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"When thing end your always looking for something else. Yet for me that something else was here the whole time."


 Dialing random numbers on my phone I slowly put it up to my ear as the tears started to fall with one after another.

"Zoe?" groaned the low voice on the other end.

 "Can we talk?" I cried.

 "Whats wrong?"

 "I just really need to talk to you"

 "Where are you?" he asked with a more concerned tone.

"Down by the pond, Alfie and I broke up..."

"I'm coming!" he yelped as the screen went black.

 Within seconds Jack was at my side asking a thousand questions. "Where did he go, I'll kick his ass!" he growled.

 "He just broke up with me and left. He had to catch a train back home."

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked as his hand brushed against mine.

"Hold me?" I sobbed as I leaned into his arm.

 My mind soon became a blur as the good times that Alfie and I had shared clouded my mind. I tried to explain to him how big of a mistake it was yet he soon confronted me saying that he read mine and Jack's texts just hours before our picnic. He kept saying how disappointed he was in me and how big of a stranger I had became over the past weeks. I had been so confused ever since the night Jack had showed up at my door. Maybe Jack was what I really needed and wanted.
"Zoe?" Jack sighed as he continued to rub my shoulder, "I know this is a bad time to say this but..."
 "I love you Jack!" I blurted out as I turned to look at him, "I told Alfie that I loved you and I feel that its true."

 "Zoe" he smiled, "I have been waiting for you to say that" he laughed as his hands framed my face, "I love you."

Closing my eyes I was instantly taken back to the first time we kissed. The way his lips fit perfectly with mine was like a dream. His aftershave instantly filled my nose as we both became entangled within each other. His hands ran wild around my waist as I hung mine around his neck. "I love you so much Zoe" he whispered as his kisses became shallow and short as they ran the length of my cheek and then neck. Within minutes we were running into his room, slamming the door behind us as he pinned me against the door as his hands ran wild over my small body. Within hours I found myself laying naked with Jack tracing my back with one finger as I felt my eyes become heavy.



  "You can't do that man!" yelled Marcus, "how can you give up on someone like Zoe?"

 "Oh you mean the cheating, cold hearted Zoe?"' I growled as I took a drink of my bottled beer.
"Everyone has a moment of weakness, you can't just blow everything up over something so stupid." "Well I can" I sighed as I finished off the caramel colored drink.

 "Have you at least talked to her? Its been like what a month since you left her?"

"A month and a half, and no...I don't want to talk to her."

 "Alfie, I hate to be the one to say this but man you have to. Ever since you broke up with her you've been a mess."

 "I haven't been a mess" I sighed as I opened another beer.

"Your moms been worried about you, shes called every day since you left home. She says your on a path of destruction. Sleeping with..."

"Okay, that's enough small talk" I laughed, "but this man has some destruction to get to."

 "All I'm saying is call her!" Marcus screamed as I stumbled into his small guest room which had become my home away from home.

Since breaking up with Zoe I had left home and moved in with Marcus and Niomi. I vowed to never go back to the gutless man I had been before, it was time to start my life and what more to start your life than with random hook ups, with fans. Flipping my phone open I slowly scrolled down the comments on my last Facebook post about meeting up with some fans. After picking out a cutie I quickly sent her a message and waited. I didn't need Zoe to feel alive, all I needed was my YouTube channel and beer. Yeah, beer was good.

     "So your Alfie Deyes?" smirked the slim blond, "you know I've watched your videos from the start."

"Oh really?" I smiled as my eyes ran over her long tan legs. "So, do you have a boyfriend?" I questioned.
 "No, boyfriends aren't really my thing" she giggled, "how about you, do you have a significant other?"
"No way" I laughed as I took the last drink of my beer.
"Well, aren't you lucky?" she giggled as she walked around my small room, "so whats it like being a big YouTube star? It has to be exciting?"
"It has some perks" I nodded.
 "And what would those perks be?" she asked with a smirk.

"Well, you know...getting to meet some fit girls like you are a perk" I laughed as she sat down on the bed next to me.

 "Random hook ups?" she smiled, "is that a perk of being your fan?"
"It can be" I laughed as I popped open another beer, "want one?" I asked tipping it up.
"I just came over for you" she sighed as she kicked off her light blue vans.
"Sounds interesting" I sighed as I gulped down half of the drink.
 "It can be" she giggled as she wrapped her legs around my waist, "whats up Alife?" she giggled as she grinded her hips into mine. "You tell me?"
I sighed as she landed her lips on mine.

Random hook ups were a bonus of being a YouTuber. 



     "I can't wait until the meet up next weekend!  I think it will be a good time to come out as a couple!"
 "I don't know, Zoe" Jack sighed, "what if that dick is there?"

"Alfie?" I laughed, "so what, I have the man I want" I giggled.
"Oh really?" he smiled.

"Yes" I giggled.
 "You really know what I want?" he whispered.

"And whats that?" I smirked.

"You" he replied with a small kiss on my cheek.
 "You might be able to get that" I giggled as I gave him a small push as I sprinted ahead.

 "Don't make me chase you!" he screeched, "you know I'm a speed racer!"

"Come and get me loser!" I laughed as I ran into our dorm building.

It had been a month and a half since Alfie broke my heart, but also a month and a half since Jack and I had been together. I could really tell a difference in myself with Jack, its like I felt so much more confidence and joy in life. I had accepted the deal with the make up company and my YouTube channel had hit over 250 thousand subscribers.

"I'm coming!" laughed Jack as I heard the doors shut, jumping into the lift I pushed the up button frantically as Jack jumped in right before the door closed.
"Told you I would get you" he laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips softly yet with passion.



 After letting the random hook up out I stumbled over to the pile of mail Marcus had left for me on the bar. Rummaging through it I found the flyer to the annual London meet up. Setting back I read through all of the people that had already committed on being there, "Zoella280390" I read out loud as I finished off my third beer. "Well, looks like Alfie Deyes will be appearing too" I laughed as I sat back thinking of a way a could hurt her just as much as she hurt me.

Overjoyed - (A Zalfie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now