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"I had finally talked my dad into letting me spend the week before moving into the dorms of Bristol with Louise and her hubby Matt. I also planned to finally have a proper second date with Alfie. I knew we would have a lot to talk about with such little time do it. It was the first morning of my week long stay with Louise which we spent most of the morning taping some cross over videos."


    "That video was hilarious!" I giggled as I plopped down on Louise's large couch.

 "Your telling me, I couldn't even keep any of my water down without spitting it back up!"
Catching my breath I quickly pulled out my cell phone to see the screen light up with Alfie's name and a cute heart sent in a text message, "where are you? I've been waiting to see your face all morning!" I quickly poked back as I watch Louise grab her laptop.
"Now a days worth of editing?" I smirked.

 "You know it" Louise grinned, "have you spoken to Marcus or Alfie today? They were suppose to let me know when you three were doing some collab videos."

 Looking back down at my new text I quickly shook my head, "nope, its crazy that they've not texted or anything."
 I knew that lying was bad, especially to one of my best friends, yet I knew that Alfie and I needed to keep our relationship a secret, at least for now.
Reading over a the new text message from Alfie, I could feel my stomach start to churn, "I was thinking some dinner and a movie? I mean, you could come over and I could make you some dinner." Letting out a sigh I slowly looked over at Louise as a huge grin started to spread across her face followed by a high pitched laugh. "How about you come over to Louise's? We could have some major friends time!" Hitting send I was surprised by how fast he had replied, "I suppose, but can we do some cuddling time after?" "Maybe ;)" I quickly hit send as I slid my phone into my pocket and crept behind Louise to see what was so funny.

 "Look at your face!" laughed Louise as she pointed at my random derp face.

     "So where is Matt?" I asked as Louise opened the large pizza box.

 "He had to work late, and since his mothers house is just minutes from his work he decided to stay there tonight. Plus he said we needed some friend time."

 "Sounds legit" I laughed as I followed behind her opening up the bread stick box.

 "So, what movies did you have picked out?" I asked as I licked some icing off of my finger from the cinnamon sticks.

"Just some old chicks flicks, Grease, Sixteen know, some happy movies!"

 "Some of the greatest ever made!" I added with a smile.

 Hearing a knock on the door instantly caused goose bumps on my arms as Louise gave me an odd look, "now who could that be?" she sighed as she swung the door open.

 "Hello ladies!" grinned Alfie as he stepped in swiftly.

"Oh, Alfred" Louise groaned, "where have you been all day? Zoe and I have been waiting for you to let us know something about filming!"

 "I've been around, just busy with know."

"Well your just in time for some chick flicks and pizza" I giggled as I felt my face turn red.

"Sounds great" he smirked as he gave Louise a pat on the back.



     Zoe looked absolutely hotter than I had ever seen, her short sleep shorts feel just below her butt as her long v-neck tee sat loosely on top of her boobs.

"Want some more pizza?" she asked as she stood in front of me.

 "Oh, no I'm fine" I smiled as I watched her tiny frame bounce into the kitchen.

 "So, Alfred whats on the agenda for the next could of days?"

 "Uh, I guess filming for tomorrow with you and then with Zoe on Wednesday and a free day on Thursday. I have to head back home on Friday."

 "Zoe has to head to Bristol on Friday, so that will probably work" she sighed as she finished off a breadstick.
 "Your going to Bristol...Friday?" I asked Zoe as she sat down next to Louise.

 " parents are meeting up there to help me get settled in. Classes start Monday."

"Being nosey Alfred?" Louise asked with a grin.

 "Just curious...I guess" I sighed as I looked over to the TV.
  I could feel a little bit of anger start to build up, Zoe hadn't told me what day she had to move into Bristol and the fact that our last couple of days together were numbered made me feel a little sick. "Excuse me ladies" I coughed as I made my way into the bathroom. "Are you serious?" I groaned under my breathe as I shut the door. Running some cold water into my hands I slowly submerged my face as I fast short knock rang through the small room. "Whats up?" I asked as I pulled open the door watching Zoe rush in slamming it behind her.
"What is wrong?" she asked looking me over.
 "Just feeling a bit sick, I will be fine" I instantly lied.
 "Are you mad at me for going to Bristol? Do you think it will change things between us?"

"No, Zoe" I sighed, "I just didn't think it would be so soon."

"I know" she sighed as she slid up onto the sink counter pushing the hand soap and candles towards the wall. "But we do have tonight and the rest of the week. Plus when we come out as a couple..."

"And when will that be?" I asked as my eyes wondered over her body, "when are we going to let everyone know?"
"I...I don't know" she whined, "soon, I promise."

 "You promise?" I asked as I ran my hand up her soft and smooth leg.

 "Mhm" she grinned as I pulled both of them around my waist.

 "What are you doing Mr. Deyes?" she whispered, "your getting me worked up."

 "Really?" I asked as I left a small kiss on her neck, "how" I whispered back as I left a soft kiss on her lips.

"Alfie" she giggled as she pulled my lips back onto hers. 

     The next few minutes became a blur of kisses and shirt throwing as I stepped back to see her small bare stomach traced with beads of sweat. Following up to her bra I could feel my stomach start to flutter as she pulled her arms behind her ready to unbutton it until Louise screeched for Zoe from the living room.
"CHUMMY! Forget the breadsticks, our song is on!" "Wha...what song?" I asked as I watched her arms pull from her back in search of her shirt, "Summer Lovin' we always sing it" she panted as she pushed me back, "I'm sorry."

 "Its, okay" I lied as I watched her slip on her shirt, "rain check!" she smiled as she left a soft kiss on my chest.
"Yeah..." I groaned.

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