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"The days after Louise's were some of the loneliest I had ever experienced. Zoe went back to her home while I stayed in London with Marcus and Louise as we all did some cross over videos for our channels. Not to mention summer was starting to slip away as the cold fall temperatures started to make their selves present. I knew that my parents would soon be calling and asking if I was going to college or take another gap year, honestly I had no idea. All I wanted was to have Zoe back in my arms."


 "Zoe?" I whispered as I ran into a nearby bathroom, "I haven't heard from you in hours!"

 "Oh, Alfie keep your pants on" she giggled as I turned the volume up on my phone, "I've just been trying to pick the right time to call."

"Well, Louise is in the sitting room with Marcus, we just ordered some pizza."
"Sounds fun" she sighed, "how are you doing?"

 "I miss you like crazy Zoe, when can you come back up?"

 "I'm not sure, you do know that college is starting soon, I got accepted into Bristol!" "Really?" I smiled, "that's great, but you know I would really like to see you before you have to move out there."

"I know Alfred. I will come to see you guys, I promise."
 "I hope" I sighed as  a knock on the door made me jump.
"Oi, Alfie hurry up!" cried Marcus.
 "I got to go, but I shall text you" I sighed.
 "Until then" laughed Zoe as I quickly ended the call.
 "Keep your pants on man, I am coming!" I laughed as I slipped my phone into my pocket and swung open the door.

"About time" he laughed as he pushed by me.

     "Hurry up Alfie, before Marcus comes back for seconds" laughed Louise as she handed me an almost empty pizza box.
 "Thanks" I sighed as I pulled out a piece, "so how are the videos coming?"
"They look great, really funny" she smiled, "I am thinking about asking Zoe to come up for some make up videos, you know before she goes off to college."
"That sounds fun."
"Yeah, for some reason the viewers really like seeing you two together."
 Letting out a cough I nearly chugged down a whole bottle of water as she mentioned Zoe and I.
 "So I've heard" I laughed.
"Alfie can I ask you a question?" Louise giggled.
 "Sure, shoot it" I coughed.
 "How was your date with Zoe, you know...the one to the wedding."
 "Oh, that? It was just...uh, you know...a friendly thing."
 "So you don't like my chums?"
", I mean, no not in...uh, that way."

"Oh, okay" she smiled.

 "Why would you ask me that?" I questioned.

 "Just a question, chap. No big deal, right?"

"Right..." I sighed.
 "So whose ready for some more editing?" laughed Marcus as he plopped down next to Louise. 



     "So how was the wedding?" asked my little brother Joe, "any hot babes?"

"Oh, tons" I laughed as I passed the bowl of green beans around to him.
 "Really, Zoe how was it?" asked my dad with a serious look.

"It was really fun. I mean Louise looked beautiful, and the decorations were out of this world."
 "So, was that boy you took a picture with your date?" asked my mom as she sat a plate of rolls onto the table, "he is such a handsome boy."

 "Who...Alfie?" I giggled, "we're really good friends."

 "Oh what a shame" mocked Joe, "you two would make beautiful babies!"

"Joseph!" barked my dad, "Zoe will not be making babies with anyone until she is well out of college, with a good paying job. Right Zoella?"
"Of course" I sighed as I passed around the now cooling rolls.
 "Speaking of college, have you started packing for Bristol?"

"Not yet...maybe tomorrow. You know Louise was asking if I could make a pit stop in London for a couple days, you know to do some collab vidoes for our YouTube channels."
 "I don't know about that" groaned my dad, "you have to get off of this YouTube thing and think about real life."

"YouTube is real life" I blurted out, "I mean, I wouldn't mind making videos for a job."

"Zoe! That is not an acceptable job for a young woman!" cried my mom. "Plus you've already been promised a job at the firm" added my dad.
"Just tell Louise you can stop by for a day or two but no more than that!"
 "Okay" I sighed as I dipped into the green beans. 

     "So what is the real reason that you want to stop by London?" asked Joe as he stood leaned against my door frame.

"To film some videos with Louise" I sighed.

 "No Alfie?" he smirked.
 "He might be there" I nodded, "so what?"

 "I seen how red your face got when mom mentioned him, so did you guys get it in before or after the wedding?"

 "JOE!" I screeched, "we did not get it in period, we're just friends."

 "Friends with...?"

 "Get out!" I laughed as I tossed a pillow at him.

 "Touchy, aren't we? But seriously Alfie does look like a nice guy, I approve."

 "Thanks..?" I laughed as he tossed the pillow back and left. "At least someone approves of something" I whispered.

Overjoyed - (A Zalfie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now