest" she pointed out as she tossed the small outfit onto her bed.
 "So its like all the girls are boys tonight?" I asked as I slowly sat up
 "Exactly!" she smirked, "now did you bring the white and red dresses?"
 "Of course Louise...I just need to find my bag."
 "So, how was this small dinner date with Alfie? And why were you two so late getting in?"
"Oh, L, it was fun, we actually took our time getting up here, stopping at random little shops, and just looking around."
 "So no kissing, or touching?"
 "NO WAY!" I laughed as I tossed my covers off, "we are simply friends, nothing more."
 "Well, you do know that's not what Marcus has been going on about."
"Whats that suppose to mean?" I sighed as I tossed my suitcase onto my bed.
 "Word around town is that Alfie likes you!" she grinned as her eyes widen, "ever since the YouTube party, hes had eyes for you!"
 "Oh please!" I giggled, "Alfie doesn't see me like that."
"Says who?" Louise scoffed, "look at yourself chummy! Your beyond gorgeous!"
"Oh, Louise...get a hold of yourself! I think this whole wedding and love stuff is getting to your head."
"Maybe your right..." Louise laughed as a knock echoed through the room, "room service!" yelped a low voice.
"Who is that from?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.
"Possibly Matt, hes always doing stuff like this." "Hello!" Louise cheered as a tall boy wheeled in a cart full of food followed by a note and two red roses.
 "Read the card!" I giggled as Louise showed the bellhop out of the room.
 "All of this looks so good" I sighed as Louise pulled open the card.
 "To two of my favorite YouTube girls. See you at dinner!"
 "Whose it from? I asked as I popped a raspberry into my small mouth.
 "It doesn't say" Louise groaned, "but I am sure its Matt."
 "Probably" I sighed as I continue to poke around the assortment of foods.

     After rambling over the enormous pile of food Louise and I finally showered up and had started our make up when another knock echoed through the room.
 "Now, who is that?" groaned Louise as she continued to paste on her foundation.
"I'll grab it" I smiled as I rushed over to the door.
 "Morning!" smiled Marcus and an unfamiliar face.
 "Marcus!" I sighed as I slammed the door, "you can't see a lady without her face on!" I yelped!
"Oh, Zoe" Marcus laughed, "I just thought I would introduce a YouTube friend of mine."
"For what its worth, I like girls without make up." added the unfamiliar boy.
 Feeling a small twitch in my stomach I slowly opened the door just enough for my face to poke out. "Really?" I asked with raised eyebrows?"
"Of course" cheered the two boys, "your natural beauty surely over powers all of that make up."
"I like this guy!" I giggled as I looked over Marcus.
" Zoe this is my friend Jack he makes YouTube videos."
"Jack??" I asked with a confused look, "as in Jacksgap?"
 "Oh, yeah" he smiled, "but you know outside of the computer we usually leave the gap part off" he laughed as he extended his hand.
 "How clever" I smirked as we shook hands, "are you two going to be at the dinner tonight?"
"Of course" Marcus smirked, "we love free food...oh and Louise and Matt."
 "Will you be there?" Jack asked with a small grin.
 "Of course, unlike Marcus I love Louise and Matt more than the free food."
"Touché" Marcus laughed.
 "Until tonight Miss. Zoe" nodded Jack.
 "Bye fellas" I sighed as I watched the both of them make their way towards the lifts.
 "Who was that?" Louise asked as she glided on some nude lipstick.
 "Marcus and Jack" I smiled as I hopped back over to the mirror.
 "Oh chummy" she groaned, "don't get any ideas on this Jack character."
 "Oh, Louise!!" I shirked, "I haven't even known this boy for what five seconds?"
"True, but I can see something in those eyes of yours."
"Oh pish posh" I scoffed, "he seems like a nice boy, but that's all."
"I hope" she sighed as she let her hair fall from her curlers.



 "That Zoe chick is a looker" Jack smirked as he and Marcus glided off of the lifts.
 "Who is a looker?" I laughed as I followed them out of the large hotel.
 "Your girlfriend" Marcus laughed.

"Oh, shit shes your girlfriend?" Jack laughed.
"Who are you guys talking about?" I asked a bit confused on the whole conversation.
 "Zoe" Jack smirked, "Louise's friend.
 "Shes not my girlfriend" I groaned, "Marcus just wishes she was."
 "I'm not the only one, Alfie pal. I know you wouldn't have drove nearly 30 miles out of the way yesterday if she didn't mean something to you" winked Marcus.
 "You drove 30 miles..why?" Jack looked over at me confused.
 "I drove down to a train station to surprise her for dinner. I know how much she hates those trains, so I thought it would be the FRIENDLY thing to do." I explained, "plus I know Marcus would have done it for me!."
 "As if pal" Marcus laughed, "your arse would have rode that train and liked it!"
"Whatever, we're just friends though."
 "So do you guys think I would have a chance?" Jack asked with a cheeky grin, "I mean, just for a hook up, nothing too serious."
"I...I don't know, Zoe does have some standards" I laughed.
 "Alfie's right" Marcus sighed, "Zoe doesn't seem like the chick to hook up and leave."
 "What if shes totally buzzed?"
 "She doesn't drink like that" I scolded, "she doesn't drink to get drunk and hook up."
"And how would you know Alfred?" laughed Jack.
 "I just do, we are friends."
"Whatever" Jack sighed, "I am still going to try, you never know."
"Whatever" I groaned a bit annoyed as we all three continued down the street. 



     Walking into the large venue I could feel my heart start to beat faster, "this place is beautiful" I whispered over to Louise.
"I know right?" she giggled, "this is the same place Matt's parents were married and had their reception."
 Hearing a familiar laugh I quickly turned to see Alfie, Marcus and some more boys towards the back having a good time. Giving a small wave, I could feel a grin sweep across my face as Alfie returned the wave along with half of the boys that surrounded him.
"Where is Matt?" Louise screeched as many of the guest started to arrive and make their places at various marked tables.
 "Louise!" I heard an older lady yelped, "he said he would be a little late, something about stomach problems.."
 "Excuse me chums" she sighed as she marched out of the large hall and to the street as she pulled out her cell phone.
"What was that about?" I heard someone ask, "shes just a little stressed" I sighed as I turned to face Alfie, "I think Matt might be ill.
"That would make for an interesting honeymoon, huh?"
 "Oh Alfie" I giggled as I gave him a quick slap on the arm. "How about a pre wedding dinner rehearsal dinner photo?" I asked as I pulled out my phone, "you know mine and Louise viewers are dying to see pictures."
 "Of course, and they love me, since I am so hot!" Alfie laughed as I pulled the camera up and snapped a cute one.

     "So where are you sitting?" he asked as we both looked around at the now almost filled tables.
 "I'm not sure...want to help me look?"
 "Of course" he smiled as we both scattered around the small room looking at the random table markers.
 "FOUND IT!" screeched Alfie as he waved his arms crazily.

"Alfieeee" I laughed as I made my way to him, "a little bit louder next time" I giggled as I looked down at the names surrounding mine.
 "Looks like you, Marcus and some girl named Naomi are my table friends" I hummed as I looked over the table.
"Oh that's one of Louise's friends, Marcus's new gal pal. He kind of likes her."
"Scandalous" I laughed as Alfie pulled my chair out for me.
"For you madam" he smiled as I plopped down into the expensive chair.
 "Thank you sir" I sighed as Louise rushed back into the hall frantic.
 "Matthew has the stomach bug!" she screamed as two elderly ladies ran to her side, "the doctors have said for him to stay in bed for at least 24 hours!"
"Ouch" Marcus laughed as he and a tall slender blond girl sat across from Alfie and I.

 "Poor Louise" I sighed as I took a sip of water.
"I know right? I feel for her" as Niomi shook her head.
"So, Alfie what do ya say we all go back to the hotel room tonight and have some drinks.?" Marcus whispered as he wiggled his eyebrows.
 "Its whatever you guys want to do."

 "I'm in, but no drinking for me, I have to be up bright and early to help Louise." I smiled.
 "It doesn't matter to me" added Niomi as she downed half of her water.

 "Jack and the other guys said they were in, so it sounds like a party." smirked Marcus.

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