A Goodbye & A Hello

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"The day after coming out as a couple was the day that Zoe and I were leaving and going our separate ways. She was off to Bristol for the fall and I was off home to start work at my usual job at a bakery. I could feel that even though we had come out as a couple that something major was about to happen, something that would test mine and Zoe's love, yet at that moment I wasn't sure what it was." 


   "So you promise to send me a good night and a good morning text every day...right?"
"Of course" I laughed as I pulled her into my arms.

 "I will text you every day as long as you promise to Skype me before bed."
 "I think I could handle that" I sighed as I gave her a long kiss on the top of the head.

 "Oh and you better not get any eyes for all those donuts hussies" she giggled.
"Oh trust me, my eyes are yours" I laughed as I gave her a tight squeeze.

 "And you promise to visit when you can?" She asked as she pulled away.

 "Of course...Zoe if it was up to me, I would be with you all the time."
"Awe, such a sweet stalker" she laughed.
"I'll show you stalker!" I laughed as I tickled her small stomach.

"Sttttoppp!" she laughed, "your going to make me pee my pants!"

 "Ok, ok!" I smiled as I pulled away from her as the loud whistle of the train filled the air.

"Looks like my rides coming" she sighed as she pulled up her small over night bag, "my parentals shall be on there waiting too." she groaned.

"Well, tell Mr. Sugg he has an amazing daughter."

 "Oh, trust me, he knows that" she smirked as she stuck out her tongue. "Be safe going home, Alfie. And make sure to call me when you get there."
"I will" I smiled. 

Feeling the cool breeze swift by the train soon made its present known as crowds of people buzzed off and on. "Until then, Alfie."
"Until then" I smiled as I watched her jump onto the train and into her mom's arms. Seeing three sets of eyes land on me I quickly gave a wave as I watched the train pull out leaving me with nothing but memories of my Zoe.


     "So shes gone?" asked Marcus as we both zipped up our suitcases.

 "Yeah, gone to Bristol" I sighed.

 "That sucks" Marcus groaned as he pulled on his coat, "Niomi is off to Leeds for the fall. Sucks seeing your girl take off to a new place, huh?"
"You've got that right" I sighed as I pulled up my back pack and suitcase.

 "I guess this is good bye for double trouble, isn't it?" Asked Marcus as he gave me a smack on the back.
"I guess, or until two weeks. You are coming back up for the YouTube meet up, right?"

 "Of course!" Marcus laughed, "you can take my summer but now its time to focus on the Tube."

"Of course" I laughed as I felt my phone vibrate, "fifteen minute warning."

"Well, be safe man, and remember, shes not that far away."

"Yeah, yeah" I smiled as I headed off to my train back home. 

I could feel the summer start to drain out of me as I stepped outside. Zoe was gone, Louise and Matt were heading to Liverpool to their new house, Marcus was back working with his dad and I was off to my reality. But there was one way to keep my summer alive and that was through YouTube, I had to keep working on it and making my name bigger. Pulling out my cell phone I pulled up Instgram as I uploaded a picture of Zoe and I from Louise's wedding, "Summer Lovin', had me a blast" I quickly tapped out as a description. 



     "He seemed like a nice boy" sighed my mom as the train came to a slow stop.
 "He really is" I smiled, "he works at a bakery as third in command."

"That's nice" she smiled.

 "Lets get to your dorm" barked my dad as he followed Joe off of the train. "We've arranged for someone to pick up your bags, so don't worry about that" he added.
"Well great!" I sighed as I slipped my purse around me as I stepped off the train and looked around. 

Seeing random people over the school lawn made my anxiety flare up a bit. I wasn't use to being places where I knew no one, but the fact I was to be here for nearly three months made it even worse.

"Don't worry booger picker, this looks like a fun place" laughed my little brother as he gave me a push.

 "Yeah, yeah" I sighed as I watched the tall buildings pass.
"You'll love it here Zoe, the dean and I were best friends when went here, his parents practically own this whole thing." announced my dad, "so if you have any problems go to him."

"Yes dad" I nodded as I followed behind him.
 "Heres your hall" yelped my mom as she ran a little ahead of us, "we requested you a single room, so you could do all of your studying in private."
 "Aren't you special?" whispered my brother.

"Shut up" I groaned as I pushed him.

 "Your on the second floor room 3B" smirked my mom as she took my hand.

Walking up the two flights of stairs I could feel my heart start to beat faster. To be somewhere new that I would have to learn to live and get to know new people just wasn't something that I wanted to, yet I still had my internet friends and my YouTube channel to take my mind off of things if I felt to alone.

"I love the colors of this floor" smiled my mom as she gave my hand a squeeze.
"Yeah the perfect shade of puke" laughed my brother.
"Joseph!" growled my dad.

 "3B" cheered my mom as we all four swung open the door.

 Seeing the small bed in the corner along with a desk sitting under the huge window.
"Well, isn't this something" cheered my mom.

 "Its perfect for you" added my dad as they inspected the room.

"Oh look Zoe, you have your own little bathroom" laughed Joe.

 "Yay" I laughed as I plopped down on the bed, "this is lovely."

     After three hours of my mom helping me with my room and my dad talking with the dean about their old football days I was finally alone in my new room. Sitting down at my new desk I eventually pulled out my laptop and camera as I had decided early to do a dorm room tour, it was something that I had come up with as I sat waiting for everyone to leave. Unfolding my tripod I pulled in a small desk lamp to help make more light, I was just about ready to start filming as I felt a buzz in my pocket. Pulling it out I didn't notice the number that now lit up my screen. Answering it I was startled to hear a knock at my door.
 "Hello?"  I answered the call.
 "What are you doing?" asked the low voice.

 "Who is this?" I asked as I pulled open the door to see him standing there with a grin.
 "Out of all the people to see here, looks like we're schoolmates" laughed Jack as he clasped his phone shut.

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