Surprise Number 2 & 3

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"After the first make out session with Alfie I could feel myself want more. Yet with the fact that no one knew about us made that a problem. We found our selves making out at the most random places at random times. After the first time in Louise's bathroom, Alfie and I made out three more times that night before he was called away by Marcus who had locked himself out of their home away from home. I will never forget the make up Alfie and I did together, it was one of the only times in my life that I could really say that I was happen."


 "I can't believe that you put lip gloss on my eye lids!" I cackled as I tried to clean all of the crazy make up off.
 "Can I help it, that I am such an artist with make up?" he smirked as he helped clean up my make up.

"Well, I don't guess" I giggled as I turned and looked around the quite room, "are we alone?" I whispered.
"I think so" he grinned as he looked into the kitchen.

 "Where did they go?" I asked as I looked into Louise's room.
"Come here" Alfie smirked as he grabbed my hand pulling me into the guest room I had been staying in.

 "What are you doing Alfred?" I asked with a giggle.

"Some of this" he smirked as he backed me against the wall, "and this" he added as he left a damp trail of kisses over my neck.

 "Alfieee" I giggled as he made his way to my smiling lips.
 Feeling his strong lips fumble around with mine made my eyes instantly close allowing my arms to wrap around his strong neck. Breaking into a full on make out session we eventually made our way to the small twin size bed with myself on top of his strong stomach with my now frizzled hair every where.

"Do you have anything?" I asked as I pulled at his belt buckle.


"Alfred, you came over here knowing we were filming and you didn't bring a condom?"

 "I'm sorry, I just thought we were here to film a make up video, not a porno!"

 Busting out in a laugh I instantly crashed my lips onto his as I felt his strong hands run up my soft back, pulling the bottom hem of my shirt with him. Setting up I watched as he tossed my light blue shirt over onto the floor along with the bra that I instantly unclasped. Feeling his hands run over my small body I could feel a moan start to escape.

     "Chummy!" I heard from the living room, "Alfred?"
 "Oh snap, its Louise" I whispered as I did a barrel roll off of the bed and over to my clothes, "go and stall!" I ordered as Alfie sprinted out of the small room.

 "Whats up?" Alfie yelled as he met Louise in the living.

 "Wheres Zoe? I have something big to tell you guys."
 "Oh, shes just getting the rest of the make up off of her face, we filmed a hilarious make up video.

"Chummy! Come here, I have something to tell you!" she giggled as I heard her push past Alfie and into the small bedroom.

"What is it?" I grinned as I pulled back my hair.

 "I'm pregnant!" she blurted out.
 "Oh my...CONGRATS!" I screeched as I lunged at her wrapping my arms around her neck, "how far along are it a girl or boy...does Matt know...oh my god, this is exciting! Isn't this exciting Alfie?"

"Well, I am around 4 weeks. And yes I just got off the phone with Matt, we are all going out to dinner tonight to celebrate, and I expect to see you both there."

 "I am there" I giggled as I gave Alfie a grin. 

 "When can we tell people about us?" I whispered as Alfie and I walked into the small restaurant.

"Soon, I hate lying" he shot back as I spotted Louise grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, chummy! You look great" she greeted.

 "As do you" I smiled as I gave her a quick half hug.

 Looking down at the table of guest I quickly spotted two empty seats down at the end. After struggling to get through Alfie and I finally sat down ready for whatever the night had to offer.

      "And heres a toast to one of the new moms!" cheered one of Louise's college buddies.
 Taking a gulp of the champagne my eyes quickly scanned the table as I spotted Marcus and Niomi, and some more Youtube people. My mind instantly wondered where Jack was, he usually tagged along with those boys.

"What are you thinking about?" Alfie whispered.

"Nothing, really" I smirked.

 "Not me?" he winked.
"Definitely not you" I giggled as I took another gulp of my drink.

 "Well, aren't we a bit snooty" he smirked as I gave him a little push until Marcus waved our attention to him.

"So, whats the status between you two?"

Looking at Alfie I gave a little nod as he turned to him, "we're a couple" he smirked as I felt his hand grabbed mine under the table.

"Really?" squealed Louise, "that is wonderful! A toast to my chummy and Alfred!" She laughed as she held up her glass of ginger ale.

 "Thanks" I smirked as I looked around up to Alfie, "I am pretty happy" I giggled.

 "Me too" he smirked as he pressed his lips against mine for the first time in public.

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