Kiss and A Cuddle

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"I am not a liar, yet I don't like to hurt peoples feelings. I couldn't go on with this act of being the perfect girl, because truth was I wasn't. So was I suppose to tell Alfie about the kiss? Or just go on like it never happened?"


     "So your on your way up?" I squealed as I laid back on my bed.

 "I should be there around 1:30" laughed Alfie.

"I can't wait" I giggled, "until then!"

 Watching the screen go black I could feel my stomach start to do flips. I hadn't seen Alfie in nearly a month, after he left me at the trains, yet it had been nearly three weeks since I had kissed Jack. The day after Jack had apologized about the whole thing and had even offered to call Alfie and tell him but I didn't want any drama started over it so we both agreed to just be friends and nothing more. Hearing a knock on the door my eyes went straight to the clock that read "11:45" which was usually mine and Jacks study lunch session.
"Coming!" I yelped as I took a look at myself in my mirror.

 "Hello, buddy" smiled Jack as I swung open the door.

 "Anything good for lunch?" I asked as I shut the door behind him and followed him to my bed. "Chicken tacos, and a soda."

"Sounds like my kind of lunch" I smirked as I grabbed my binder full of work and joined him.

"So is sir Alfie gracing us with his presences today?" "Yep, he should be here in a couple of hours, so we have just enough time to finish the rest of this months Math homework."

 "I love how you are an overachiever" laughed Jack as he unwrapped one of the tacos. "I know" I smirked as I popped open the math book. 

     "So what has Alfred been doing since you've been here bettering yourself?"
"Hes working at a bakery, making and selling cakes and what not."

"That sounds like the life" laughed Jack, "but you know I couldn't work there because I would totally ruin my rock hard body!"

 "Yeah right!" I giggled, "more like you would eat everything and cause them to go out of business!"

"Oh, good one" smirked Jack.

"So, have you found any girls to make yours?"

"Well, since you mention it, I have total of one in mind. But shes totally out of reach."
"Shes not a professor is she?" I laughed.
 "Nooooo, shes just not someone I shouldn't get entangled with...personal reasons, you know."

"Of course" I sighed as I finished off  the last problem.
"Did you ever get back to that make up company that wanted to sponsor some of your videos?" Jack questioned as he laid back on my bed.
 "Not yet...I'm not sure if I will."

"Are you crazy? That deal was good!"

 "I know...but I'm just not sure this is what I really want to know make videos."

"Zoe, you have to, I mean apparently some cracked out girls like you" he laughed.
 "Dick" I giggled as I gave his leg a push.
"But seriously, my dad wants me stick to college and make something of myself...something he wants" I groaned.
 "So, you can do both...right?"

"I...I don't know" I sighed as I closed my book, "I mean I love making videos, but can someone really make a living off of it?"

 "Of course!" shirked Jack as I slid over next to him, "some of these frickin' YouTuber's make millions and go on to better things."
"Really?" I laughed as I looked over at him.

 "Duh!" he smirked as he gave my forehead a push.
"Jerk" I smirked as I pushed him.
 "Zoe, do you really want to push me? I am a black belt..."
 "In what purse shopping?" I laughed as I jabbed him in the side.

 "Oh, girl its on!" he laughed as he mimicked my voice.

 Within seconds we were in a play wrestling match, with his arms around my shoulders as his legs wrapped around my lower half.

"JACKIE!" I laughed as I turned and pinned him on the bed.

 "Don't mess with the champion" I smiled.

Pushing me onto the bed, he quickly pulled his around me and sat on my straighen out legs. Straddling me he slowly laced his hands together with mine as he smirked, both of our chests moving in sync. 

"Whose the champion now?" he questioned. 

Over the next few seconds I had no idea what came over me as his lips found mine with familiar thoughts of our last kissed played in my mind. Feeling his hands run down my sides to the bottom of my shirt made goose bumps form as a slow moan leaked from my lips. Impressions of his lips outlined my jaw as he continued down to my neck and small amount of chest that was left uncovered. I could feel my eyes start to close as he stripped off my white button up along with covering my small stomach in kisses. Feeling my pants become loose I nearly jumped off when a knock filled the room.

"Oh my god!" I whispered as I grabbed my shirt.

 "What..what is it?' laughed Jack.

 "Its Alfie" I cried as I buttoned back my pants and shirt. " your doing something" I ordered as I painted on a smile.



   "ALFIE!" I heard her screech as I opened my arms. It felt so good to finally have her in my grasps.
"I've missed you so much" I whispered in her ear as she pulled back with tears in her eyes.
"Whats wrong?" I laughed.

 "I've just missed you so much" she giggled as she clung onto me.

 "So, how is my big college girlfriend doing?" I sighed as she pulled me into her room.

 "Just fine, I do have one friend that you might know.
"ALFIE!" cheered Jack as he grabbed my neck.

"Hey man" I mumbled as I gave him a pat on the back, "so you two are friends?"
"Yeah, she is actually a brain, man...good choice." he winked as he Zoe shoved him.

 "So, Alfie what do you want to do first? Tour of the campus?"
 "I was thinking some down time with you and maybe a late dinner?"

 "That's great!" added Jack, "you two have some couple time and then the three of us can have some dinner!"

 "Okay" I sighed, "that sounds good."

 "O..okay" stuttered Zoe as she gave Jack an evil look.
 "Well, until then chaps" waved Jack as he hurried out of the room slamming the door behind him. 

     "So how has college life?" I asked as I looked over at her. After nearly thirty minutes of none stop making out we had found ourselves cuddled up in her small bed.
"Its okay" she sighed, "but it can get lonely at times."
"Is Jack your only friend?"
"As of now, yes. Its just that the girls here are total snobs, if I try to talk to them they just turn their noses up and ignore me." she groaned.
"I'm sorry. Maybe things will turn around."
"I don't know" she sighed, "things aren't like the way they are online. I can make friends so more easier there then in real life.."

"Has your anxiety acted up any?"

"Just a little...but Jack really helps to take some of it off."
 "Really?" I laughed, "how is that?"
 "I don't know...maybe its his carefree personality or something...he just really reminds me of home and of last summer."
"Oh, summer" I smiled, "I miss it too."
 Seeing tears come to her eyes I knew that something was wrong, something more deeper than just her anxiety.

 "Are you okay?" I asked as I pulled her closer to me.
 "Just hold me, Alfie" she sobbed as she buried her face into my chest.

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