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"Sometimes changes are for the best, yet then again they could bring things that are best left unknown."


   "I am so glad your back!" I yelped as I sprinted from my bed and into Jack's arms.

 "I am just glad to be back" he sighed as he gave me a tight squeeze.

 "So do you want to talk about all of this bullsh.."
 "I believe you Jack" I blurted out, "whatever Alfie said I know is a lie."

"Really?" Jack laughed.

 "I mean, he obviously wants me back, so he would make up anything to break us up."
"Exactly" grinned Jack as he gave me another squeeze. "But what have you done since being back?" "I withdrew from school" I huffed as I made my way back to my small bed, "I'm moving up to London."

"Since when did this happen?" laughed Jack, "what does your parents have to say about this?"

 "I haven't told them yet, plus I was thinking about it all on the way back from the meet and greet. I mean I make plenty enough money from my channel and make up jobs that I can afford all of it."

"Well" sighed Jack as he plopped down on the bed next to me, "do you think a lonely boy could tag along with you?"

"Really?" I squealed, "you would come with me?"

"I mean obviously college isn't doing me any good, plus with my money from YouTube and various projects we could make it."

"Hell yes!" I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck tackling him to the bed. 



 Throwing my suit case onto my small bed I could feel a head ache starting to form. Instead of laying everything out on the table and trying to make myself look good, I made Zoe feel bad over me, I totally screwed things up and made her hate me. I had no idea she was going to actually go for Jack. Laying back on the bed I closed my eyes as I heard the door squeak open.

"Tough weekend?" laughed Marcus. "You  could say that" I sighed, "I've totally lost Zoe."
 "I wouldn't say lost...I mean what does Jack really have that you don't?"
 "Everything!" I retorted, "I mean look at me, I'm a dick."

"Your not a dick" laughed Marcus, "your just confused on what you want...but I do have some good news that you might want to hear."
 "Whats that?" "Louise and Matt have found a permanent house in Liverpool." "Meaning what?" "That Niomi, me and you all have a newly renovated house in LONDON!"

"No shit?"

 "Absolutely no shit!"

 "Marcus, this could be our big break! I mean new videos, exciting vlogs, more money from our channels!"

"Exactly" he laughed.
"So when do we move?" I asked as I sat straight up.

"After Christmas, during the first weekend of January."

"Hell yes!" I laughed. 

     Throwing my now empty suitcase back into my tiny closet thoughts of my new life in London ran around in my mind. Just thinking of all the new jobs that could come from this made my heart skip a beat. Feeling my phone go off I slowly pulled it from my pocket as I seen a bright name scroll across the screen.
 "Hey Elle" I sighed as I sat down on my bed, "your breaking up with me?" I yelped, "you found a boy that gets you better than me? And who is that?" I questioned as I could feel my face turn red. "Jack? HARRIES?" Feeling my anger over boil I instantly threw my small phone across the phone as a picture of Zoe came to my mind. "That bastard!"



 "Okay sir, thank you...good luck to you too." I smirked as I hit end on my phone. "You are officially looking at a college drop out!" I giggled.
 "Congrats to you Miss. Zoe" smirked Jack as he slipped his phone into his pocket. "So how are going to celebrate this? Some shower sex?"
 "I was thinking apartment hunting? I mean the dean said we have until the middle of next week to be out of here since next Saturday is Christmas..." I smiled.

 "Apartment hunting sounds good" Jack laughed as he pulled my laptop into his hands, "any particular places?" he asked as he sat next to me.

"Not really, just something with a bed, running water, and a mirror."

"Sounds perfect!" he smirked.

After scrolling through a couple of ads we finally came across one that was in a familiar place of London for me. It had two bedrooms and one and a half baths.
"Call for this one?" I asked as I handed Jack my phone.
 Watching him dial the number, I could feel my heart start to beat faster, I really wanted things to work out and finally start my life the way I wanted.
 Hearing the conversation come to an end I watched as Jack's face started glowing, "the old broad said we could come by tomorrow to look at it."
"Yay!" I giggled as I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Now the only thing that lacked was announcing the exciting news to my parents, which I knew that wouldn't be too happy about.

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