First Friday Night

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"Starting a new chapter in your life is never easy. Especially with him on my mind but Alfie on my heart."


   Pushing through the large door of the English building I was so happy for it to finally be the end of my first week of classes. I had met tons of new people but it seemed like I had every class with Jack.

 Hearing footsteps behind me I could instantly tell who it was as he covered my eyes, "JACK!" I screeched as I pushed his hands off.
 "So, did I scare you?" he smirked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Define scare?" I scoffed as I pushed him off once again.
 "So, I guess that's a yes to dinner then?"
 "As if" I laughed, "I have things to do..."

 "Like what?" "Well, nosey I have tons of homework, plus I have to shoot a new video and a Skype date."
 "Zoe, we have all the same classes, you have one English paper due in a month! Plus filming can be done in like 30 minutes tops!"

"I still have my Skype date at 9 sharp!" I protested.
"So we can still grab something to eat before then, I will not take no for an answer!" he laughed as he cut in front of me towards the library, "I know where you sleep!" he winked before he disappeared into the building.
 "Show off.." I sighed as I felt my phone buzz, seeing the text from Alfie made my heart jump.
 "Hows my college girlfriend doing?"

"Just missing you" I quickly tapped back as I made my way back into my dorm.

     After nearly an hour of texting Alfie and finishing my English paper I soon found myself looking through my closet. I wanted so bad to just stay in and talk to Alfie yet I knew that there was no way that I would make new friends if I didn't go out, and from the looks of it right now Jack was all that I had. Pulling out a cute top and some leggings I quickly changed as I threw my hair up in a bun. With in just minutes I heard a long knock come across my door just in time. Pulling the door open I was taken back from that cheeky smile.

 "Hello Miss. Zoe" smiled Jack.

 "Yeah, yeah" I laughed as I grabbed my purse and cell phone. "So, wheres dinner?" I questioned as I slammed my door.
 "I was thinking of a small dinner just a couple of miles from here, they have some of the best burgers."

 "Okay" I nodded, "but do we have to walk?"

 "Now would I make a pretty girl like yourself walk?"

"I would take that as a yes.." I grinned.

"I've got my car" he laughed. 

As we entered the student parking lot I looked around at the rows of cars I instantly tried to pick his out, would his car match is crazy personality? Or would he be a little bit serious about one thing in his life. Watching as he walked ahead I was impressed to see him unlock the doors to a small silver car.
"Well isn't this nice?" I smiled as he pulled open my door.

"I'm not always a jerk" he whispered as I sat down in the small car.

 "Jerk?" I repeated as he slid into the drivers seat.


    "And then the girl just fell down the stairs!" I laughed as I took a sip of my beer.
 "Why would she even try that?" laughed Jack.

"I...I don't know, but it has nearly half a million views, which is absurd!"

 "I know right? Most of those viral videos are probably staged yet when a hard working Tuber actually makes a good video it does nothing."

"I know right? Totally pisses me off" I smiled as I realized that we were actually having a quality conversation.
"So, how is Alfie?" Jack instantly asked, "I mean, I know we don't have the best of friendships but he is a good guy."

 "Yeah, he is a good guy. But all this distantce is killing me. Its only been the first week and we haven't done anything but talked once and texted like three times a day."

"I hate long distance relationships, I had to break things off with my girl back home. I mean I just couldn't do it."

"Oh, I had no idea...I am sorry Jack."

"Its okay, we weren't that serious."

"Well, that's good" I smiled as I finished off my first beer.

"And it looks like we have a serious drinker over here" laughed Jack as he looked around pointing at me.

 "Shut up!" I giggled, "I have practically been drinking since I was fourteen, you know theres not much to do during the winter."

 "Same here" he smiled, "I mean I remember this one time when Finn and I got so wasted on the way home from school that when we got home we spent the rest of the night in the bathroom. We tried to lie and say we had the stomach flu, but our parents weren't that dumb."

 "Sounds hardcore" I laughed.

 "Oh, we were" he nodded. 

Feeling my phone start to vibrate I slowly pulled it out as my alarm for 8:45 went off.

"Looks like its time for a Skype date" smiled Jack.

"So it seems" I sighed as I cut off the alarm.



     "So how does Zoe like college?" asked my mom as we sat down at the dinner table.

"She seems to like it, but I can't really tell much through texting."
"I know that right now its hard, Alfred, but trust will all pay out in the end."

"I suppose" I sighed as I dipped out some mash potatoes.
"How is that nice boy...Marcus? Doing?" she asked again.

 "Hes good, we are both going back up to London for the YouTube meet up next weekend, we are both doing good with that too. New subs everyday."

 "Oh really?" she smirked. "that is so exciting!"

 "I guess" as my eyes ran to the clock, "8:45" .

 My mind instantly ran to Zoe as I quickly scoffed down the mash potatoes and meat. "Sorry mom, I've got to run, Zoe and I have a Skype date."

"Oh, well, go on and get ready" she laughed, "I can clean this up." 

Running up the stairs I quickly brushed my teeth and slicked back my hair as I changed into a plain white tee. I was more than ready to see Zoe since leaving her at the train station. I had finally sat down at my computer as I heard my phone go off.

"Sorry, babe can't Skype tonight, rain check for tomorrow?"

Feeling my heart drop I nearly threw my phone as I tapped out a message and hit send. "Sure thing. See you then." 



     Seeing the text from Alfie made me feel a little bad, but at this rate Jack and I would be getting back late, which by then I wouldn't be ready for our date on Skype.
"Sorry you had to cancel on Alfie" Jack smiled as he locked his car back.

 "Its okay, I sent him a text back at the restaurant, he totally understands."
"Well, that's good. I mean I am glad we can go out and have dinner. Truth be told some of these kids can be dicks."

 "Tell me about it" I laughed. "This is my stop" I smiled as we both made our way from the stairs to my tan door.
 "Well, I had lots of fun Zoe, I hope we can do this again?"

"Of course" I smirked, "for once I actually had fun here." 

Looking down at his lips I could feel my body want them, I didn't know if it was the alcohol or just the way he looked but somewhere between the sorting it out in my head we were nose to nose with our lips fighting each other.
"I really had a good time" I breathed between kisses.

 "Me too" he laughed as his hands found my waist.

 Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket I quickly pulled away just to see Alfie's name light up my screen, "Sweet dreams my girl xx" looking up at Jack I could feel my face go red when I finally realized what had happened between us.

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