The End

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"Throughout life you have moments that you will remember but only some moments turn into memories. Those memories are the ones that make our heart skip a beat, are surprises and occasionally involve a the rain."


Walking into Louise's new house I could tell that she was the main person to decorate it due to the frills and pastel colors.
"Chummy" she giggled as she threw her arms up.
 "The house is gorgeous!" I smirked as I wrapped my arms around her and her growing baby bump.

"Its take us forever to set everything up, but I like it, for now."

 "You have such great taste" I sighed as I looked around, "oh and here you go...before I forget" I laughed as I handed her the large gift bag.

 "Oh, Zoe, you didn't have to get us anything..."

"Yes I did! Little baby glitter is going to be spoiled if I have anything to say about it."

 "Oh trust me, she will!" Louise laughed as her glance ran behind me, "excuse me for a bit" she smirked as she threw her hands up in the air, "TANYA! JIM!"
 Looking around I finally spotted the refreshment table in the back of the kitchen, feeling my anxiety starting to rise I needed something to drink to keep my mind off of it. 

     Sipping down my second glass of punch I sat quietly in the kitchen as various family members of both Louise and Matt's run around the house. Giggles and jokes echoed through the large house as I sat starring outside. I wasn't sure if Jack would come, he and Louise weren't close, so I highly doubted he would make an appearance.
"I heard you finally dumped that scum bag, Jack." giggled a high pitched voice.
"Well, you know garbage day does come once a week" I giggled as I watched Niomi sit next to me.
"How is Marcus doing?' I asked as I sipped some more on my punch.

"Fantastic" Niomi smiled, "we've moved up to London so he could have a chance of breaking into a job with the YouTube headquarters."

 "Oh, any luck?" I asked. "Not yet, hes been working some with other YouTube channels though, making some extra money hosting a couple of karaoke nights too."
"That sounds fun" I giggled.

"Yeah he loves it."

"Is he coming up today?" "He should be here anytime, I do believe hes bring that slutty know the one from South Africa?"

"CASPAR?" I yelped, "I heard he was a hoot to be around!"

"Well, now I have something to look forward to" smirked Niomi.


 "I told you we should have took a train" whined Marcus.

 "We're practically already there" I murmured as I turned down an exit. "Plus, would you have really wanted to miss a road trip with that slut?" I smirked as I pointed to Caspar who was passed out in the back seat.

"Well, if you two didn't stay out drinking until 3 this morning, we wouldn't have had to take this road trip! Niomi is going to be so mad at me."
"Oh hush, Marcus...we're only twenty minutes late" groaned Caspar.

"Yeah only twenty minutes" I echoed.

"Did you two even remember to grab Louise's presents?"

"Check!" I smiled as I pointed back towards the trunk, "the blanket Niomi made, and the three picture frames are all wrapped up."

"How about the...." "DUDE!" Caspar yelped, "take a chill pill, everything is going to be okay!"

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