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"I will never forget how good Zoe looked in that white dress as I felt everything start to fall into place. I didn't know if it was because Jack had said she was fit, or the alcohol but I could feel my stomach start to turn as the party after the rehearsal dinner kicked into full swing."


  "So, are you having a good time?" I whispered over to Zoe as the laughs and loud music filled the already full room.
 "Tons" smirked Zoe as she took a sip of her cheap bottled beer, "how about yourself?"

 "Oh you know loads" I laughed as I took a long swig of my vodka and cranberry mix. Letting my eyes run around the small room I wasn't surprised by what I seen, with Jack and out other Youtube friends entertained a lot of the random guests. I really didn't recognize many of the girls until I spotted Marcus and Niomi as they  danced in the center of the room like two wild rabbits, grinding and hopping around each other.
"Marcus really has some moves" laughed Zoe as she seen where my eyes landed.
 "And who do you think taught him those?" I asked as I gave a little bit of robot action.
 "Go Alfie, go Alfie!" she cheered with a grin painted on.

     My dance moves where quickly interrupted when the music went from super loud to nearly off as Jack let out a loud scream, "time for some games, children!"
Letting out a loud sigh, I knew from just the tone of his voice that Jack was sloppy drunk which usually meant he was horny and ready to be a trouble maker.
"Everyone get into a circle its time for some T & D!"
 "Oh god" I groaned as everyone lazily made their way to the two beds.

 "Come on ALFRED!" he screamed as I lowered my head.
 "I take it your not a fan of drunk Jack?" Zoe laughed as she gave me a nudge.
 "You have no idea" I sighed as I slid onto the edge of my bed along with Zoe beside me.
 "So, who goes first?" asked Marcus as he flashed a cheeky grin.
 "Allllllfie" Jack laughed, "truth or dare?"
"I'm not playing" I sighed as I took a quick gulp of my drink.

 "Oh come on chap, just a quick round" smirked Marcus.

 "Don't be a prude" Zoe whispered as she gave my arm a nudge.

"Fine, Jack I pick dare."

 "Ohhhhh, dare!" laughed Jack as he eyed everyone in the room, "what shall we dare little Alfie to do?"

 Standing up quickly I watched his eyes shot around the room and instantly stopping on Zoe, I knew from the cheeky grin he had now plastered on his face, that something was about to happen.
 "I dare you to tell or show us how you really feel about our newest beauty guru, Zoella or also known as Zoe."

 "What are you talking about?" I scoffed as I looked over at Zoe, "we are really good friends."
 "Really?" laughed Jack as he pulled another beer from the small cooler, "because I've heard different."
Taking in the last bit of my drink I could feel my face start to turn beet red, "Jack don't start" I warned through clenched teeth."we are just friends."
 "Oh Alfred!" Jack laughed as he plopped down onto the other filled hotel bed, "we can all tell that you have some kind of.."
 "Can you just shut up?" blurted Zoe, "I mean we all know you and your games, so stop trying to make things awkward!"
Feeling my jaw hit the floor my eyes instantly went from Jack to Zoe. "Yeah...what she said" I coughed as Zoe fled from the bed and out the door.

     "Zoe!" I screamed as I raced out of the room and into the hall where she stood at the end looking out over the dimming sunlight.
 "I'm sorry for making a scene" she sighed as I stood beside her, "I am just so tired.."

"Tired of people telling you who you should like?"
"Kind of" she smiled. "Its just that Louise said that you like me, as more than a friend and I...Alfie I just don't know what to say or believe anymore."

"Why didn't you just ask me Zo? I know we've only been friends for a little bit but.."

 "Alfie I like you!" she blurted out as she turned her back to me, resting her head in her hands.

 Feeling my heart start to beat out of pace I could tell a foolish grin was now making its self known on my face. "You do?" I asked a bit surprised.
 "Well, I mean I know we haven't known each other for a while, but I kind of do." she muttered
 "I kind of like you, too Zoe." I laughed as I rested my hand on her shoulder as I turned her to face me.

 "Really?" she giggled as she uncovered her face. 

 "I mean, yeah. It may be a bit cliche but you are one of the most funniest and beautiful girls that I have ever seen. When we first met, it was like I was instantly connected to you.
"Not to mention we both have an inseparable bond over One Direction?" she added.
Letting out a laugh I slowly nodded, "yeah that too."
 "So, what now?" she asked as her small eyes slowly drifted onto mine, as I felt my hands drift around her small waist.

"Well, I guess we could go on a date together. There is a wedding happening tomorrow we could try as a couple" I explained with a grin, "but that is if you want to."

 Seeing a smile spread across her face I instantly knew what her answer would be, so before she could answer I lifted her small chin and slowly pressed my lips onto hers.

Overjoyed - (A Zalfie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now