He Is Really Gone

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"Life moves pretty fast, it brings you across paths that you would not normally take. As for me, I would have never thought two months in the future I would be were I am now." 


   "And you can take your dumb alarm clock too!" I screamed as I tossed another load of clothes out of the three story apartment building.

"Zoe, stop!" Jack screamed as he tried to catch everything.
 "Oh, can you please tell me who this Elle girl is then? And her twin sister Lizzie?"


"I didn't think so" I growled as I tossed another handful of clothes out. "I can't believe I trusted you! Your scum, Jack Harries! Nothing but two timing, cheating, double crossing SCUM!"

"Zoe, stop it!" he cried as a crowd started to gather around.

"No, Jack! I've had enough of this coming home late, smelling like another girl, bullshit! Not to mention your little hussies courage to call here looking for you? Its OVER! And I mean it this time!"

"Zoeeee!" he yelped as I slammed the large window shut.

Looking around the room I could finally start to feel peace in my head, even if my flat was nearly empty. Making my way to the bathroom I started to run a bath as I pulled out my phone and deleted nearly all of the pictures Jack and I had taken over the nearly four month fling.

     Stripping off my tear soaked pjs I slowly waded into the steaming hot bath along with a bottle of wine that I had stashed back from our house hold party just a month ago. Back then Jack seemed so into me and faithful. He was constantly make us cute little meals and candle light bedroom time, yet it seemed as time went on he left me alone a lot more. Just last night as I was preparing dinner Jack had left his phone on the counter as he took a quick shower, answering it was something, as I now look back now, good. It was that slut Elle looking for Jack and was accusing him for being out with her sister that night. Furious I confronted Jack which eventually ended just moments ago with our relationship being done. Sitting in the hot bath I could feel my eyes start to close as thoughts of Louise's baby shower ran through my mind. I was so happy to finally be able to get out of London and see one of my best friends.



    "And I will see you next time!" I smiled as I clicked end on my camera.

"I think this one will be a hit!" laughed Marcus as he fell back on the floor.
 "Of course it will be" I laughed as I turned off our big studio lights and started to put them away.

"How is your new internship going at the YouTube headquarters?" questioned Marcus.

"Really great, I mean its heads above the bakery. Its finally opened some doors for different jobs and videos."

 "Yeah like your baby food one with the random dude?" snickered Marcus.
"Yeah, I mean hes one of the top YouTubers from America, I think I'm finally start to break out over there."
"Well, man once you make it, make sure to promote me!"
 "Oh yeah" I laughed as I shut the small closet door, "so what are we doing tonight? You know since Niomi is helping Louise set up for the baby shower?"
 "I was thinking clubbing with the South African Slut?"
 "Caspar is here?" I yelped.
"Yeah, well hes suppose to be here soon, hes staying here this weekend. Even going to Liverpool!" he laughed.
"Won't this baby shower be fun then?" I laughed.

     "Alfie, you really should kick this whole pushed down hair" laughed Caspar as he gave me a slap on the back, "girls don't want to date their grandfathers!"
 "What do they want then?" I huffed as I starred at us in the large mirror.

 "The quiff" he smirked, "I mean One Direction does it, and they have like a million girls after them."
"Caspar, they sing and do that kind of stuff, I really doubt that it's the hair."
 "Your loss then" smirked Caspar has he pushed back some of his hair, "we'll see you gets all of the babes tonight."
"Marcus, can you please get this slut out of my room?" I laughed as I pushed him out of the mirror.



   Stepping out of the bath I quickly wrapped my small frame in a towel as I made my way through to the kitchen.

"Zoe?" I heard a deep voice call from the couch.
 "JACK!" I gasped, "you nearly gave me a heart attack."
"Can you please give me a second chance?" he begged.
 "No, Jack...its over." I sighed as I turned to the fridge.

"I can change, Zoe! I mean...I had a moment of weakness, no one is perfect."

"Apparently your not faithful either!" I screamed, "Jack, get out of here! Its over, I am tired of this. Just leave!"

"But Zoe!" he cried.

"No Jack! I am finished!"
 Watching his face drop I could tell that he finally got the picture as he slammed the door behind him. Running over to the door I quickly clicked all of the locks on as I dialed my brothers number.
"Ello? Zoe?" he answered in almost a daze.
 "Joe? Can you please come spend the night? Jack and I broke up, and...I just can't be alone."
 "Okay, okay...just calm down, I will be there soon." he sighed as he ended the call.
Since telling my parents about quitting college they practically banished me from their house in which the only person that would talk to me was my brother Joe. After he started his own YouTube channel, I knew that we would finally have something to bond over. I knew I could really count on him.



Walking into the club I could feel the music in my chest as the lights danced around the room.
 "This is awesome" laughed Caspar as he jumped in the middle of a group of girls and started to dance.
"Yeah...not my style" I laughed to Marcus as I quickly found a booth in the back of the club.
 After ordering a couple of drinks and watching Marcus and Caspar dance, I could tell that it would be a slow night. After Elle breaking up with me I hadn't really been in the market for a girlfriend. I had had enough heartache before that I wasn't really looking for another one. Scrolling through my twitter feed I noticed that Zoe was one of the trending topics. It was probably something to do with her and Jack which was something I didn't want to read about. Taking a long gulp of my bottled beer I let a laugh escape my lips as Caspar and Marcus both came stumbling to the booth.
 "Alfie, man you need to get out here, some of the chicks are tearing it up."
 "I...I don't know" I smirked.
"Your getting your ass out here, and your going to like it" laughed Marcus as he drug me out of the booth.
Slipping my phone back in my pocket I instantly threw my arms up as a big  chick started to dance around me.

"GO ALFIE!" screamed the crowd as I finally decided to let loose.  



  Cuddling up on the couch I watched as Joe flipped through the channels, "so its really over?" he asked as his glance ran into mine.
 "Completely" I sighed, "I am not taking him back."
 "Promise?" Joe sighed.

 "I promise" I groaned.
 "Zoe, you know I just want the best for you, it breaks my heart every time you call crying about how late his been out, or how hes went to bed not saying a word to you. Pardon my French but that's no fuckin' way to treat a girl. Especially my sister."
 "I know, Joe" I sighed, "but I feel like I've finally got my head on straight, "Jack is out of the picture, forever."
"I hope" Joe mumbled as he downed the rest of his beer.

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