The Wedding

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"Have you ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you know for sure that the person you like could possible be the one that love? Looking back at Louise's wedding I can't help but remember how he had made me feel. I know we should have been focusing on Louise and Matt, I mean the whole day was for them. But just knowing that Alfie liked me just as much as I liked him made the day so much more."


   "Louise, you look beautiful" I smiled as I looked over at her as Matt's mother zipped the back of her dress.

"Oh, chummy" she giggled, "do I really look okay? I mean I have tried for months to loose just the right amount of weight.."

"Louise!" I giggled, "you look perfect, Matt won't know what hit him."

"Lets hope!" she smirked as she was called into the make up room for pictures and some touch ups.
Turning to the window I watched from above as the guest all started to pile into the their seats near the outside fountain as the ceremony was set to start in just a matter of minutes. I tried to focus on Louise and everything that was about to happen however I couldn't keep my mind off of Alfie and last nights events. I was nearly drunk when we had shared our first kiss and night together. We hadn't had sex or even made out we just simply laid in bed and slept, but when I had woken this morning all that was left was his cologne on the bed where he laid. I hadn't heard from him or anyone that was at the party last night. I knew that Louise was so nervous about today that I kind of kept away from them all. Hearing a roar of laughs instantly brought me from my thoughts as I went to investigate in the tiny make up room. 



"And you guys didn't do the deed?" laughed Marcus, "you were out most of the night, you guys had to do something!"
"Yeah, we slept" I croaked as I pulled on my suit jacket.

"So you got cock blocked then?"

 "Dude, shut up!" I laughed as I threw a sock at him, "we just went to sleep, I mean she was tired and so was I."
"OOOKAY" Marcus laughed, "but you are going to this wedding together, right?"

"Yeah, its kind of our first date, so keep that dick, Jack away."
"Of course" nodded Marcus. 

"I mean it, Zoe like seriously hates him after all that stuff last night, she was literally shaking she was so mad."

 "So, why didn't you tell him off, instead of just agreeing with her and running out?"
"I...I don't know man, I just don't like fighting and stuff. You know a lover not a fighter!" I smirked.
"Well, based off of last night, you were neither!"
"Shut up" I laughed as I slid on my tie.

Hearing a knock on the door my eyes instantly shot to the clock, "grab that!" I yelped as I grabbed my cell phone along with getting a quick go over.
"Are you guys ready to get married?" I heard Jack laugh as he and a couple of our Youtube friends all busted through the door.

"You know it" laughed Marcus as he shot me a worried look.

 "Oi Alfie you look good" laughed Jack as he plopped down on Marcus's bed.

"Thanks, but I have to run" I sighed.

 "Picking up Zoe?" questioned Jack.

 "Yeah, we are going together" I shot back.

 "Better keep your arms around her, you never know when ole Jack boy might steal her" laughed one of the random boys.

"I will keep that in mind" I groaned as I slammed the door behind me.



  Waiting nervously for Alfie I quickly paced the hallway as Louise and everyone else moved downstairs and into a carriage that would bring her to her big walk down the isle.

"Zoe?" I heard a deep voice behind me, "you look beautiful."

Turning around I could feel my heart in my throat as my breath was taken away, ", uh you don't look to bad yourself" I giggled as Alfie gave a grin.

"Are you ready?" he asked as he extended his hand.

 "Always" I smiled as I lace my fingers with his. "So, where did you disappear to last night?' I blurted out as we both stepped into the lift.
"Funny story, it looks like you had a roommate named Louise and she was up early this morning with  bunch of old ladies."

"Oh no" I laughed, "did they see you?"

"Nah, luckily my old ninja training came back and I ran out before they seen me."
 "Impressive" I laughed as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

 "But you know it would have been nice to wake up with you, instead of those old ladies screaming." I smiled.

 "Maybe one day Zoe" he winked as he gave my forehead a quick kiss.
 "If your lucky" I giggled as I returned his wink. 

     As fast as the ceremony had started it was over, as soon as the vows were said, the kiss was gave I soon found Alfie and I surrounded by everyone else at the reception.

 "You look beautiful Louise" Marcus smirked as he gave the blushing bride a quick kiss on the cheek
 "Absolutely beautiful" added Alfie as he gave her a quick squeeze.

"Oh, thank you boys" smirked Louise as she gave me a sneaky wink.

"Congrats L" I smiled as I gave her a squeeze, "everything went perfectly."

 "Thank you so much guys, you know I wasn't too sure about the red.."

she went on as Alfie grabbed my hand, "follow me" he whispered.
"Okay" I laughed as I clenched onto his hand and followed him  out of the reception hall and around the corner just out of the way of the altar.
 "Whats up?" I asked as Alfie wrapped his arms around my waist.
 "I just really needed to this" Alfie sighed as he landed his lips on mine yet this time with a little bit of force.

 Wrapping my arms around his neck I could feel myself fall against the brick siding of the reception hall along with my eyes instantly closing.
 "You look absolutely beautiful Zoe" Alfie breathed between kisses.

 "Thank you" I hissed as his kisses became more consistent and fast paced. I could feel a moan start to build in my throat as his lips slowly drifted down my neck.

"Do we really need more pictures?" I heard a distant voice groan. "Epp!" I squealed as I pulled from Alfie's embrace as I tried to fix my now smudged lipstick.

 "Zoe? Alfie?" I was looking for you two" laughed Louise as she rounded the corner, "we're taking a YouTube picture!"
 "Oh, okay" I exhaled, "just a second" added Alfie as he fell back into the wall as Louise started an argument with the photographer.
 "Picture time Alfred" I giggled as I gave his hand a squeeze and skipped back around the corner.

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